Dancing Fae



Encounter Conditions

Only with Fae Sight active (other forms of Etheric do not work)
Only on the David's Exploration quest

Initial Text

You find one of the fey lights bobbing and weaving to a strange rhythm. David's looking for intelligent creatures in the ether and you have a feeling this being qualifies.

Summary of Choices

  1. Talk to it - Leads to Mushroom Cavern with Fae Blessing active
  2. Dance with it - Gain 10 energy of Fae Blessing, gain 4 XP in Reflexes
  3. Leave it - Walk away

Choice Text and Results

Talk to it

Without Fae Blessing:

You attempt to strike up a conversation with the light and it wanders off. You try to follow, but find yourself stymied by a wall the light dances right through.

If you have Fae Blessing:


You attempt to strike up a conversation with the light and it wanders off. You follow, although the path seems impossible.

You move up and through walls, behind the brickwork and ancient pipes, until you find yourself in a massive cavern filled with towering mushrooms.

Leads to Mushroom Cavern

Dance with it

You dance with the light. It's fun, trying to match the light's insane rhythms.

Eventually it dances right through a wall to the same unheard music. Huh.

You've gained 10 energy of Fae Blessing.

You've earned 4 XP in Reflexes

Leave it

See Walk Away

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