Caller Punch


Image punch25-full.jpg
Description The punch in this bowl mostly submerges the comments printed on it. From what you can tell, at least they're positive.
Type Drug
Requires 5 Body
Use You drink the entire bowl of punch, slowly revealing more positive comments as you do.
Multi You drink bowl after bowl of punch, slowly revealing more positive comments as you do. They're really just the same comments each time, but it's still pretty nice.
Effects You've gained 75 duration of Etheric (or other Sight effect; gain 15 additional energy per Eclipse Duration)
You've gained 75* duration of Sugar Rush.
You found: caller punch bowl
You've earned 37* XP in Reflexes

* Gain same amount of Sugar Rush as Etheric; gain half as much Reflexes as Etheric, rounded down.


Halloween 2023


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