Class Files


Image Library.jpg
Type File System

Responses to Functions

Function Message U Result
Offense ≥ 1 You batter the file system, deleting swathes of files. 1+Ob (removes routine)
Command ≥ 1, first time per dayc You poke around at the class files some. A process someone left running overnight crashes spectacularly when your command touches it, leaving behind only a pile of disassociated code. 1-2 You found: networking functions, and one of: search script, command script
Command ≥ 1, sometimes You order the file system to display a list of files, but the system files alone mean there's too much to go through without a search of some kind. 0
View ≥ 1, first time per dayc You find a process some student had left running overnight. As you look at it more closely, it crashes spectacularly, leaving behind only disassociated code. 1 You found: networking functions, and one of: search script, filtering script, command script
View ≥ 1 and Command ≥ 1 You dig into the student directories a bit, finding fragments of someone's homework. 2 You found: 1 of: filtering script, command script, search script, (or after unlocking the recipes?) crash script, secured transmission functions
View ≥ 1 and Command ≥ 1 and CF ≥ 1d10a You dig into the student directories a bit, finding some interesting fragments of code among the students' homework. You found: 2 of: filtering script, command script, search script, (or after unlocking the recipes?) crash script, secured transmission functions
View ≥ 1, 50% chance? First 1-4 times (seems to depend on Perception?):

Scanning through the system, you find… a ton of boring papers. That's not really surprising, but there's not much you can pick out from them.

Further times:

Scanning through the system, you find… a ton of boring papers. They are starting to make sense, though.

You've learned a new Skill: Handscripting
0 Gain 1 XP
View ≥ 1, 50% chance? Scanning through the system, you find some useful-looking networking code. You should be able to make it interface with basic scripts. 1 You found: networking functions
Other The file system seems content to leave you alone. 0
  • Offense takes priority.
  • View+Command takes next priority.
  • View or Command takes next priority.
  • Defense, and Null count as Other.

a 1d10 = pick a random number between 1 and 10. (need confirmation for exact d)
b Unsubtle bonus = the amount of Offense you used that round, plus one.

c Shared flag between both Command and View. First time per day for either one gives that message, otherwise gives normal messages.


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