Dubious Chicken Wing


Image ChickenWing.jpg
Description You're fairly certainly this wing isn't actually made of chicken. It's not that you have any great familiarity with chicken, it's just that you're pretty sure meat isn't supposed to have a perfectly uniform texture.

Really, it was either never part of an animal or OmniTech has made incredible strides in genetic modification.
Type Food
Requires 1 Hunger
Use You attempt to pick the meat off the bones, until you realize there aren't even any bones in there. You pop it in your mouth, realizing how spicy it is only as the first fumes touch your tongue.

It burns its way down your throat, momentarily making you forget any questions about its origin.
Multi You attempt to pick the meat off the bones, until you realize there aren't even any bones in there. You pop the first wing in your mouth, discovering too late how spicy it is.

You learn your lesson, however, and take the others a bit slower. Your nose is running by the end, but you've entirely forgotten your questions about the wings' origin.
Effects Gain 2-3 Energy


Drops from Construction Crew
Redirect from Shoreline Shipping Drones via Guidance System
Oldos: Consumer Goods


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toolbox.jpg This item cannot be salvaged.
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