Encounter Conditions
Post-Christmas 2010
The handful of students remaining on campus are gathering the remnants of the Third Annual Abominable Snowman Contest into one giant pile of snowy abdomens, twisted limbs, and staring coal eyes. It's nice to see students actually doing their civic duty for once.
You've earned 4 XP in Will
Or, if you haven't gotten a silk top hat this Christmas:
The handful of students remaining on campus have gathered the remnants of the Third Annual Abominable Snowman Contest into one giant pile of snowy abdomens, twisted limbs, and staring coal eyes. It's nice to see students actually doing their civic duty for once… that said, the results are pretty terrifying.
Hey, somebody's throwing away a perfectly good hat!
You found: silk top hat
Or, if etheric (?), and you lost your silk top hat:
The handful of students remaining on campus have gathered the remnants of the Third Annual Abominable Snowman Contest into one giant pile of snowy abdomens, twisted limbs, and staring coal eyes. It's nice to see students actually doing their civic duty for once… that said, the results are pretty terrifying.
Among the folds of snow and limbs jutting out at awkward angles, you see a silk top hat. Ah! That's where that went.
As you consider the best route to approach it, the monstrous snow thing turns its staring eyes towards you.
(Fight Abominable Remains)
Or, if etheric, and you have not lost your silk top hat:
The handful of students remaining on campus have gathered the remnants of the Third Annual Abominable Snowman Contest into one giant pile of snowy abdomens, twisted limbs, and staring coal eyes. It's nice to see students actually doing their civic duty for once… that said, the results are pretty terrifying.
You're a little surprised it hasn't tried to rip your face off. Maybe it's missing something… or maybe you should just be thankful.
You've earned 4 XP in Will