Disguises are combinations of equipment which provide hidden advantages when worn together, typically granting access to an area or to specific content within an area.
Most (if not all) of these outfits give special rewards for trick-or-treating on Halloween.
Table of Contents
Achromatic Outfit
Hat: achromatic mask
Weapons: achromatic blade or achromatic rifle
Offhand: achromatic heart or achromatic lamp or achromatic shield
Shirts: achromatic vest
Pants: achromatic slacks
Effects: Achromatic Glow
- No known effect other than Halloween (all 5 items but no glow is enough for a costume)
- Tested for avatar, no success
Bum Outfit
Hat: knit cap
Offhand: garbage sticker
Shirt: dirty old trenchcoat, gutter leathers
Pants: smelly old pants or elegantly torn pants
Effects: Dust Covered, Vile Camouflage
With 3 items equipped:
- Unlocks the Van Pickup encounter in Southside Park
- Takes you to the operating room in the Out of Your Cell encounter
- Changes some options with the Church Refugee
- Appearance is Everything: +2 Stealth Power
Vs opponents with 1? item equipped:
- Enhances Cane
- Has not been tested for avatar
Insane Bum
The Bum
Filthy Bum
Unwashed Man
Call Center Outfit
Hat: call center headset, commemorative headset
Offhand: call center ID
With 2 items equipped:
- The Broad Chested Headset Man will tell you to get back to making phone calls
Catering Outfit
Offhand: bloodied tray?, catering tray, honorary catering tray
Shirt: catering uniform
With 2 items equipped:
- Changes the results in the Fancy Catering encounter.
Vs opponents with 1? item equipped:
- Enhances Cane
- Has not been tested for avatar
Clubbing Outfit
Hat: trendy Midgard cap
Shirt: clubbing shirt
Pants: clubbing pants
With 3 items equipped:
Lets you fight two drunken dancers at once in Everyday Disco
- Has not been tested for avatar
Construction Worker Outfit
Hat: honorary hardhat, loaner hardhat, Midgard cap, Midgard hardhat or Omnitech hardhat(?) (or trendy Midgard cap? - untested)
Weapon: battered hammer, gnawed hammer, the Hammer's sledge, polysteel support or steel length
Shirt: safety vest
Pants: comfy jeans or work pants
Gadget: electrical kit
With 3 or more items equipped:
- Construction Site: replaces Lot Inspection with Lot Inspected
- Construction Site: replaces Authorized Personnel Only with Wandering Newbie
- Construction Site: unlocks Hardhat Zone
- Appearance is Everything: +2 Melee Defense
- Halloween 2012: Lets you into the Hollow Dorms
- Halloween 2012: Unlocks Get Back To Work
- Has not been tested for avatar
Containment Suit Outfit
Hat: containment helmet or heavy containment helmet or infested containment helmet
Shirt: containment suit top or heavy containment top or infested containment top
Pants: containment suit pants or heavy containment pants or infested containment pants
(ripped/cracked containment does not count)
ONLY with 3 infested items equipped:
- Increases damage of Call the Swarm
With any 3 items equipped:
- Provides +10 HP bonus resting in the slags
- Lets you through the slags gate
- Lets you talk to the guard in the Charnel House (reopened)
- Lets you enter the Operating Theatre in the Midgard Laboratory*
- Lets you to get an unsealed top/pants from the Living Sludge
- Lets you walk on the tatter section of the Massive Oil Slick
- Lets you get the deteriorating shipment from the Lungs Of Lead encounter
- Counts as an air recycler
- Appearance is Everything: +2 Etheric Defense
* Needs spading and/or documentation for how the doctor outfit interacts with this
- Has not been tested for avatar
Doctor Outfit
Hat: reinforced surgical mask or surgeon's mask
Weapon: costume scalpel
Shirt: scrubs top
Pants: scrubs bottoms
With 1 item equipped:
- Enhances Shadowed Mask
With 2 items equipped:
- Avoid fighting most opponents in Midgard Bioresearch, and unlocks some other encounters
With all 3 slots equipped:
- Allows you to enter the Operating Theatre in the Midgard Laboratory
- Allows you to enter, avoid detection and save guards in the Hollow dorms
- Appearance is Everything: +2 First Aid
- Has not been tested for avatar
Janitorial Outfit
Weapon: commemorative mop, mop
Offhand: janitorial ID
Shirt: janitorial shirt
Pants: janitorial pants
Lets you scan your badge to enter as a janitor in the Headquarters Entrance result
Maintenance Storage: The Suspicious Janitor is not suspicious of you (with 3 outfit parts).
