Contraband Wine


Image wine%20bottle.jpg
Description The new label printed on this bottle of wine clearly states "this is not wine," so it's probably safe to take with you to work. It even says "great for desk drinking," so someone's thinking ahead.

Why the new label has pumpkins on it is left somewhat more mysterious.
Type Drug
Requires 3 Body
Use Despite the labeling, this is definitely wine and the good stuff at that. It reminds you of Halloweens, both recent and long past.
Multi Despite the labeling, this is definitely wine and the good stuff at that. Each bottle reminds you of a Halloween, whether recent or long past.
Effects Gain 40 duration of Wine Buzz
Gain 40 duration of Halloween Spirit
Gain 10 XP in Will


Halloween 2023


Hammer25.jpg This item is not a component for any kind of crafting.
toolbox.jpg Salvageable, probably powdered glass?
GoldCoins.jpg .16 Goods
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