Dark Mad Science Lab



Encounter Conditions

Thinking about Patchwork Dreams
Haven't already unlocked the Massive Glass Tube, or have unlocked it and gotten a piece of cyberware or an experimental beaker from it

Initial Text

You turn a corner and find yourself in what looks like a lab… It might be more accurate to say it looks how people who trust the movies would expect a lab to appear.

The controls are dark, but obscure devices still crackle with residual electrical energy. If it was shut down, it must have been recently, despite its antiquated technology.

Lose 1 energy of Etheric

Summary of Choices

  1. Poke around - gain capacitor plug or suture needle
  2. Install a capacitor array - lose capacitor array; replace this encounter with Massive Glass Tube
  3. Install a capacitor plug - lose capacitor array; replace this encounter with Massive Glass Tube
  4. Examine the equipment - gain 4 XP Perception and possibly hints at some numbers
  5. Back away slowly - 4 XP in Will

Choice Text and Results

Poke around

You see a glint of metal underneath one of the tables. Crouching down, you find it's a bit of electronics… looks like one of the capacitor plugs from back before handheld devices moved to microcapacitors.

You found: capacitor plug


You see a glint of metal underneath one of the tables. Crouching down, you find it's a wickedly curved needle with some thread attached.

It looks like something out of an ancient doctor's office… or a bad dream about an ancient doctor's office.

You found: suture needle

Install a capacitor array


It takes a few tries, but you eventually connect the microcapitors into the old hardware. The panels light up and a glass tube near the center of the lab fills with bubbling liquid.

Lose 1 capacitor array; replace this encounter with Massive Glass Tube

Install a capacitor plug


You slot the capacitor plug into the convenient capacitor-plug-shaped slot. The panels light up and a glass tube near the center of the lab fills with bubbling liquid.

Lose 1 capacitor plug; replace this encounter with Massive Glass Tube

Examine the equipment

The panels in the lab are dark at the moment, but covered in buttons and switches. Centrally located on the largest panel is a simple dial that wouldn't look out of place on an old combination lock.

Of all the controls, it's the only one that looks used or worn in the slightest.

And then, one of:

There are some hash marks against a wall near the panel, barely more than scratches. Whoever was counting got up to 0 before they stopped.

The panels seem to be unmarked, except a faint carving of "66" near the dial.

A scrap of bloodstained paper is half-stuck beneath the panel. You can't read most of it, but it looks like part of it was "102."

Whoever used to use these must have already known how, because nothing is labeled.

You've earned 4 XP in Perception

Back away slowly

It looks so interesting with all the switches and buttons and that dial over there. But you manage to pull yourself away without touching anything.

You've earned 4 XP in Will

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