Bloody Wreath Ornament


Image wrathornament.jpg
Description This ornament of tiny plastic branches has a couple of brilliant red juniper berries. It's not really until you realize the "berries" are actually droplets of blood that you begin to appreciate the artistry.
Type Usable
Use With a Christmas Tree installed:
You add the wreath to your Christmas tree.

You set aside the wreath for when you have a Christmas tree up.
Multi With a Christmas Tree installed:
You add the wreaths to your Christmas tree.

You set aside the wreaths for when you have a Christmas tree up.
Effects Adds a bloody wreath ornament to your Christmas tree


Gain a number of bloody wreath ornaments using a newly gotten Christmas tree during the Christmas 2011 event on Christmas equaling to the square root of your scariness score for the Christmas 2011 event.


Hammer25.jpg This item is not a component for any kind of crafting.
toolbox.jpg This item cannot be salvaged.
GoldCoins.jpg This item cannot be added to a gang stash.
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