Electronic Countermeasures


Image ElectronicCountermeasures100.jpg
Type Active Defense

Responses to Functions

Function Message U Result
Offense ≥ 1 Your batch cuts off the countermeasures before they can fully deploy. ? Gain 2 XP, removes routine
Offense ≥ 1 with Static Jamming Your batch cripples the countermeasures, but the static continues to interfere with your connection. 3-4, or A+1? Gain 1 XP, removes routine
View ≥ 1 Dating back to the Orbital Wars, these sorts of countermeasures are still in wide use. Even the update to Novos hasn't substantially changed them, since they rely primarily on interference through static.

You can probably prevent the transmission before it's started, but once it gets going, you're unlikely to be able to stop it.
The countermeasures seem content to continue their assault. 0

Active Responses

Every round, you also get (does not need to be targeted):

Function Message U Result
With Defense You manage to defend your system from the burst of static. ?
With Static Jamming and Hardening The countermeasures take a more active stance, battering your system directly, dealing x damage to your hardening. 0 Lose 1-2 Hardening
With Static Jamming The countermeasures take a more active stance, battering your system directly, leaving your connection hanging by a thread. 0
The drone lets out a burst of static, scrambling your connection. 0 Gain 1 Static Jamming


Shipping Drone Net

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