A Reflection Of The Path Before You


This effect gives a bonus to a specific attribute (for example, +7 Perception). The bonus does not apply right away though - it must first be unlocked through the appropriate encounter in the Fractured Reflection. Once the requirements have been met, it grants the attribute bonus for the rest of that run (whenever you have that item equipped or effect active).

Unlock Requirements

  1. Reflexes - unlocked through the Fractured Reflection (Spring) by pulling the sword from the stone.
  2. Perception - unlocked through the Fractured Reflection (Summer) by giving the Maiden reflected scales.
  3. Strength - unlocked through the Fractured Reflection (Autumn) by speaking to the Crone at her hut about the tower and then killing the skeleton.
  4. Will - unlocked through the Fractured Reflection (Winter) by leaving a wolf tooth at the Grave Reflection.

Limited items Quest items
Unearthly items No trade items
Derivative unearthly Normal items

Sources of A Reflection of the Path Before You

+7 mirror-handled pistol, Postapocalyptic Spear
+7 mirror gang jacket
+3 mirror heart vest
+7 Eating Reflections

Note: Also affects Shaman's Oil use message and stats.

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