Aid From Above


Image beckoneye.jpg
Description Call on the flying eyes
Chain 8
Type Etheric
Attribute Will
Hidden Flags (Gaze Technique)
Special Base Damage 10 with the Tome of Binding

Attack Summary

Condition Base
You call for aid from above, but there is no response.
With a binding tome 10
You call for aid from above. A winged shape watches over <opponent>, its eye burning into <opponent> for <x> etheric damage.
You call for aid from above. A winged shape appears, gazing down at <opponent>, but its sight is deflected.
With a binding tome, following Ranged 13
You call for aid from above. A winged shape follows your shot, its gaze burning into <opponent> for x etheric damage.
With a binding tome, following a gaze technique 13
You call for aid from above. A winged shape follows your gaze, its gaze also burning into <opponent> for <x> etheric damage.
With a binding tome, if opponent has Entrapping Gaze 13 Takes priority over Ranged/gaze
You call for aid from above. A winged shape pins down <opponent> with its gaze for <x> etheric damage.


Defeating a flying eye while under Entrapping Gaze with a tome of binding equipped.

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