
Encounter Conditions
Only if you have not already taken the bowl.
Initial Text
There are tables with buried in candy wrappers all over the museum. However, this is one of the few that still has candy in all those wrappers.
And, despite the lack of guards, nobody seems to have stolen the bowl here yet. You're probably not going to find many like this, though.
Summary of Choices
- Take a few - 4? of candy eyeball, candy corn]]], 10 energy of Halloween Spirit
- Take the bowl - gain art museum bowl
- Distribute some - gain 8 XP Will
- Turn down candy - Walk away
Choice Text and Results
Take a few
You grab a handful of candy from the mound, making sure there's enough left for everyone.
You found: 4? of candy eyeball, candy corn]]]You've gained 10 energy of Halloween Spirit.
Take the bowl
You doublecheck to make sure nobody's going to challenge you, then snag the entire bowl. Hah! All yours!
You found: art museum bowl
Distribute some
You grab a handful of candy and wander into the crowd, dropping treats into pumpkin buckets as you go. It's surprisingly satisfying, especially because candy seems to be in such short supply with everyone stealing everything.
You've earned 8 XP in Will
Turn down candy
You feel a little weird turning down candy on Halloween of all days, but you move on without touching the bowl.
Lose all energy of Halloween Spirit
See Walk Away