Deep Crater

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Looks like whatever happened here rained the area with rocks as much as just scouring it. There are huge craters everywhere.

(If you've completed the Slags Antidote Quest)

You call up Larry and he guides you back under the wall. It's like a maze down there.

(If you are completing the Slags Quest with Hel)

You call up Larry and he guides you back under the wall. It's like a maze down there.


Hel moves cautiously as you exit the Slags. Once you're all the way out she peels off the containment suit and motions you over.

If all survivors are alive:
"Alright let's split up. I'm going to the restaurant in Southside Loki has been haunting. Meet me there once you're sure Midgard isn't following you."

If Lo and David are dead:
"Alright let's split up. I'm going to meet up with Sif at Loki's old haunt. Meet me there once you're sure Midgard isn't following you."

If Lo, David and Dr. Amundsen are dead:
"Alright let's split up. I'm going to the resturaunt Loki used to haunt. Meet me there once you're sure Midgard isn't following you."

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