Drunken Challenger


Image DrunkenThug.jpg
Combat Description The challenger
HP 25
Stats Perception: 0
Reflexes: 2
Strength: 6
Will: 0
Power Melee: 1
Stealth: 0
Evasion: 0
Unopposed: 0
Defense Melee: 2
Ranged: 0
Fire: -2
Etheric: -4
Stealth: -4
Reactive: 0
Awards 4 XP
You gain 10-15 credits (sometimes)
You found: 1-2 of (sometimes):
- protein bar (1/3)
- caramel bar (1/3)
- egg salad sandwich (1/3)
You found: 1 of (always? or at least a high drop rate):
- broken bottle (1/4)
- border slammer (1/4)
- whiskey bottle (2/4)
You found: 1 of (always? or at least a high drop rate):
- Blitz popper (1/6)
- horrible black coffee (1/6)
- pep pill (1/6)
- RAGE bar (1/6)
- RAGE cola (1/6)
- berserk chip (1/6)
You learned a new Technique: Brutality (sometimes)


The Quad, during Gang Warfare


Technique Chain Power Type Notes
Kidney Punch 1 6 Stealth (only opener)
Brutality 2 5 Melee (normal)
'' 9 Melee (unopposed)
Punch 3 3 Melee
Crushing Punch 3 6 Melee
Dive for Cover 4 4 Evasion (M,R,F)


nomnom25.jpg You feast on the challenger's flesh, regaining x Energy.
HandMirror25.jpg 1 XP
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