Bored Guard



Encounter Conditions

Slags medical ID must be equipped.

Initial Text

A guard in a full-body containment suit is standing nearby. He fidgets, looking particularly bored.

Summary of Choices

Bored Guard

  1. Head over to chat
    1. Talk about Slags
      1. Can I buy that suit
        1. Sounds good - Lose 100 credits, gain containment helmet or containment suit top or containment suit pants
        2. I'll buy your whole suit for 500 - Gain containment helmet, containment suit top and containment suit pants
        3. No thanks - Nothing
      2. Take it by force - Fight Slags guard
      3. Thanks - Nothing
    2. Talk about security - Learn that you need a Slags Medical ID to avoid combat encounters
    3. Talk about survivors - Learn that Hel avoids drones
    4. Leave - Nothing
  2. Kill him - Fight Slags Guard
  3. Leave him be - Nothing

Choice Text and Results

Head over to chat

The guard leads you on a long, wandering conversation over his entire range of personal matters. He seems amenable enough to talk about something else, though.

Talk about the Slags

"Ahhhhh, the Slags are bad news, friend. That's why they gave us these!" He taps his containment suit with one hand.

"There's something in the air, makes you believe crazy things. Keep a helmet on and wear the rest of the suit, though, and… well, it can't hurt you as much."

Can I buy that suit?

"What? You want to what? Oh, man."

"I mean… I gotta pay rent, but… man." You hear him sigh inside the helmet.

"Alright, I do have one spare piece. Slightly used. Sell it to you for a hundred cred."

Sounds good

He glances around as he hands you his spare equipment. "Man, I hope I never have to explain that to the boss. Ugh."

You found: (containment helmet OR containment suit top OR containment suit pants)

(You lose 100 credits)

I'll buy your whole suit for 500

"Are… are you kidding? I guess not."

"Alright, but I have no idea how I'll explain this to my boss." He sneaks you back to the locker room and hands over his uniform for half a thousand cred.

You found: containment helmet

You found: containment suit pants

You found: containment suit top

(You lose 500 credits)

Take it by force

You reach forward to take the suit by force and the guard whips out his rifle to defend himself.

(Fight Slags guard)

Talk about security (Possibly the second time?)

"Well, the main security you already know about. If you don't have a badge on, well, the dogs'll get ya, along with everybody else."

"It's a pretty good system."

Talk about survivors

"Survivors?" He cocks his head back a bit as though he's surprised.

"Don't go looking for any survivors! Have at least a couple chumps a month who go looking for the crazy lady out east… never come back." He shakes his head.
Learned to just send out drones. I think they scare her. At least… she avoids them and that's good enough for me."

Kill him

You charge the guard. He steps back and draws a strange gun, but seems otherwise caught off-guard.

(Fight Slags guard)


With the August 26th 2012 revamp, the cost of the containment suit was halved. Used to be 200 for a piece, 1000 for all three.

Old text:

I'll buy the lot for 1000

"Are… are you kidding? I guess not."

"Alright, but I have no idea how I'll explain this to my boss." He sneaks you back to the locker room and hands over his uniform for a thousand cred.

You found: containment helmet

You found: containment suit pants

You found: containment suit top

(You lose 1000 credits)

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