Cybernetic Graffiti



Encounter Conditions

Halloween 2020 Setup
After sufficient work on Sanguine Art?
With skeletal cyberleg and biomonitor circuit in inventory? Did not have formatted memory core in inventory.


Strange marks, like graffiti smeared with blood, cover one of the columns. You don't think much of it at first but… that part looks like a leg and… it really seems like a half-remembered cybernetic diagram.

Hmmm, you could probably work with this.

You've learned a new device recipe: Recording Bone Leg - Fit a Biomonitoring Circuit and two Formatted Memory Cores into a Skeletal Cyberleg (2 Energy)

Or, after further art progress?

Strange marks, like graffiti smeared with blood, cover one of the columns. You don't think much of it at first but… that part looks like a skull and… it really seems like a half-remembered cybernetic diagram.

Hmmm, you could probably work with this.

You've learned a new device recipe: Crystal Focus Skull - Attach two Artificial Hound Crystals and two natural Hound Crystals to an Exposed Skull (2 Energy)

Or, after further art progress?

Strange marks, like graffiti smeared with blood, cover one of the columns. You don't think much of it at first but… that part looks like an arm and… it really seems like a half-remembered cybernetic diagram.

Hmmm, you could probably work with this.

You've learned a new device recipe: Gesturing Bone Arm - Wire a Skeletal Cyberarm with a Twitch Controller and a Neural Bridge (2 Energy)

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