Clustered Shot


Image clusteredshot.jpg
Description A Ranged Attack that can trace preceding ranged attacks for added effect
Chain 8
Type Ranged
Attribute Perception
Base Damage 7
Hidden Flags (Burst Technique, Science Technique)
Special +3 Base Damage following a Ranged Attack

+7 total Base Damage when following two

Attack Summary

Condition Base
Normally 7
You fire a tightly clustered burst at the <opponent> for <X> damage.
Following 1 Ranged technique 10
You compensate for your previous shot and fire a tight burst, dealing the <opponent> <X> damage.
Following 2 Ranged techniques 14
You masterfully compensate for your previous shots and fire another burst at the <opponent> for <X> damage.
While underwater 3
Your compensations don't account for murky water. Your burst flies mostly past the <opponent>, only dealing <X> damage.
While underwater, following 1 Ranged technique 8
Your compensations adjust slightly for the water. Your burst strikes the <opponent> for <X> damage.
While underwater, following 2 Ranged techniques 14
You compensate masterfully for underwater firing, firing a burst into <opponent> for <X> damage.
With an automatic weapon equipped 10
You compensate for your automatic fire, sending a tight stream of bullets to deal <opponent> <X> damage.
With an automatic weapon equipped, following 1 Burst technique 14 *
You compensate for your automatic fire, continuing the tight stream of bullets hammering into <opponent> for <X> damage.
With a speargun equipped 6 (works underwater, no cascade bonus)
Spearguns mostly don't do bursts. Even so, your well-aimed shots deal x damage.
  • With an automatic weapon following a burst technique, you can sometimes get after the battle:

You learned a new Technique: Continuing Fire


Using an optical clip.

Used by (opponents)

Holographic Gunman
Janet Barsukov

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