NOTA BENE: Feel free to edit this page, but only if you're sure how the layout works. If you'd like to help out but are daunted by this page, leave a bolded message between the dashed lines below or contact Vholes Piper in-game. Your contributions are appreciated. =)
NOTE TO SELF: Post-reset, remember to gather chemistry-craftable quest items:
- empty injector (if possible)
- lake serpent sample
- sludge heart
Protein analyzer stuff:
- ghoul teeth -> ghoul protein
- hound dust -> fine hound dust
- + ectoplasmic sample -> burning ectoplasm
- kraken ink -> ink extract
- larval acid -> charred blob
- liquified Eclipse -> Eclipse residue
- stone spider chitin -> spider ash
- trash golem heart + capacitor array -> shivering capacitors
- withered tendrils -> toxic oil
2 Feb 2015 Vholes is missing:
achromatic ingot, achromatic mass, achromatic metal powder, black pearl, black petals, empty injector, equinox coin, mass of guano, Slags antidote, solstice coin, vine sprout
To find a chemistry recipe, scroll down to the ingredient that comes first alphabetically, and find the other ingredient below it. Recipes are not repeated. This is so Vholes can keep track of what he's tested.
Achromatic Ingot
aqua regia: 2xachromatic metal powder
NEEDS TESTING: achromatic metal powder, cave salamander, children's paint set, coin of the seasons, equinox coin, gas grenade, glimmering crystal half, glimmering crystal hunk, mold heart, personal serum, pearled shark tooth, snowman head, solstice coin, vine fungus, paper mache horn, scorched gem, sea vine
NEEDS TESTING: sprouting slime, painted star
Achromatic Mass
aqua regia: achromatic metal powder
NEEDS TESTING: brick slime, cave salamander, Coin of the Seasons, empty injector, equinox coin, gas grenade, mold heart, paper mache horn, personal serum, scorched gem, sea vine, snowman head, vine fungus, vine sprout
NEEDS TESTING: sprouting slime, painted star
Achromatic Metal Powder
achromatic metal powder: achromatic ingot
sludge heart: achromatic heart
NEEDS TESTING: brick slime, cave salamander, coin of the seasons, equinox coin, gas grenade, mold heart, personal serum, snowman head, vine sprout
NEEDS TESTING: vine fungus, paper mache horn, scorched gem, sea vine
NEEDS TESTING: sprouting slime, painted star
Agar Powder
black spores: mushrooms (3-5 selected from any growable mushroom (besides black spores))
mutant cell sample: mutant cell culture
virulent cell sample: virulent cell culture
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Albino Crocodile Hide
aqua regia: 5 glimmering crystal chips
fuming acid: glimmering crystal hunk
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Ancient Timepiece
aqua regia: ?xglimmering crystal chips
fuming acid: glimmering crystal piece
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Anxiety Medication
Ease: anxiety killer
Ectoplasmic sample: misty pill
potent painkiller: tranquilizing cocktail
shaman's staff: shaman's dust
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Aqua Regia
gauzy parasol: 5-6 glimmering crystal chips
gold foil: chloroauric acid
gold powder: chloroauric acid
mislit snake skin: serpent powder
paper mache horn: 4? tubes of nightmare fuel
rocky spores: cracked spores
scorched gem: 2-4? tubes of nightmare fuel
shocking organ: 5-6 glimmering crystal chips
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Bat Guano
black spores: mushrooms (warty toadstool, large mushroom, shaman staff)
powerful acid: fuming acid
putrid mass: mass of guano
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Black Pearl
black pearl sludge: cultured pearl
grain alcohol: black pearl sludge
NEEDS TESTING: brick slime, equinox coin, mold heart, sea vine, vine sprout
NEEDS TESTING: sprouting slime
Black Pearl Sludge
fine hound dust: black crystal orb
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Black Petals
black petals: purple tea
liquified Eclipse: infused petals
mislit flower: flower distillate
sparkling Eclipse: sparkling petals
tendril ointment: rose balm
NEEDS TESTING: brick slime, equinox coin, sea vine, vine sprout
Black Shark Tooth
grain alcohol: shark tooth and black liquor
sludge heart: hunter's heart
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Black Spores
toxic Eclipse: nightmare fuel
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Border Slammer
kraken's heart: industrial heart
liquified Eclipse: Eclipse slammer
Nova: Nova slammer
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Brick Slime
sea vine: sprouting slime
sludge heart: mold heart
trash golem heart: mold heart
