Banquet Room

  This page is about the party setup during Halloween 2017. For the same location in future years, see Banquet Room (2018) and Banquet Room (2019).


This is in the Downtown area.

This area counts as indoors, ???

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters Eclipse.jpg Etheric only
Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters coffee.jpg Non-Etheric only
defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters fishingpole.jpg Requires Fishing pole
LeatherJacket.jpg Gang Warfare Encounters PDA.jpg Can lead to a Hacking Encounter

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters

Opponent Encounter Text Notes
coffee.jpg? Ballroom Security A security guard points at you, shouting about how you need to leave as he rushes across the ballroom floor. Stolen wine?

Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters

Encounter Result Notes
Eclipse.jpg? Stagnant Ballroom Gain 20 energy of Croaking Cough Only without an air filter, after the water gets filthy enough

defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters

Silver Tower Lobby - On first time entering

  1. Mention Halloween - enter room
  2. Leave her be - walk away

Motherlode of Wine - When there are relatively few guards, randomly

  1. Unpack some wine - gain 4 XP Strength, adds more unpacked wine
  2. Grab some wine - gain 2 (or 5) bottle of red, bottle of white, removes unpacked wine
  3. Smash some wine - gain 4 XP Strength, removes unpacked wine
  4. Leave it be - walk away

Secured Wine - When there are relatively more guards, randomly

  1. Unpack some wine - nothing
  2. Join in - gain 2 XP Will, makes guards drunker
  3. Pass a thermos (with a thermos of Joe) - gain pitted thermos, 4 XP Will, makes guards soberer
  4. Grab some wine - nothing
  5. Shake them down - nothing?
  6. Rush in - fight 2 Ballroom Security
  7. Leave them be - walk away

Glowering Guard

  1. Start swinging - fight Ballroom Security
  2. Offer horrible black coffee - gain 4 XP Will, makes guards soberer
  3. Offer a bottle of red - gain 4 XP Will, makes guards drunker
  4. Offer a bottle of white - gain 4 XP Will, makes guards drunker
  5. Stay and chat - nothing
  6. Just walk by - walk away

Spooky Tree Construction

  1. Check out the chairs - gain 4 XP Perception
  2. Stack some chairs - gain 2 XP Strength and/or Reflexes
  3. Lash them with thick cabling (with thick cabling) - gain 4 XP Strength and/or Reflexes
  4. Add a gnarled branch (with gnarled branch) - gain 4 XP Reflexes and/or Perception
  5. Add a plastic branch (with plastic branch) - gain 4 XP Reflexes and/or Perception
  6. Finish with woodland crepe (with woodland crepe) - gain 4 XP Will
  7. Look for food instead - gain 2 XP Perception
  8. Search for booze instead - gain 2 XP Perception
  9. Keep wandering - Walk away

Spooky Forest Construction - After enough trees have been completed

  1. Help lay tarp - gain 2 XP Reflexes
  2. Hole some tarp - results
  3. Dismantle a tree - results
  4. Install skull pile (with skull pile) - gain 6 XP in Perception
  5. Install animatronic skull (with chattering skull)- gain 4 XP Perception
  6. Install animatronic raven (with animatronic raven)- gain 6 XP Perception
  7. Check the trees - gain 2 XP Perception
  8. Leave them be - walk away

Spooky Swamp Construction - After enough work on Spooky Forest Construction?

  1. Add more tarp - results
  2. Hole the tarp - results
  3. Check the water - results
  4. Install animatronic gargoyle - results
  5. Leave it be - walk away

Slow Moving Caterers - When not too many caterers killed

  1. Help get candy - gain 4 XP Reflexes
  2. Help with other food - gain 2-4 XP Perception
  3. Help carry wine - gain 4 XP Strength
  4. Talk decorations - nothing
  5. Murder them - fight Caterers
  6. Leave them be - walk away

Caterer Panic - When too many caterers killed

  1. Calm them down - nothing, or in Midgard Security outfit: calm them down and gain 4 XP Will
  2. Chase after them - fight Caterers
  3. Leave them be - walk away

Crates to Unpack

  1. Unpack some candy - gain 4 XP Strength
  2. Look for fancy food - gain 4 XP Strength
  3. Add a wriggling apple (with moving apple) - gain 2-4 XP Reflexes
  4. Check the apples after people added moving apples - gain 4 XP in Perception, remove bad apples
  5. Pocket something - 4? of: candy corn, candy eyeball, pumpkin lollipop or 2-3 of: caviar, crisp apple
  6. Leave it be - walk away

Schmoozing the Residents

  1. Talk wine - adds 250 to drinks fund
  2. Talk food - adds 100 to food fund
  3. Talk decorations - adds 200 to decorations fund
  4. Talk security - increases soberness of guards
  5. Talk costumes - gain 2 XP Will, or 4 XP Will if in costume or cyberware
  6. Elect for violence - fight Tower Resident (male)
  7. Blow him off - walk away

Schmoozing the Elegant Residents

  1. Talk wine - adds 100 to drinks fund
  2. Talk food - adds 250 to food fund
  3. Talk decorations - adds 150 to decorations fund
  4. Talk security - increases soberness of guards
  5. Talk costumes - gain 2 XP Will, or 4 XP Will if in costume or cyberware
  6. Elect for violence - fight Tower Resident (female)
  7. Blow her off - walk away

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