Business Plan


Image Cube25.jpg
Description This file is a detailed layout of a morally, maybe even legally, questionable business plan. Sadly, no government or watchdog group or charitable organization will probably be able to do anything.

The corps competitors, on the other hand? They'll eat this up. Now you just have to find them.
Type Data
Sell <Various messages, see golden ticket>
Effects You found: golden ticket with Golden Chip access


Crack a Locked Courier Chip with a simple Signal Analysis Circuit
Locked Courier Chip Signal Analysis Circuit
= Courier Data (gain one of the following at random:
Ad Spider, Ad Template, Raiding Database, Target List, Trade Secrets, Verified Contacts)

No longer: Oldos Hacking: Secure files on a Advertising Agency, Antiques Shop, Consumer Goods, Electronics Supply or Materials Supplier website


Hammer25.jpg This item is not a component for any kind of crafting.
GoldCoins.jpg This item can be discarded via the gang stash.
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