Branded Champagne


Image Champagne-Bottle.jpg
Description This miniature bottle of free champagne has the Midgard logo prominently imprinted on the front. Text on the back exhorts users to drink responsibly, which seems a little unlikely because they give everyone a bottle on the same day.
Type Drug
Requires 2 Body
Use You pop the cork, sending it ricocheting wildly off nearby objects. After that, the champagne is kind of a disappointment.

It's festive, sure, but also mouth-puckeringly tart and almost painfully carbonated.
Multi-Use You pop the corks one by one, sending them ricocheting wildly off nearby objects. After that display, there's no way the champagne can measure up.

Sure enough, it's festive but mouth-puckeringly tart and almost painfully carbonated.
Effects Gain 50 energy of Champagne Drunk
Gain empty champagne bottle
Gain 5 XP in Perception


Using a Midgard Party Crate


Hammer25.jpg This item is not a component for any kind of crafting.
toolbox.jpg This item cannot be salvaged.
GoldCoins.jpg .06 Goods
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