Brute Force Charnel House Testing
Items to Test
I'm omitting unearthly and unearthly-derivative items and also limited-time content from holidays, etc. (This includes Oldos programs with no obvious Novos replacement.)
Items are listed in ascending ID order.
Items marked * are from inside the Charnel House.
- paper mask
- giant paper mache head
- knit cap
- security visor
- lieutenant's shades
- gas mask
- scarred silver mask*
- Original Charnel House quest implemented
- Midgard cap
- regal crown
- heavy containment helmet
- improved visor
- Black Ops HUD
- filtered HUD
- slick shades
- filthy pistol
- cheap pistol
- brass knuckles
- riot baton
- heavy pistol
- lead pipe
- Midgard MK9
- slick holdout
- old fishing pole
- broken bottle
- suspicious rifle
- protest sign
- razor knuckles
- the bone scepter*
- hooked chain*
- red hot pipe*
- Original Charnel House quest implemented
- spider drone leg
- Midgard MK11a
- fungus spear (has an item gap right after it …)
- anchor chain
- crystal spike
- ancient saber
- ancient rifle
- needler rifle
- ghoul maw
- thick cabling
- live cable
- Metroplex slugger
- KZR needler
- Eurasian handcannon
- handcrafted blade
- bloody switchblade
- slammer bottle
- hunter sidearm
- garbage sticker
- trash golem heart
- tome of binding
- Original Charnel House quest implemented
- trauma reference
- battered hammer
- replica sword
- Slags medical ID
- hound crystal
- giant bat wing
- headless voodoo doll
- lashing golem heart
- crawling golem heart
- writhing golem heart
- living sludge heart
- beating sludge heart
- walk with the blind
- artificial hound crystal
- bad poetry
- satirical poetry
- Midgard riot shield
- shock shield
- Midgard blastshield
- dirty old trenchcoat
- old jacket
- light armored vest
- Third Eye shirt
- Third Eye vest
- bloody shirt*
- holocaust coat*
- Original Charnel House quest implemented
- scrubs top
- prototype vest
- zombie shirt
- heavy containment top
- monitoring vest
- team jacket
- armored jacket
- lined coat
- smelly old pants
- comfy jeans
- corduroys
- strange pants
- bloody pants*
- * Original Charnel House quest implemented
- scrubs bottoms
- sheet of scales
- zombie pants
- heavy containment pants
- armored pants
- lined pants
- antiquey watch
- OmniWatch
- electrical kit
- Etheric focus* (found both inside and outside the CH)
- Myers sampling kit
- first aid kit* (also found outside the CH)
- stopped watch*
- personal focus* (reward for completing Problems on the Docks quest, but not technically from inside the CH)
- student PDA * (same)
- Original Charnel House quest implemented
- targeting scope
- basic scope
- watch of tomorrow
- Biotech PDA
- ancient focus
- caffeine IV
- numbing IV
- Slags IV
- biomonitor kit
- antique scope
- retromodern scope
- hunter focus
- quick draw holster
- The Claw (doubtful; could not be installed until much later)
page revision: 2, last edited: 27 Apr 2020 00:00