Data Bouncer


Image DataBouncer.jpg
Type Defensive System

Responses to Functions

Function Message U Result
Offense = 1 You take a metaphorical swing at the bouncer and manage to catch him… it offguard. It shatters into meaningless sparks of data. 2
Offense = 1-2, low CF You take a metaphorical swing at the bouncer. He… it doesn't hit back, but the atmosphere in the system feels substantially less friendly.

Someone put some serious work into this thing.
Offense = 4 You take a metaphorical swing at the bouncer. His… its form derezzes slightly then shatters.

Well, that did the job.
2 Gain 1 XP, remove routine
Command You request access from the bouncer and he… it presents you with a quiz.

At 1 Command:

At 2 Command:
You request another for good measure.

At 3? Command:
You request more for good measure.

At 5-6? Command:
You request as many as you can handle.

And then, one or more of:
The bouncer gives you a quiz on <something>.

Or if you get a quiz you've already attempted and failed:
There's another quiz on <something>, but you skip it.
1 If you pass a quiz, remove routine
View This "Bouncer" program is a basic defense, but it seems to be set up with a sort of quiz in place of the normal password. You should be able to command it to bring that up. 0
The Bouncer watches you with practiced, or programmed in this case, disdain. ?


Pass Fail Repeated
The bouncer gives you a quiz on art, specifically the paintings in the university's art museum. It goes pretty easily and, after five questions, the bouncer lets you through. The bouncer gives you a quiz on art, specifically the paintings in the university's art museum. It doesn't go particularly well. There's another quiz on art, but you skip it. Have Art Appreciation
If you are Etheric:
There's a quiz on hallucinations. You're living them right now, so it's not really hard to answer them.

Or else:
There's a quiz on hallucinations, obviously from Eclipse. You're able to figure out what they're looking for and make your way past the bouncer.
There's a quiz on hallucinations. The questions don't really make sense and the bouncer rapidly rejects you. ?? Be Etheric

There's a quiz on obscure philosophy, not at all dissimilar from what you'd find in a philosophy class. Luckily, you've become familiar with enough of the arguments to appease the bouncer. There's a quiz on obscure philosophy, not at all dissimilar from what you'd find in a philosophy class. Unfortunately, you haven't spent much time in philosophy classrooms and don't make much headway on the quiz. ?? Read enough articles on philosophy from Post Archives.
There's a quiz on the Emerald Gift. It's a good thing you're literally listening to them right now or you wouldn't have a shot. But you manage to get enough right that the bouncer lets you through. There's a quiz on music… which seems to consist entirely on trivia about the band Emerald Gift. You've heard of them, but you don't get far before the bouncer rejects you. There's another quiz on that band, but that's not going anywhere. Have Emerald Gift active
The bouncer presents a quiz on poetry, asking you to fill in the next step. It turns out they're simple node poems and you easily wrap them up. The bouncer presents a quiz on poetry, asking you to fill in the next step. The answers all seem equally terrible and you have little luck finding the "right" ones. ?? Have programmatic satire equipped.
Halloween 2016: The bouncer plays some weirdly synchopated music for you. It's like a counterpoint to what you're listening, so you're able to answer the questions. The bouncer plays some weirdly synchopated music for you. It sounds familiar, like something you remember from a dream, but you can't identify the patterns. ?? With Cavern Chimes?
Halloween 2016: The bouncer asks some vague questions about Halloween, but you've got all the answers he needs. The bouncer asks some vague questions about Halloween, but you don't really have any answers for him. You get some more questions about Halloween, but they're every bit as vague. With Halloween Spirit
Halloween 2016: You get some questions about trick-or-treating, that you can answer honestly enough. The bouncer lets you through. The quiz dives into some questions about trick-or-treating. It's not something you really have a ton of insight into. You get some more questions about trick-or-treating, but haven't figured it out in the meantime. With a trick-or-treating bucket equipped.
Halloween 2016: You've heard of the Emerald Gift before, but you're not about to identify their songs. ??


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