Advertising Agency

Note: This page refers to Oldos hacking, and no longer exists in the game.

Keywords: ad, advertising, advertisement, outreach, shoutreach, services, marketing, telemarketing


Action Access Alert* Notes
Elevate Privileges - variable
Browse Security Logs Full control/Level 5 0
Cancel Alert Full control/Level 5 - Allowed safely 1-2 times?
Browse Public Files Level 1 ?
Enact Sabotage Level 2 ?
Browse Secure Files Level 3 ?
Steal funds Level 4 ?
Browse hidden files Level 6 ?
Log out - ?

* Incognito reduces this - see Alert level for details.

Browse Public Files

As it turns out, the public files on this server are nothing but a giant wall of ads. Doesn't matter how much you close them or move them around, there are more ads behind them.


You glance through the first few waves of ads, seeing if there's anything useful. But, as always it's nothing but aphrodisiacs and other snake oil.

And then one of:

You peer around for a way through the twisting, bouncing layers of advertisements. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be anything past them.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

You make a bit of a game of things, trying to dodge past the endless wave of ads. It's actually kind of fun and you end up playing until your brain starts to slow down a bit.

You've earned 2 XP in Will

You make a bit of a game of things, trying to dodge past the endless wave of ads. It's actually kind of fun, but you're eventually distracted by links between the ads and their client's site.

Unless you're mistaken, that should give you enough of a hook to start cracking into it.

You follow the a link to <site name>.

Eventually you come across a faintly useful offer and arrange for its delivery through your false account. Can't argue with a free cookie.

You found: moist cookies

Eventually you come across a faintly useful offer and arrange for its delivery through your false account. Some free pep pills could come in handy. It's amazing they think they can sell these things, giving so many away.

You found: 2-4 pep pill

You've earned 2 XP in Will

…Eventually you come across a faintly useful offer and arrange for its delivery through your false account. Who could argue with a free six pack, after all?

You found: 6 bottles of Metros Light

You've earned 2 XP in Will

You peer around for a way through the twisting, bouncing layers of ads. Eventually, you scan deeply enough to chart a course through.

Deeper in the file structure, you're able to harvest a bit of code set aside for future ads.

You found: ad template, math subroutine, or networking code

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

You glance through the first few waves of ads, seeing if there's anything useful. But, as always it's nothing but aphrodisiacs and other snake oil.

You've earned 2 XP in Will

Eventually you come across a faintly useful offer and arrange for its delivery through your false account. Your 'samples' of painkillers arrive from Oceania. Which is to say, someone's claiming they're shipped from Oceania, but it took about ten minutes, so it's crosstown at the most.

These little guys haven't been available here for a while, but you have a feeling they won't do you any lasting harm.

You found: 2-4 painkillers

You've earned 2 XP in Will

Eventually you come across a faintly useful offer and arrange for its delivery through your false account. Island vacation here we come!

But when the delivery arrives it's nothing but ads for time shares. Damn it.

You found: 14-15 promotional pamphlets

You've earned 2 XP in Will

Enact Sabotage

You subtly rewrite their mail script so all the obnoxious offers they send out loop back instead. Should make some people's days a little less stressful… except the people that work for <name>, you suppose.

You've earned 3 XP in Will

You subtly rewrite their mail script so all the obnoxious offers they send out loop back instead. Should make some people's days a little less stressful… except the people that work for <name>, you suppose.

While you're messing around in there, you find a helpful looking code module and download the clean copy before you replace it with garbage.

You found: automation routine, or networking code

You've earned 3 XP in Will

You go through and wipe out hundreds of thousands of names from mailing lists. Well, it doesn't fix much in the long run but you just made a lot of people's days a little easier.

Towards the end, you notice your name on the list and remove it with extra relish.

You've earned 9-10 XP in Will

If you don't have experimental chemistry:

You go through and subtly modify dozens of ads to reflect the actual abilities and dangers of the products. That should take them a while to notice.

The chemicals in here are crazy. You can only warn about a few of them, but copy/paste a couple good notes to check up on later.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

You've earned 2 XP in Will

Condition? Which of the following is from experimental chemistry and what's the other trigger?

You go through and subtly modify dozens of ads to reflect the actual abilities and dangers of the products. That should take them a while to notice.

It really gives you a chance to show off your chemistry knowledge too. Most people couldn't even pronounce these chemicals names, let alone make them in a lab.

Gain a chemistry recipe (WHICH?)

You've earned 3 XP in Perception

You've earned 3 XP in Will

(Gain 6 XP each if you didn't learn the recipe?)

You go through and subtly modify dozens of ads to reflect the actual abilities and dangers of the products. That should take them a while to notice.

Man, it's a good thing you didn't learn chemistry from a text book, because most of these chemicals wouldn't have shown up there. Sadly about half wouldn't show up because they're considered too dangerous to use in a classroom environment.

You've earned 7 XP in Perception

You've earned 7 XP in Will

Browse Secure Files

There's some pretty incriminating looking business plans in here. You copy them down.

Never know when you might need to bring down [website name] after all.

You found: business plan.

It looks like someone left their central database for targeted marketing unprotected during a backup. You help yourself to as much as you can before they correct the error.

You found: 1-2 mailing lists.

It takes a bit of searching, but you find a database containing tens of thousands of names and addresses. You pull what you can.

That's got to be worth something to someone.

You found: target list.

It looks like someone left their central database for targeted marketing unprotected during a backup. You help yourself to as much as you can before they correct the error.

You found: 4-6 target lists.

Ah, they seem to have their client links hidden among their secure files. It's not a bad idea, but it's definitely not enough to keep you from grabbing them.

Their client list is expansive, but doesn't have any big names on it.

You follow links to <6 sites>.

Ah, they seem to have their client links hidden among their secure files. It's not a bad idea, but it's definitely not enough to keep you from grabbing them.

Their client list pretty small, or perhaps partially hidden elsewhere, but all the contracts seem to be rather large.

You follow links to <2-3 sites>.

Steal Funds

You transfer some funds down to your account. Hopefully your shielding programs will prevent them from connecting the dots.

You gained ? credits!

Browse Hidden Files

You search through the reams of advertising data, digging for hidden files until something jumps out at you.

And then one of:

Looks like they've been hiding a pretty substantial list of verified advertising contacts. From what you've heard, these are pretty valuable, especially in bulk like this.

You found: verified contacts

They have a whole series of name databases, one for each letter. You grab the ones you can find, but there might be more hidden in the system.

You found: 3-4 target lists

They have a translator for spamming people in multiple languages. It won't do you much good, but it looks pretty solid. Somebody might think it's valuable.

You found: primitive translator

Unless you're way off base, that little program handles wandering the net and gathering new contact information. It's probably worth something. Might even have some good code in it.

You found: ad spider

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