Circuit Fragments


Image pileofjunk.jpg
Description Not sure what this used to do, but there are a lot of usable components left. Could probably build something useful out of it with an electronics kit and a little know-how.
Type Misc


Opening a damaged Zaibatsu crate (99.9% chance at at least one)
Defeating Trash Golem or Writhing Mass in the Open Computer Lab (only!)
Defeating one of the following with an electrical kit or salvaging tools equipped: Boris, Burrowing Drone, Drone Hound, Helidrone, Midgard SD1, The Hammer (first time only), Wall Turret
Collapsed Dorm encounter: Rubble Trouble
Computer Lab encounter: Open Workstation
Dockside Sewers encounter: Scavenge Sewers
Engineering Lab encounter: Room 16 Lockers
Midgard Bioresearch encounter: Testing Lab
Midgard Laboratory encounter: A Room from the Vision, Lab Terminal
Southside Park/Southside Park Before Quest encounter: Scavenge Southside
The Quad encounter: Scavenge the Quad Trash from Environmentalists
Waterfront encounter: Scavenge Waterfront
Using a scrap heap or scrap pit (any of them)
Redirect from Shoreline Shipping Drones via Guidance System

toolbox.jpg Halloween skeleton, microrocket, module chip, Omniwatch, signal analysis circuit, many others


Construct a temporary neural bridge from a Safety Loop, two Frayed Cables, and some Circuit Fragments
Quest Recipe: Learn recipe from Neural Networking paper
toolbelt.jpg Safety Loop, 2 Frayed Cable, Circuit Fragments
= Juryrigged Bridge
Piece a usable stick together from six Circuit Fragments
Quest Recipe: learn recipe from the Neglected Bookshelf
Circuit Fragments Circuit Fragments Circuit Fragments Circuit Fragments Circuit Fragments Circuit Fragments
= Memory Stick
Cobble a chip together from four Circuit Fragments and a Polysteel base.
Quest Recipe: learn recipe from the Neglected Bookshelf
Polysteel Circuit Fragments Circuit Fragments Circuit Fragments Circuit Fragments
= Processor Chip
Reconstruct four circuit fragments into a simple circuit.
Quest recipe: Learn from Electrical Engineering I or the Neglected Bookshelf
toolbelt.jpg 4 Circuit Fragments
= Signal Analysis Circuit
toolbox.jpg This item cannot be salvaged.
GoldCoins.jpg This item can be discarded via the gang stash.
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