Art Museum Bowl


Image Candy-Bowl25.jpg
Description This bowl is still filled with candy from the reopening on Metroplex University's art museum on Halloween. It's possible they'll get stale eventually but, frankly, with the preservatives they put in everything now, it's pretty unlikely.
Type Usable
Use You pour out the candy and inspect your haul like a child coming back from trick-or-treating.
Multi You pour out the candy and inspect your haul like a child coming back from trick-or-treating… apparently a child in a really cute costume coming back from trick-or-treating.
Effect 20 energy of Halloween Spirit
Get 6-7? of:
candy eyeballs
handfuls of candy corn
handfuls of peanut butter candy
pumpkin lollipops
classy candy bowl


Art Museum Candy, during Halloween 2012


Hammer25.jpg This item is not a component for any kind of crafting.
toolbox.jpg This item cannot be salvaged.
GoldCoins.jpg This item cannot be added to a gang stash.
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