Talk to Lo after finishing the Southside Park Quest.
Finding the hideout
- Adventure at the Waterfront on the Docks until you find an entrance to the Dockside Sewers. You can do this by:
- Choosing "Blackmail the guard for information" in the Illegal Transaction encounter
- Using a Crude Ganger Map (obtain one by defeating a Dockside Ganger, or receiving some as a reward for the Docks Medicine sidequest)
- Adventure in the Dockside Sewers until you find your way to into the Sewer Hideout. You can find it by:
- Pass the Jagged Hole encounter.
- You need to find it first — it won't appear before you have 10 "exploration points", which you can acquire by:
- Choosing "Blackmail the guard for information" at the Illegal Transaction encounter - 1 point (?)
- Using a Crude Ganger Map - 1 point
- Choosing "Wade through" at the Sewer Rat encounter or "Follow the graffiti" at the "Fang Graffiti" encounter - 2 points
- Succesfully choosing "Pull yourself over" or "Look for handholds" at the Rough Wall encounter - 4 points
- Once found, there are 3 ways to get in the hideout:
- "Charge in" and win the fight
- Or, "Sneak by", if you haven't killed to many guards?
- Or:
- Get the cracked baseball bat or have Carlos put in a good word for you
- Introduce yourself at the Jagged Hole and get sent on a mini quest to shake down some dockhands
- Go to the Waterfront and shakedown at least 5 dock workers (either Dock Chat, Pile of Crates or Crate Shipment encounters), then get the Enough Shaking Down encounter.
- Report back in in the sewers. (you will have a much friendlier hideout if you do it this way)
- You need to find it first — it won't appear before you have 10 "exploration points", which you can acquire by:
- Or just skip all that by taking Eclipse to get the Etheric effect, then "Follow the faerie" in the Faerie Guide encounter. The faerie will take you past the entrance into the Sewer Hideout.
- Pass the Jagged Hole encounter.
Dealing with the Fangs
While in this zone, be aware that clicking on another zone or taking the metros will make you leave the hideout. You will then have to find your way back, which is especially inconvenient if you first did so by following the fairy.
During this stage, you can eavesdrop on a conversation to get Dr. Thomas as a contact, but she won't talk to you until after you complete the quest. You will not be able to get her as a contact if you kill more than 10 Fangs before you eavesdrop on them.
- Make your way to the Gang Boss at the center of the Fangs' hideout, with one of the following methods:
- Have Carlos introduce you, intimidate some dockhands on the waterfront, and make your way back.
- Get through several perimeters of their hideout, through some combination of:
- Killing Fang guards through combats and choice encounters (diminishing the number of guards, causing panic, potentially removing every Fang in the hideout)
- Distracting them by slipping Eclipse into their drinks (diminishing the attentiveness of the guards)
- Sneaking through the perimeter (stealth power test, depending on attentiveness and number of guards)
- End the Fang operations by killing the gang boss OR letting him flee OR sabotaging their operation. If you picked one of the first two options, do not forget to either steal or burn the crates of eclipse before you leave the hideout.
- Unlocks The Docks when you accept the quest.
- Unlocks the University Quest upon completion.
- Gain 5 crates of Eclipse if you steal them, or 25 energy of etheric if you burn them.
- Receive an award from Mikhail
- Either take 500 credits he's offering
- Or choose to leave them with him, which upgrades the offerings at Mikhail's Deli
If you want to have the option to do the Dr. Thomas Quest, you will need to overhear the Trio of Guards mention Dr. Thomas (by choosing "Stay and eavesdrop"). They will not do this if too many of them are nervous or dead. So even if you are planning to fight your way to the Imposing Man, you might want to start off being stealthy and avoiding fights when possible.
While it is possible to decline the 500 credit reward from Mikhail at the end of this quest, be aware that there are very few sources of credits early on in the game. If you turn down the money you may have trouble buying useful items like a sushi kit or electrical kit later, or even scraping together enough credits for Metros rides. Being very poor also makes it hard to take advantage of the upgraded food that gets added to Mikhail's Deli if you decline the reward.
Quest Log
Starting quest
Lo has suggested that Eclipse probably comes through the Docks and you should look into cutting it off there.
First, you'll need to find where the Fangs are based.
If you have the Docks Medicine quest and have not yet found the hideout, the second line reads:
First, you'll need to find where the Fangs are based. The Squatter King seems to know, but has requested a crate of medicines in trade for the secret.
After finding out about the Dockside Sewers, the second line reads:
The Fangs apparently have a base somewhere in the sewers. The entrance is a pit on the south end of the Docks.
After finding the Sewer Hideout the second line reads:
You've found the Fangs' base in the sewers south of the Docks, but it's quite heavily defended.
After getting rid of the Eclipse in Fangs Hideout the second line reads:
Well, you've got that taken care of. Just need to talk to Mikhail about your payment now.
After introducing yourself at the jagged hole while carrying the cracked baseball bat or having Carlos put in a good word for you:
The Fangs have given you a small assignment to earn their trust. Apparently they want you to collect money from some of the dockhands that owe them. Admittedly, it sounded like they're not so much concerned with the money as the intimidation.
After collecting money from 1-2 groups of dockhands:
The Fangs have given you a small assignment to earn their trust. You've started collecting from the dockhands, so they should know fear soon enough.
After collecting money from 3-4 groups of dockhands:
The Fangs have given you a small assignment to earn their trust. It seems like all the dockhands owe them money, but you've put the fear in several.
After collecting money from 5+ groups of dockhands:
The Fangs have given you a small assignment to earn their trust. You've been doing a good job intimidating the dockhands that owe them money, hopefully someone's noticed.
After being told that you've done enough:
You've earned the Fangs' trust and they've invited you back to their cavern base.
After defeating the Gang Boss the second line reads:
You've taken care of the gang's boss. Now all you need to do is deal with their supply of Eclipse.
After dealing with the Fang's stash of Eclipse the second line reads:
Well, you've got that taken care of. Just need to talk to Mikhail about your payment now.
Finished quest
You cleared out the Fangs' stronghold under the Docks and stopped their shipments of Eclipse to Southside.