Benny Smith Memory


Image FaradCapacitor.jpg
Description This memory core holds a file labeled "Benny Smith," with a creation date just shy of a decade ago. That could actually put it before the "War on Chips," so it might've been legal when it was made.

The name rings a bell, though. You think it's the guy Zaibatsu sells the commemorative figurines of… like a fencing Benny, a baseball Benny, a polevaulting Benny, and maybe a discus Benny or something.

You always figured Zaibatsu just made him up. Maybe he was actually some crazy athlete.
Type Chip
Requires 9 Base Will
Use You slot the Benny Smith memory and wait for the emotions to start rolling in.

The memories come slowly at first. This recording really is old, the sensations feel almost… grainy.

But you feel yourself go through a round of excercizes wearing the body of a fantastic athelete. You swing at a couple baseballs, practice some fencing, go for a swim in the ice cold ocean, and get back in time for a hearty lunch. The strangest part is listening to the narrating voice in your head. You're not sure if they added that later somehow or if he just thought like that.
Multi You slot the Benny Smith memories and wait for the emotions to start rolling in.

The memories come slowly at first. This recording really is old, the sensations feel almost… grainy.

But you feel yourself go through a round of excercizes wearing the body of a fantastic athelete. You swing at a couple baseballs, practice some fencing, go for a swim in the ice cold ocean, and get back in time for a hearty lunch. The strangest part is listening to the narrating voice in your head. You're not sure if they added that later somehow or if he just thought like that.
Effects You've earned 3 XP in Reflexes
You've earned 1 XP in Strength


Encounter: University Net: View Shared Files with a formatted memory core in inventory.
No longer: Oldos Hacking: Public Files on a Blog website.


Hammer25.jpg This item is not a component for any kind of crafting.
toolbox.jpg unformatted memory core (1 expert data point)
GoldCoins.jpg .12 Drugs
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