Abandoned Refuge



Initial Text

This warehouse was bustling with activity not long ago. You can see its remnants in things left half done.

Now you're alone, or at least you can't see anyone around.

Summary of Choices

  1. Loot the Place - Get 2-3 of cable tangle, corduroys, dirty old trenchcoat, empty can, headless doll, nuts and bolts, OmniWatch, salvaged pipe, smelly old pants, stolen crate
  2. Scrounge for Food - Get 2-3 of ancient candybar, canned green beans, canned gravy, caramel bar, dried fish, edible mushroom, half of a sandwich, instaheat soup, protein bar
  3. Walk and Observe - Gain 5 Perception
  4. Leave it Be - Walk Away

Choice Text and Results

Loot the Place


You ignore the dumpster on your first walk through. At a glance, it looks like they're throwing things away.

In reality, you're pretty sure it's storage. On the bright side, at least the rats probably can't get into it.

You help yourself to a few of the more interesting items abandoned here by the fleeing occupants.

You found: 2-3 of cable tangle, corduroys, dirty old trenchcoat, empty can, headless doll, nuts and bolts, OmniWatch, salvaged pipe, smelly old pants, stolen crate

or (after following the king back aways?)

Searching among the crates, you find a fairly nice dwelling. It has electricity wired in from somewhere, with a few bare bulbs casting illumination. A mirror, only slightly cracked, hangs on the wall made of old shipping containers.

Searching through the dwelling, you find an interesting set of tools. They're obviously cobbled together, brought together from across decades and brands, but you could take apart just about anything with these.

You found: salvaging tools

or (only when working for Dr. Thomas? and rarely or with another condition?)

Hidden among the endless piles of empty crates, you find three that look a bit newer. On closer inspection, they have the same routing markings as the ones you get from Dr. Thomas.

How many games is she playing?

You found: 3 crates of Eclipse

Scrounge for Food

You search around the abandoned warehouse and find a stack of crates arranged into a crude dwelling. The previous resident apparently hid a small stash of food in the sturdiest of the crates.

You found: 2-3 of ancient candybar, canned green beans, canned gravy, caramel bar, dried fish, edible mushroom, half of a sandwich, Instaheat soup, protein bar

Walk and Observe

You wander through the warehouse, examining crates and crude dwellings. You slowly put together patterns of people's desperate lives.

You can see where they piled crates to keep the drafts from blowing through the walls and where someone rigged a sheet of polysteel to catch the rain leaking through the roof. You can see piles of flotsam, some of it still dripping with the black slime Lake Metroplex has become known for. Piles of rocks and drawings in chalk might have been a game once. Pamphlets from the Blind Legion and Midgard recruiters, anarchists and government job agencies are all stacked as kindling next to scavenged bits of wood.

You can almost see their lives playing out before they fled.

You've earned 5 XP in Perception

Or, with any active energy of High Brow (once per day)

It's easy to forget sometimes that a lot of people have it even worse off than you did in Southside. Now you've hit the high life, though, and there's no turning back!

You've gained 20 energy of High Brow.

Subsequent times

You gaze out over the abandoned dwellings and stacks of ancient crates. It's hard not to feel a little better about your lot in life, looking over the abject poverty and desolation these people are subjected to.

You've earned 5 XP in Will

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