In Progress
Downtown is currently being implemented. The quest cannot currently be completed, so if you'd rather do it all in one go, you can reset and tackle Downtown when it's done.

Unlocked when you get the Heart of Midgard quest.
- Twin Offices
- Bleak Building
- Silver Towers
- For Halloween 2017, the Silver Towers hosted the Banquet Room and Haunted Forest
- For Halloween 2018, the Silver Towers hosted the Banquet Room (2018), Hall of Mirrors and The Ballroom
- For Halloween 2019, the Silver Towers hosted the Banquet Room (2019) and The Spider's Nest
- Curved Tower
- Midgard Headquarters
- Squat Building
- Office Tower
- Old Cathedral
- Lattes! (Downtown)
- Silverview Condos
- Zaibatsu Tower
- Head Below
Temporary messages for other buildings before they opened:
Twin Offices:
Although they're bridged by a skywalk, these two office buildings seem otherwise unremarkable.
Bleak Building:
This building's windows are almost black, making it look like burnished volcanic glass.
Silver Towers:
Everyone in Metroplex knows of the Silver family and their towers. You probably couldn't get past the front desk, even if you had reason to go in.
Curved Tower:
The curved glass of this building makes it seem almost organic compared to the others nearby.
Midgard Headquarters:
Metroplex revolves around Midgard and Downtown revolves around Midgard Headquarters. It only makes sense you'll end up here eventually.
Squat Building:
(Nothing currently)
Office Tower:
This is a perfectly ordinary office building. There's probably nothing to see here.
Silverview Condos:
These condos are horrifyingly expensive, but seem to have an inferiority complex over the even more expensive condos across the way.
Zaibatsu Tower:
This is Zaibatsu's embassy/mall here in Metroplex. It's a constant maze of activity.
Midgard Security has a strong presence here and they don't seem to appreciate anyone loitering, so you end up moving around more than resting.
You regain 10 hit points!
When visiting here before the Heart of Midgard quest was completed:
In Progress
Downtown is currently being implemented. The quest cannot currently be completed, so if you'd rather do it all in one go, you can reset and tackle Downtown when it's done.
Old messages before the buildings opened:
Silver Towers, in the leadup to Halloween 2017/2019:
Everyone in Metroplex knows of the Silver family and their towers. They're not letting anyone past the front desk yet, at least not on party business.
Zaibatsu's "Floor 1 - Groceries" opened June 13, 2018
Old Cathedral opened August 26, 2018. Before that it gave:
This church is so old it looks as though the other buildings have grown up around it.