Note: This page refers to Oldos hacking, and no longer exists in the game.
One of the more common varieties of websites.
Can be found with intrusive search and target search.
Keywords: blog, tube, tide, approved chamber, diary
Action |
Access |
Alert* |
Notes |
Elevate Privileges |
- |
variable |
Browse Security Logs |
Full control (Level 3) |
0 |
Cancel Alert |
Full control (Level 3) |
- |
Allowed safely 2,3 times |
Browse Public Files |
Level 1 |
8,8,7 |
Browse Secure Files |
Level 2 |
? |
Browse Hidden files |
Level 3 |
23,23 |
Log out |
- |
3,3 |
* Incognito reduces this - see Alert level for details. List with commas = sample data.
Browse Public Files
Huh, somebody left their password out in the public files. That's… unwise, but you swiftly take advantage of it to increase your access.
You find a link to one of the "friend's" sites, whatever that really means. At least they weren't dumb enough to hardcode in their username and password for you to snag.
You follow the a link to <another blog site>.
You find a forest of links to "friends" who you doubt <name> has talked to more than once or twice. You scan through the list to find the ones with obvious security vulnerabilities.
You follow the links to <4-5 random blog sites>.
You dig around a bit and… wow. You're not sure which is more appalling: <name's> lack of proper security or their choice of hobbies.
Watching the video… you're honestly a little disgusted, which is not an easy thing to do.
You found: blackmail material (no file scan required)
This appears to be <name>'s private diary. The writing is dry, to put it kindly, but <name> seems to actually have some legitimate insights.
(And, with high Will?)
You read up and spend some time thinking about <name>'s ideas. You feel a bit better about the world by the time you're done.
You've earned 2 XP in Perception
You've earned 2 XP in Will
(or, with lower Will? I had 10)
You try to read up, but despite your best efforts eventually drones you to sleep.
You gained 11? HP!
You've earned 1 XP in Will
You've earned 1 XP in Will
You're not sure why you went into the public files. Huge tracts of data are taken up by overwrought poetry.
Maybe someday <name> will be able to evoke the whole range of emotions, but right now that range seems limited to slight annoyance.
You've earned 2 XP in Perception
You've earned 2 XP in Will
And with satirical poetry equipped:
You jot down a few notes on your satirical poetry so it's not a complete loss. (allows you to turn it into vicious poetry on the Quad)
You're not sure why you went into the public files. It's just page after page after page of <name> complaining about parents, teachers, and popular kids.
You chuckle for a second, but it's hard to empathize. You try to remember your parents, but all you can come up with is a faint, misty memory of shouting and panic.
You chuckle at them, but it's hard to empathize. It always seems like you can remember high school… the things you liked and the shows you watched, but pressed for details, they just vanish like mist.
You've earned 2 XP in Will
An obtuse wall of Quantum Mechanics stands before you. It's… honestly kind of painful and doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
You've earned 1 XP in Perception
Or, trigger?
Huh. Well, applied quantum mechanics isn't technically all that useful but you can piece together enough to see what they're talking about.
You've earned 3 XP Will
Or, with quantum mechanics (skill):
Hmmmm… there's some interesting stuff, but nothing you don't already know.
You've earned 3 XP in Will
You find notes on an experiment you haven't tried already.
You've learned a new chemistry recipe: one of: caffeine IV, Numbing IV, Tranquilizing Cocktail, Nitro, potent painkiller, caffeine powder, powerful acid (from sulfur), Chocolate components (processed sugar and dark chocolate lump)
(missing first paragraph?) Nope, just plain old boring stuff like lab politics and marital strife.
You've earned 1 XP in Will
You scan through a huge block of statistics. There might be drugs that make that interesting, but you haven't found them.
You content yourself to practicing your math skills.
You've earned 2 XP in Perception
Or, with Studious Nature?:
You numbly scan through the huge block of statistics. Eventually, they click into place and you realize they've made several mistakes.
You've earned 2 XP in Perception
You've earned 2 XP in Will
<name> actually has some pretty good write ups of games. You can almost hear the crowds and smell the hot dogs.