vine sprout: sprouting slime
NEEDS TESTING: empty injector, equinox coin, mass of guano, Slags antidote, solstice coin
Brilliant Spark
brilliant spark: tamed fire
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Burning Ectoplasm
fuming acid: plasmic acid
smoking blob: fiery blob
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Caffeine Powder
IV bag: caffeine IV
Nova: 2-4 pinches of cut Nova
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Cave Salamander
hound dust: glass salamander
NEEDS TESTING: empty injector, equinox coin, sludge heart, solstice coin
Charred Blob
fine hound dust: smoking blob
Hound Eclipse: porous crystal
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Children's Paint Set
gold powder: glittering paint set
nightmare fuel: nightmarish paint set
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Chocolate Gelt
chocolate gelt: chocolate components (processed sugar OR dark chocolate lump)
ghoul protein: fleshy coins
gold foil: gilt chocolate coins
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Coin of the Seasons
plasmic acid: winter coin, autumn coin, summer coin, and spring coin
NEEDS TESTING: empty injector, equinox coin, sludge heart, solstice coin
Concentrated Venom
destroying angel: venomous angel
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Dehydrated Eyedrops
flask of tears: medical tears
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Destroying Angel
flask of tears: toxic tears
liquified Eclipse: toxic Eclipse
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
dynamite: Nitro
gas grenade: unmarked-grenades
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
fine hound dust: crystal syringe
liquified Eclipse: Eclipse syringe
Nova: smooth Nova
shaman staff: shaman's brew
shocking organ: shocking syringe
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Eclipse: liquified Eclipse
liquified Eclipse: soaked Eclipse
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin,
Eclipse Residue
liquified Eclipse: sparkling Eclipse
virulent cell sample: writhing cell sample
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Ectoplasmic Sample
sea vine: sargasso vine
shriveled hand: Hand of Glory
silver ingot: shining ingot (only with Mercy Killer)
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Empty Injector
liquified Eclipse: Eclipse injector
painted star: paint injector
Slags antidote: antidote injector
tendril ointment: ointment injector
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin, gas grenade, lead, mold heart, personal serum, sea vine, snowman head, vine fungus, vine sprout, paper mache horn, scorched gem, sprouting slime
Enhanced Firework
enhanced firework: twin firework
gas grenade: smoky firework
gold foil: gold firework
white flakes: dangerous firework
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin
Equinox Coin
NEEDS TESTING: equinox coin, all of the below
Fine Hound Dust
ectoplasmic sample: burning ectoplasm
lead: metallic powder
sparkling Eclipse: smoking Eclipse
Flask of Tears
kraken's heart: weeping heart
tiny squid eyes: rinsed squid eyes
Flickering Spark
flickering spark: brilliant spark
Fuming Acid
gauzy parasol: glimmering crystal point
powerful acid: aqua regia
shocking organ: glimmering crystal half
Fungus Spear
poltergeist solution: writhing spear
toxic Eclipse: toxic spear
vine sprout: vine spear
Gas Grenade
Nitro: unmarked-grenades
NEEDS TESTING: sludge heart, solstice coin
Gauzy Parasol
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Ghoul Protein
sparkling Eclipse: ghoul elixir
warring samples: ghoul cell culture
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Ghoul Teeth
larval acid: nightmare fuel
tendril ointment: ghoul maw
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Glimmering Crystal Half
glimmering crystal hunk: glimmering crystal solitaire
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Glimmering Crystal Hunk
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Glimmering Crystal Piece
glimmering crystal point: glimmering crystal slab
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Glimmering Crystal Point
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Glimmering Crystal Slab
glimmering crystal solitaire: glimmering crystals
Glimmering Crystal Solitaire
Gold Foil
kraken's heart: gilt heart
lake pearl: gold pearl
truffle: gilt truffle
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Gold Powder
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Grain Alcohol
massive pearl: dissolved pearl
mottled crystals: sulfur
