Christmas 2017

It's the annual Abominable Snowman competition!

December 20

New Quad:


The Waterfront: (to be confirmed)
Coal Shipment

  1. Dig them out
  2. Look for the source
  3. Leave it be

The Dorms:
Abominable Snowman Leaderboard

The Happy Hour:
Festive music available from the DJ and Everyday Disco.

The Quad: (to be confirmed)

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters

Opponent Encounter Text Notes
coffee.jpg MidgardSecurityGuard.jpg MidgardSecurityGuard.jpg A pair of security guards tromp through the snow, looking equally irritated at you and the weather. However, it would seem they can't bring their batons and gas to bear against the weather. Only after throwing a molotov cocktail in the Abominable Snowman Competition
Remains unlocked forever
Eclipse.jpg Pyrotechnicsnowman.jpg As you're wandering through the Quad, you find someone's built a snowman away from the mass of the Abominable Snowman contest. Actually, it seems to be dragging itself towards you with its branch arms.

As you consider what to do, its snowy mouth opens and a gout of fire escapes.
Only after throwing multiple(?) molotov cocktails in the Abominable Snowman Competition

Noncombat Encounters

Trees For Good Deeds

Choice Encounters

coffee.jpg Help For Hipsters 2015
  1. Help out
  2. Look at snowmen
  3. Where are the trees?
  4. Sing about wassailing
  5. No thanks
coffee.jpg Abominable Snowman Competition
  1. Roll some snow - Unlocks "Stack your snow", 4 XP Strength
  2. Look for branches - Gain 2-3 gnarled branches
  3. Look for coal - Unlocks Coal Shipment choice encounter on the Waterfront
  4. Stack your snow - Unlocks "Finish your snowman", 3 XP each Reflexes and Strength
  5. Finish your snowman - Makes a snowman if you have 2 lumps of coal and 2 gnarled branches, unlocks "Add more claws", "Add more eyes", "Add some fangs"
  6. Add more claws - Adds 1 to Abomonometer rating, 4 XP Will, uses 2 gnarled branches
  7. Add more eyes - Adds 1 to Abomonometer rating, 4 XP Perception, uses 2 lumps of coal
  8. Add some fangs - Adds 3 to Abomonometer rating, 5 XP Reflexes, uses 2 icicle fangs
  9. Add a horn - Adds 3 to Abomonometer rating, 6 XP Will, uses 1 sharp stick
  10. Add a head - Adds 4 to Abomonometer rating, 6 XP Will, uses 1 snowman head
  11. Throw a Molotov - Adds 1 to Snowmen Destroyed rating, uses 1 molotov cocktail
  12. Check things out - Gain XP depending on progress of competition
  13. Leave them alone - Walk away
Eclipse.jpg Snow Goons
  1. Pick one off - fight a fresh snowman
  2. Charge a fanged one - fight a fanged snowman
  3. Approach a horned one - fight a horned snowman
  4. Rush a staring one - fight a staring snowman
  5. Challenge the giant - fight the towering snowman
  6. Rampage through the little ones - fight a Swarm of Tiny Snowmen
  7. Rampage through the big ones - Fight 2 Fresh Snowmen, which turn into a Fuzed Snowmen
  8. Run in terror -
  9. Back away slowly -


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