Crane Memory


Image FaradCapacitor.jpg
Description Although this memory is labeled "Extinct Crane Footage," it was picked out as one of the finest in the Third Eye's shipments from outside of Metroplex. There's no commentary on their decision, just "AAA" written on the side of the memory core with a red marker.
Type Chip
Requires 9 Base Will
Use You slot the crane memory and wait for the emotions to start rolling in.

The memory is long and slow-paced, encapsulating hours of intently waiting and watching for a crane, long thought to be extinct, followed by a few moments of ecstatic joy at the bird's appearance.

You may never know for sure what inspired the Third Eye to pick it out among all their recordings, but the fidelity is incredible and the uncompromising watchfulness is certainly worth picking up on. More than that, you feel as though you remember being more watchful, some time when you had to watch every window and make every step with caution for fear of… something.
Multi You slot the crane memories and wait for the emotions to start rolling in.

The memory is long and slow-paced, encapsulating hours of intently waiting and watching for a crane, long thought to be extinct, followed by a few moments of ecstatic joy at the bird's appearance.

You may never know for sure what inspired the Third Eye to pick it out among all their recordings, but the fidelity is incredible and the uncompromising watchfulness is certainly worth picking up on.
Effects You've earned XP in Perception (inversely proportional to your stats - gain ~350 XP with low Perception, and ~2-3 XP at 50 Perception)
You've earned 1 XP in Reflexes
You've earned 1 XP in Will


The Third Eye choice in Smuggler's Market


Hammer25.jpg This item is not a component for any kind of crafting.
toolbox.jpg unformatted memory core
GoldCoins.jpg .12 Drugs
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