Back Door Barrels



Encounter Conditions

None (Shows up even when Etheric)

Initial Text

You find a few barrels that were just delivered to a back door. The people setting up are so busy running around, they seem to have missed them.

Although they look like they should contain toxic chemicals, they smell more like artificial sweeteners. They're apparently planning on using a lot of punch.

Summary of Choices

  1. Haul one up - gain 4 XP Strength, help party organizers
  2. Spike one with Grain Alcohol - (Only if you've heard the frat plan) Lose grain alcohol, helps frats
  3. Spike one with Rum - (Only if you've heard the frat plan) Lose rum flask, helps frats
  4. Spike one with Whiskey - (Only if you've heard the frat plan) Lose whiskey bottle, helps frats
  5. Add an Eclipse - (Only if you've heard about the Eclipse plan) lose Eclipse, help Eclipse plotters
  6. Add liquified Eclipse - (Only if you've heard about the Eclipse plan) lose liquified Eclipse, help Eclipse plotters
  7. Add a handful of Eclipse - (Only if you've heard about the Eclipse plan) lose 25? Eclipse, help Eclipse plotters
  8. Ignore them - walk away

Choice Text and Results

Haul one up

You grab one of the barrels and haul it up a few flights of stairs to the common room where they're being stored. The drums make it look like old petrol refinery, but it smells of artificial flavors.

Gain 4? XP in Strength

Spike one with Grain Alcohol

(Only if you've heard the frat plan)

You look around, making sure nobody's watching, then dump an entire mason jar of grain alcohol into one of the barrels. Well that should make somebody good and tipsy.

Lose grain alcohol, help frats

Spike one with Rum

(Only if you've heard the frat plan)

You crack the lid on a barrel and pour in the flask of rum. Normally it wouldn't be too bad, but that rum smells like strong stuff.

Lose rum flask, helps frats

Spike one with Whiskey

(Only if you've heard the frat plan)

You pop open one of the barrels and drain in the bottle of whiskey. It's strong stuff, but it'll take a few cups before people get too messed up.

Lose whiskey bottle, helps frats

Add an Eclipse

(Only if you've heard about the Eclipse plan)

You open a barrel and drop in a tablet of Eclipse before anyone gets close enough to see what's going on. Knowing Eclipse, that tablet should be enough to infuse the whole thing anyway.

Sadly, nobody's around to lug the barrel up, so you end up having to do it yourself.

Lose Eclipse, help Eclipse plotters

Add liquified Eclipse

(Only if you've heard about the Eclipse plan)

You drain the test tube of Eclipse into an opened barrel before anyone looks too closely. Anyone who drinks that should have an… interesting experience.

A dubious-looking volunteer immediately offers to carry it up the stairs for you. Maybe that didn't go quite as unnoticed as you thought.

Lose liquified Eclipse, help Eclipse plotters

Add a handful of Eclipse

(Only if you've heard about the Eclipse plan)

You pop open the lid on one of the barrels and carefully funnel in an entire handful of Eclipse. They merrily float around on the surface of the punk, slowly dissolving.

Well, whoever drinks out of that should have an interesting time. Thankfully, the Eclipse doesn't add much weight to the barrel as you lug it upstairs and hide it among the general collection.

Lose 25? Eclipse, help Eclipse plotters

Ignore them

You ignore the barrels and go about your business.

See Walk Away

(spiking barrels is a negative act as far as the coin effects are concerned - we should really figure out the details of how that works)

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