- Has not been tested for avatar
Lot Inspector Outfit
Offhand: construction checklist, dusty clipboard or memos from the crypt
Shirt: dusty suit coat
Pants: dusty suit pants (to do — check other suit/pant parts.)
With 3 slots equipped:
- Authorized Personnel Only result
- Has not been tested for avatar
Magical Princess Outfit
Weapon: magical princess wand
Shirt: magical princess dress
- Halloween costume
- Has not been tested for avatar
Mailroom Outfit
Hat: Midgard cap, trendy Midgard cap
Weapon: ornate letter opener?? (package opener, knives, switchblades? needs investigation)
Offhand: mailroom ID
Lets you scan your badge to enter as a mailroom employee in the Headquarters Entrance result
- Has not been tested for avatar
Midgard Security Outfit
(Midgard Heavy Outfit parts listed in bold)
Hat: gas mask, improved visor, Midgard heavy helmet, Midgard Records visor or security visor
Weapon: collapsible baton, Midgard heavy gauntlets, Midgard MG2, Midgard MK8, Midgard MK9, riot baton or thick baton
Offhand: Midgard riot shield, ballistic shield, heavy riot shield, gel shield or shock shield
Shirt: elite tactical vest, light armored vest, Midgard heavy vest, thick vest, dual armored vest or prototype vest
Pants: Midgard heavy pants
Gadget: battered badge or dorm security badge
(Needs testing: deputy badge, Halloween security badge)
(Midgard blastshield, silvered shield, heavy/gel/jagged/reflective/steel/shark hide baton, Midgard MK11a, optical visor don't count)
With 1 item equipped:
- Enhances Masked Shot
With 2 items equipped:
- Different results in the Wave of Protesters encounter on The Quad (during protest)
- Different results in the Protester Punk encounter on The Quad (during protest)
- Unlocks the Boring Guard encounter on The Quad (during protest)
With 3 items equipped:
- Unlocks the Mistaken Punk choice encounter on The Quad.
- Allows entry to the Hollow Dorms and various effects inside.
- Unlocks Cubicle Patrol encounter in the Records Office
- Appearance is Everything: +2 Bonus Power when the Defender has no Technique
- Has not been tested for avatar
Mummy Outfit
Hat: mummy mask
Shirt: torso wrappings
Pants: wrapping pants
- (No known effect other than Halloween?)
- Has not been tested for avatar
Office Worker Outfit
Hat: -2 (at least) for Raider mask
Weapon: +1 for opera gloves
Offhand: +1 for downtown executive ID, downtown manager ID, downtown visitor ID, light briefcase or sealed briefcase
Shirt: +1 for black dress shirt, bouncer suit jacket, church suit coat, dusty suit coat, immaculate suit coat, office suit coat, tailored coat or vintage suit coat
Pants: +1 for bouncer pants, church suit pants, classy dress (without pants), dusty suit pants, office dress pants, pressed slacks, silk pants, snug dress (without pants), tailored pants or vintage suit pants
Gadget: +1 for actual antique watch, coder's watch, gold necklace, showy watch, watch of tomorrow
Effect: -2 (at least) for Dripping with Gore, Vile Camouflage
(ratty suit coat/pants, , don't count)
With pants equipped:
- Enhances Arrogant Step.
