Disruptive Punk



Encounter Conditions

None (can get while etheric)

Initial Text

You see a student, apparently of the "punk" persuasion, hassling several of the volunteers. They seem pretty terrified, but he's not very scary compared to some of the gang members you've seen.

On the bright side, he seems more interested in disrupting the proceedings than actually hurting anyone. You can probably end this without violence… or just ignore it, really.

Summary of Choices

  1. Go for violence - Fight a Punk Student
  2. Back him up - Gain 3 XP in Will
  3. Try to chat - Only if you've backed him up for the day
    1. You need to leave -
      1. Alright, you asked for it - Fight Punk Student
      2. Alright, fine - Walk away
    2. Pitch the frat plan - (Only after hearing the frat plan) unlock Punch Spiking Punk
    3. Pitch the Eclipse plan - (Only after hearing about the Eclipse plan)
    4. Nevermind - Walk away
  4. Just ignore it - Walk away

Choice Text and Results

Go for violence

He backs up a few steps. "Hey, no reason to get violent." But, despite his words, he seems eager to defend himself.

(Fight a Punk Student)

Back him up

You back him up, scattering the volunteers. He laughs derisively as they flee, but gives you a thumbs up.

You've earned 3 XP in Will

helps disrupt the party organizers

Try to chat

If you haven't helped disrupt the party today.?

He shakes you off, more intent on shaking down the volunteers than starting another conversation.

If you've backed up a punk

Sure," he turns towards you. "I saw you helping out one of my buds. That's pretty cool."

He waits patiently for you to speak your piece.

If wearing the punk pants and punk jacket? (I also had the Industrial Mohawk and Brain Staples effects active when I got this)

He looks you over and laughs. "Nice costume."

Well, at least he stopped harassing the workers.

You need to leave

He shakes his head. "Naw, that's not how this is going down. See, these screw-ups are trying to let the administration ruin Halloween for no good reason."

"Maybe, you know, if a bunch of people got killed last Halloween or something, alright. But because there were riots… because they're in bed with Midgard?"

He sighs as though explaining something to a small child. "So no Halloween because the administration's in Midgard's pocket? No thank you."

Alright, you asked for it

He backs up a few steps. "Hey, no reason to get violent." But, despite his words, he seems eager to defend himself.

(Fight a Punk Student)

Alright, fine

There doesn't seem to be any violence imminent, they're just not getting anything done. You leave them to sort it out for themselves.

Pitch the frat plan

He leans in closer to listen. "Alright… alright… yeah. That's not a bad plan."

"I'll go grab some booze so we can lighten up the place a bit. Keep 'em distracted so we can get at the barrels, alright?"

He heads off towards the Happy Hour.

Pitch the Eclipse Plan

He leans in closer. "Alright… alright… I like it."

"I'll go grab some Eclipse, then we can double-team 'em. Keep them distracted and I'll keep the Eclipse coming."

He pauses a few steps towards the Happy Hour. "Or, the other way. I'm not tryin' to boss you around. Just sayin' it's a good plan."

Just ignore it

There doesn't seem to be any violence imminent, they're just not getting anything done. You leave them to sort it out for themselves.

(Probably Walk Away?)

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