
Encounter Conditions
Initial Text
A quiet corner of the cathedral has an array of candles set up. Some are lit and others aren't.
There isn't any apparent pattern, but you do see a sheet with instructions for donating 10 credits and lighting one.
Summary of Choices
- Follow instructions - Lose 10 credits, and if you don't have any candles on your tab, gain 2 XP Perception; and if you have a candle equipped, learn Candle in the Dark
- Stop and think - Gain 2 XP in Will, or with a rosary equipped 3 XP Will and possibly Defensive Prayer
- Grab a candle - Gain church candle
- Leave them be - Walk away
Choice Text and Results
Follow instructions
If you have taken a candle (the game keeps a tally of how many candles you've stolen and gives this result until you've paid them all off):
You transfer the credits and light a candle… that probably pays back for the one you took, right?
(You lose 10 credits)
Otherwise, if you never took a candle or your candle debt is settled, without a candle equipped:
You transfer the credits and light a candle, watching the delicate stream of smoke extend into the vaulted ceiling.
You've earned 2 XP in Perception
(You lose 10 credits)
Otherwise, if you never took a candle or your candle debt is settled, with a candle equipped:
You transfer the credits and light a candle, watching as it pushes back the darkness a little bit.
You learned a new Technique: Candle in the Dark
(You lose 10 credits)
Stop and think
You spend some time at the candles, contemplating life and death. You don't find any grand answers, but it's good to slow down and really think things over sometimes.
You've earned 2 XP in Will
With rosary equipped:
You spend some time at the candles, meditating with the beads. You're not really sure what you're supposed to do with them, but they make you feel a little better.
You've earned 3 XP in Will
or (condition - see discussion):
You spend some time at the candles, meditating with the beads. You're still not really sure you're doing it right, but it makes you feel a bit better either way.
You learned a new Technique: Defensive Prayer
You've earned 3 XP in Will
or with an orange juice sample charge active:
You spend some time at the candles, meditating with the beads. You're not sure what it is, but it just makes sense somehow.
You learned a new Technique: Defensive Prayer
You've earned 9 XP in Will
Grab a candle
Hey, free candles. You grab one.
You found: church candle
Leave them be
You leave the candles to slowly burn.