With 3 items equipped:
- Construction Site: unlocks Better Dressed Than Most, locks Lot Inspection/Lot Inspected
- Records Office: Changes results in Midgard Oldtown Lobby, Water Cooler Rambling and Sudden Darkness
- Old Cathedral: Changes results in Professionally Dressed Man
- Grants the Appearance is Everything when cellular differentiation report is used and grants +2 Melee Power from the skill
- Has not been tested for avatar
Origami Outfit
Hat: survivors' origami crown (+2)
Weapons: survivors' origami blade (+1), survivors' origami pistol (+1)
Shirts: survivors' origami shirt (+1)
Pants: survivors' origami pants (+1)
- survivors' origami coin gives +1 Power to techniques using Perception per item equipped.
- survivors' origami box gives +1 Power to techniques using Reflexes per item equipped.
- survivors' origami shield gives +1 Power to techniques using Strength per item equipped.
- survivors' origami vortex gives +1 Power to techniques using Will per item equipped.
- survivors' origami crane gives +1 to all Attributes per item equipped.
- The crown counts double, and the offhands do not count at all for this purpose.
- Has not been tested for avatar
Ornithological Outfit
Hat: Owl's Mask
Weapon: jagged hawk talon
Offhand: crystal raven feather OR ? (NEEDS TESTING: other crystal feathers, all normal feathers)
Shirt: feathered cloak
Gadget: raven's eyes
- The owl's mask, jagged hawk talon, and raven's eyes add +1 XP/stat to any XP gains from making chains while wearing the feathered cloak for each outfit piece equipped.
- The full outfit is required to obtain the Tamer of Secrets Avatar
Priest Outfit
- Shirt: vestment
- Gadget: hunting crucifix, rosary
- Changes various encounters in the old cathedral area.
- Has not been tested for avatar.
Punk Outfit
Each of the following count as +1 Punk Outfit:
- Shirt: punk jacket, costume spikes, decorated punk jacket, offensive shirt, torn anarchy shirt
- Pants: punk pants, honorary punk pants
- Effect: industrial mohawk
- Neuralware: head spikes
With 3+ items/effects:
- Unlocks various encounters on the Quad, including much of the Punk Uprising quest.
- Allows you to dance to punk music in the Happy Hour's Everyday Disco.
- Unlocked various encounters in the Hollow Dorms area during Halloween 2013
- Appearance is Everything: +2 Fire Power
Ratty Suit Outfit
Hat: ratty top hat
Shirt: ratty suit coat OR filthy duster OR stained bandages
Pants: ratty suit pants
Effect: Writhing Flesh
With 4 items/effects:
- Lets you to talk to the Subway Dweller in the Abandoned Subway.
- Has not been tested for avatar
Sailor's Uniform Outfit
Hat: sailing cap
Shirt: sailing shirt
Pants: sailing pants
With 3 items equipped:
- Allows safe resting on the Ghost Ship.
- Has not been tested for avatar
Scaled Outfit
Shirt: scaled vest OR scaled gang jacket
Pants: interlocked scales OR scaled pants OR sheet of scales
With one or more parts:
- With shield of scales equipped, gives +1 Evasion Power and Melee Defense for each part equipped.
- Enhances Striking Dance.
- Enhances Staring Mask
With two parts:
- Learn Serpent Strike when defeating either the lake or terrible serpent.
- Possibly prevents the Freak Storm encounter at the Tainted Shoreline from occurring. (Needs testing)
- Has not been tested for avatar
Sea Hunter Outfit
Hat: buried crown or guard helm
Weapon: shark tooth blade
Shirt: shark hide vest
Pants: shark hide pants
- (No known effect other than Halloween?)
- Has not been tested for avatar
Sentai Outfit
Hat: sentai mask
Shirt: sentai top
Pants: sentai pants
- (No known effect other than Halloween?)
- Has not been tested for avatar
Third Eye Hunter Outfit
Hat: lieutenant's shades or slick shades
Weapon: hunter sidearm
Shirt: Third Eye shirt
Gadget: hunter focus (note: quick draw holster does not work)
With 3 items equipped:
- Lets you extort third eye in the southside park
- Different results in the Third Eye Smuggling encounter
- Has not been tested for avatar
Valentine Killer Outfit
Hat: shining glasses
Weapon: psychopath's knife
Offhand: old scalpel
Shirt: immaculate suit coat
Pants: pressed slacks
Gadget: strange watch
- Required for the Valentine Killer Avatar