Eclipse Slammer


Image beer.jpg
Description So, what happens when you mix amphetamines, industrial waste, tequila, and Eclipse? This fine piece of work.
Type Drug
Requires 8 Body
Use You slam the cocktail of Eclipse, tequila, and various chemicals you're better off not knowing about. It burns through your system in a few terrible seconds that you can't clearly remember.

You remember the bottle breaking, but whatever's in your hands definitely isn't broken glass.
Multi You take leave of your senses and hammer down the cocktails. They burn through your system in a few terrible seconds that you can't clearly remember.

You remember the bottles breaking, but the bloody objects scattered around you definitely aren't broken glass.
Effects Gain 8-11 Energy
Gain Chocolate Gelt or Damp Seaweed or Dirty Rags or Loose Scales or Old Coins or Paper Mache or Sulfur
Gain 25 energy of Etheric (or other Sight effect; gain 5 additional energy per Eclipse Duration)
Gain 25* energy of No Pain

* Gain same number of turns as Etheric.


Liquified Eclipse and a Border Slammer mixed into something more terrifying than either.
Border Slammer Liquified Eclipse
= Eclipse Slammer


Hammer25.jpg This item is not a component for any kind of crafting.
toolbox.jpg This item cannot be salvaged.
GoldCoins.jpg .14 Drugs


Each point of Eclipse Duration bonus will increase the duration of both effects by 5 energy.

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