mutant cell culture: preserved cell culture
lake pearl: pearl liquor
mislit apple: apple rotgut
pearled shark tooth: shark tooth + pearl liquor
tiny black pearls: black liquor
withered tendrils: tendril ointment
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Hound Dust
hound Eclipse: artificial hound crystal
liquified Eclipse: hound Eclipse
tendril ointment: gritty ointment
toxic Eclipse: toxic crystal
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Hound Eclipse
mislit apple: ruby apple
mislit wolf tooth: crystal hound's tooth
shaman staff: crystalline mushroom
shriveled hand: crystal hand
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Ink Extract
mislit strands: black strands]
tiny squid eyes: mass of squid eyes
water sapphire: sea sapphire
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
IV Bag
potent painkiller: numbing IV
Slags antidote: Slags IV
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Kraken Ink
liquified Eclipse: inky eclipse
sludge heart: kraken's heart
water sapphire: inky sapphire
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Kraken's Heart
silver ingot: argent heart
withered tendrils: squirming heart
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Lake Pearl
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Lake Serpent Sample
powerful acid: Nitro
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Larval Acid
larval acid: powerful acid
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
NEEDS TESTING: mass of guano, Slags antidote, solstice coin
Legal Firework
Nitro: enhanced firework
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Liquified Eclipse
mutant cell sample: soaked cell sample
personal serum: personal Eclipse
reused syringe: 4 flasks of powerful acid
vine fungus: soaked vine fungus
water sapphire: Eclipse sapphire
withered tendrils: slimy Eclipse
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Loose Eyeball
nightmare fuel: staring eyeball
poltergeist solution: rolling eyeball
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Loose Scales
mislit snake skin: interlocked scales
tendril ointment: sheet of scales
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Lump of Coal
powerful acid: refined petrol
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Mass of Guano
powerful acid: 3 flasks of fuming acid
smoking blob: putrid blob
NEEDS TESTING: mold heart, vine sprout, vine fungus
NEEDS TESTING: sprouting slime
Massive Pearl
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Mislit Apple
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Mislit Flower
tendril ointment: flower ointment
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Mislit Mushroom
shaman's staff: shaman's oil
shriveled hand: mislit hand
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Mislit Snake Skin
NEEDS TESTING: sludge heart, solstice coin
Mislit Strands
nightmare fuel: crawling strands
serpent powder: serpent's strand
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Mislit Wolf Tooth
nightmare fuel: bleeding wolf tooth
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Mold Heart
warring samples: mold culture
NEEDS TESTING: Slags antidote, solstice coin
Mottled Crystals
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Mutant Cell Culture
nightmare fuel: twisted cell culture
reused syringe: treated cell culture
Slags antidote: inert cell culture
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Mutant Cell Sample
toxic oil: virulent cell sample
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Nightmare Fuel
Nitro: necrotic vial
octopus eye: staring octopus eye
Omnitech trauma bandage: black bandage
putrid mass: disgusting slug
silver ingot: black silver ingot (requires Undead Scourge)
tiny squid eyes: pulsating eye
virulent cell sample: warring samples
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
white flakes: NitroX
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
(none left unmentioned)
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Octopus Eye
toxic tears: toxic octopus eye
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Octopus Ink
sparkling Eclipse: sparkling ink
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Oily Spear
powerful acid: petrol sludge
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Omnitech Trauma Bandage
tendril ointment: slimy bandage
toxic oil: toxic bandage
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
painkiller: potent painkiller
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Painted Star
NEEDS TESTING: Slags antidote, sludge heart