Moderately inspired, you actually get up and move around a little. It's probably good for you.
You've earned 1 XP in Reflexes
You've earned 1 XP in Strength
Damn it, now a hot dog sounds good. (Gives bonus energy to jumbo hot dog and everything dog)
Or, with a file scan and formatted memory core:
Your file scanner picks up a weird glitch while you're reading the write up. Huh, looks like they hid a rather large file encoded in this document.
It's a high grade neural recording. Hard to say what it is without playing it from a chipdeck. You download it to a formatted memory core for later.
You found: front row memory, compromising memory core, or Benny Smith memory
You bounce from file to file, finding a growing stack of complaints about referees. Curiously, the refs only seem to be idiots when they're siding against <name>'s favorite team.
And with Artificial Rage or RAGE:
<name> is right! They were robbed! Referees make you so angry!
You should probably take a couple deep breaths and go smash something before you hurt your computer.
You gain 5 energy of Artificial Rage or RAGE
You've earned 2 XP in Strength
You've earned 2 XP in Will
You read the statistics for a while, absorbing reams of information.
Eventually you get bored and write a program to look over the data for you as you take a nap. When you wake up you're surprised both that you could code the script from scratch and with how elegant it is.
You found: math subroutine
You've earned 4 XP in Will
It's hard to say if <name> is actually terrified of the Corps taking over or it's just an excuse to play with guns and army clothes. Either way, you're not sure how <name> thinks the Corps haven't taken over yet.
And then one of:
There's a pretty good article about gun maintenance. You follow along and get your weapons nice and ready.
You've got to give it to <name>, it seemed to do the trick. It even had a section on needlers, which most people never even mention.
Gain 20 energy of Well Oiled Machine
There's a fairly good article about hiding out in the forest. You're not sure where <name> lives to have forests and the Corps not running things, but some of the tricks apply just as well here.
Gain 20 energy of Forest Movements (or 21 if you already have it active)
And, if you have a fishing skill of Advanced or lower?
It has a bit of advice about fishing too, which might come in handy next time you head out.
You've gotten better at fishing.
It has some advice about fishing too, but nothing you don't know.
There's a decent article on general gunplay. It isn't fantastic, but you learn something here and there.
You learned a new Technique: 3 of: Single Shot, Focused Burst, Short Burst, Precise Shot, Indirect Fire
You've earned 2 XP in Perception
Browse Secure Files
It looks like <name> has some interesting habits they probably don't want discussed in public. As it turns out, "secure" files weren't secure enough.
You download the data for future use.
You found: blackmail material (requires file scan)
It looks like <name> decided to store their banking information on their site. At least they didn't put it in public files.
You found: bank information (requires file scan?)
Well, you've found the part of the site where <name> only allows their friends. It's… really like the rest of the site, but with more complaining about other people who read the site but aren't in the in group.
It's kind of depressing, but you soldier through it.
You've earned 2 XP in Will
Or, if it's a poetry blog:
And to make it all worse, the whole thing is peppered with overwrought poetry.
And if you have satirical poetry equipped:
You jot down a few notes on your satirical poetry so it's not a complete loss.
Browse Hidden Files (requires Deep File Scan)
There aren't many people who would have a public site, then hide something on it. It's almost like they want to get caught.
And then one of:
It looks like you might have been quick to judge. They're hiding a mailing list so folks don't get at it too easily.
That worked okay until right now.
You found: mailing list
You've earned 2 Random XP (of Will and Perception?)
Looks like the only thing they have to hide is their banking information. They didn't do quite good enough a job, though.
You found: bank information
You've earned 2 Random XP (of Will and Perception?)
Looks like <name> falls into that category.
You found: blackmail material
Looks like <name> and all their friends fall into that category.
You found: 3 blackmail material
Only with formatted memory core in inventory:
They've got a neural recording posted for… themselves? Their good friends? Any hacker that wanders by?
Anyway, you download it to your formatted memory core to see if it turns out being handy.
You found: night on the town