Docks Medicine


Talk to the Squatter King.


  • Go to the Waterfront
  • Keep on going there until you get a choice adventure about stealing crates
  • Pick 'wait for an opening'. It may take 2 or more tries.


Bring the crate of stolen medicines back to the Squatter King.
He'll give you up to 3 crude ganger maps if you haven't yet discovered the Fang hideout in the sewers. If you have, he awards you with a crate of explosives instead.
If you've sold the crate of stolen medicine and tell him:
"You did what? That crate… was filled with medicine… for our children.
Get out of my sight. Just go."

Quest Log

Starting Quest
With 0 to 3 Perception: The 'Squatter King' has requested you find a crate of medicine on the Docks. From his warning, you think it might take keener eyes than yours to find them.
With 4 or more Perception: The 'Squatter King' has requested you find a crate of medicine on the Docks. You think you'll be able to find them with some investigation.

After finding the crate
The 'Squatter King' has requested you find a crate of medicine on the Docks.

And, after a little searching, you've found it. All you need to do now is get it back to him.

After selling the crate of medicine
The 'Squatter King' has requested you find a crate of medicine on the Docks. You already sold them, though, so he's not getting them.

After returning it
You delivered the crate of medicine to the Squatter King.


The varying quest log messages suggests that your ability to find the medicine is limited by your stats, likely Perception.


I think he only gives you as many maps as you need to unlock the sewer — I only got one, but it was enough to open the zone.

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