Paper Mache Horn
NEEDS TESTING: sludge heart, solstice coin
Pearled Shark Tooth
sludge heart: petrol sludge x3, Shark Bite technique
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Pep Pill
pep pill: caffeine powder
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Personal Serum
shaman staff: serum mushroom
shriveled hand: living hand
tendril ointment: personal ointment
NEEDS TESTING: sludge heart, solstice coin, vine sprout
Petrol Sludge
petrol sludge: refined petrol
putrid mass: refined petrol
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Plasmic Acid
shivering capacitors: poltergeist solution
sludge heart: poltergeist solution
solstice coin: summer coin, winter coin
trash golem heart: poltergeist solution
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Poltergeist Solution
steel ingot: quivering steel
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Potent Painkiller
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Powdered Glass
powdered glass: blown glass trinket
sludge heart: black glass heart
snowman head: snowman head ornament
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Powerful Acid
mutant cell culture: earn 2 XP Perception (burns sample away)
mutant cell sample: earn 2 XP Perception (burns sample away)
NB: you only gain the XP the first time you burn something mutant away. It's just a waste of material after that.
sludge heart: 4 samples of petrol sludge
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Putrid Mass
smoking blob: putrid blob
water sapphire: putrid sapphire
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Refined Petrol
rusted gun: improbable gun
water sapphire: petrol gem
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Reused Syringe
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Rocky Spores
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Rusted Gun
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Scorched Gem
NEEDS TESTING: sludge heart, solstice coin
Sea Vine
NEEDS TESTING: Slags antidote, solstice coin, vine sprout
Serpent Powder
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Serpent Venom Gland
shaman staff: serpent's staff
serpent venom gland: concentrated venom
spider venom sample: concentrated venom
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Shaman Staff
shocking organ: sparking staff
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Shivering Capacitors
warring samples: shivering cell culture
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Shocking Organ
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Shriveled Hand
tendril ointment: bloody hand
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Silver Ingot
(none left unmentioned)
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Slags Antidote
(none left unmentioned)
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
NEEDS TESTING: sprouting slime
Sludge Heart
spider eggs: spider nest
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
NEEDS TESTING: vine fungus
Smoking Blob
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Snowman Head
NEEDS TESTING: solstice coin
Soaked Cell Sample
Omnitech trauma bandage: filmy bandage
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Solstice Coin
NEEDS TESTING: solstice coin
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
NEEDS TESTING: vine fungus
NEEDS TESTING: sprouting slime
Sparkling Eclipse
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Spider Ash
spider venom sample: concentrated venom
warring samples: spider cell culture
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Spider Eggs
(none left unmentioned)
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Spider Venom Sample
spider venom sample: concentrated venom
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Sprouting Slime
vine fungus: vitalized fungus
Steel Ingot
(none left unmentioned)
Tendril Ointment
toxic oil: oily balm
Tiny Black Pearls
(none left unmentioned)
Tiny Squid Eyes
toxic tears: toxic squid eyes
Toxic Eclipse
(none left unmentioned)
Toxic Oil
warring samples: tendril culture
NEEDS TESTING: vine sprout
Toxic Tears
(none left unmentioned)
Trash Golem Heart
(none left unmentioned)
(none left unmentioned)
Vine Fungus
(none left unmentioned)
Vine Sprout
(none left unmentioned)
Virulent Cell Culture
(none left unmentioned)
Virulent Cell Sample
(none left unmentioned)
Warring Samples
(none left unmentioned)
Warty Toadstool
warty toadstool: toadstool oil
Water Sapphire
(none left unmentioned)
White Flakes
(none left unmentioned)
Withered Tendrils
(none left unmentioned)