Distant Fae



Encounter Conditions

Only if you do not already have Fae Blessing.


In the distance, you see a bit of winged light flitting here and there. You can almost hear the sounds of tiny bells.

After a short display of aerial dance you could only hope to replicate, the light darts into the cave wall, vanishing utterly.

You've gained 10 energy of Fae Blessing.

OR (Perhaps only with no energy in Fae Blessing or only those with Fae Eyes?)

In the distance, you see a bit of winged light flitting here and there. You can almost hear the sounds of tiny bells.

After a long display of aerial acrobatics you trust is meant only for you, the light darts into the cave wall, passing through it seamlessly.

You've gained 25 energy of Fae Blessing.

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