Electronics Ingredients
The following items can be used in electronics crafting to produce new devices.
Experimental Crafting
You can try combining one circuit with one device:
- animatronic motor
- artificial muscle fibers
- basic cyberblade
- biomonitor circuit
- cancelled circuit
- capacitor array
- cyberblade hinge
- cybergun attachment
- cybernetic interface
- cybersafety seal
- formatted memory core
- exposed cybergun
- glimmering crystals
- gold processor
- homemade laser
- magnetic coil
- memory stick
- neural bridge
- Oldtown retinal map
- optical array
- processor chip
- safety loop
- shivering capacitors
- signal analysis circuit
- signal buffer
- targeting circuit
- tear of the earth
- thick cabling
- twitch controller
- advanced rangefinder
- animatronic snake
- antique needler
- antique plasma TV
- antique scope
- articulated snake
- artificial bone
- autotargeting sidearm
- basic cyberarms
- basic cyberlegs
- basic scope
- bat wing
- Black Ops HUD
- blast visor
- blown glass trinket
- broken injector
- charred projector
- chip junkie sidearm
- cordless coffee pot
- cracked audio chip
- crawling golem heart
- cybereye blank
- cyberlimb blanks
- dual laser
- dumb PDA
- dysfunctional PDA
- empty cybereye
- executive sidearm
- first aid kit
- foam skull
- functioning PDA
- giant doll
- gold learntop
- gold PDA
- homemade laser
- inactive analyzer
- incomplete chamber
- injured gargoyle
- laser projector
- lashing golem heart
- light armored vest
- linked handheld
- living sludge heart
- locked courier chip
- locked datareader
- long clip
- long range scanner
- Midgard Player
- Midgard records ID
- Midgard riot shield
- needler rifle
- neural mesh
- OmniTech learntop
- optical rangefinder
- PDA chassis
- plastic gargoyle
- police scanner
- powered injector
- protocyberlimbs
- quivering rifle
- rangefinder
- rangefinder bracelet
- reforged pistol
- restored pistol
- retro PDA
- scattering firework
- secret heart
- security visor
- shielded jumpjet
- shivering cable
- shorted cable
- sludge heart
- solid gunman hologram
- solid mummy hologram
- solid Rag Man hologram
- solid shark hologram
- solid skull hologram
- solid spider hologram
- solid writhing hologram
- steady sidearm
- stuffed raven
- thick cabling
- trash golem heart
- unbootable PDA
- uncharged injector
- unlocked Midgard Player
- unsealed cyberblade
- unstable emitter
- unused Y4
- updated scanner
- uplinked sidearm
- writhing golem heart
- Zaibatsu TZR
Learned Recipes
Quest Devices
- Biomonitor Circuit - Connect two frayed cables to a signal analysis circuit for a basic life-monitoring system.
- Capacitor Array - Set up four microcapacitors to hold far more charge.
- Core Formatter - Build your own Core Formatter using a mesh of four Signal Analysis Circuits and four Thick Cablings around the central unit made from a Gold Processor and two Unformatted Memory Cores (3 Energy)
- Elevator Controls - Cobble together a control system out of two Signal Analysis Circuits, some Thick Cabling, and a Large Motor.
- Gold Processor - Coat a Processor Chip's connections with Gold Foil
- Juryrigged Bridge - Construct a temporary neural bridge from a Safety Loop two Frayed Cables and some Circuit Fragments.
- Magnetic Coil - Charge two coils of Thick Cabling with a Capacitor Array
- Memory Stick - Piece a usable stick together from six Circuit Fragments
- Mimetic Sheet - Create a flexible circuit board with two Polysteel two Gold Foils and four Formatted Memory Cores
- Neural Mesh - Arrange two Biomonitor Circuits two Signal Buffers and five Artificial Neural Fibers
- Optical Array - Interface four Optical Sensors through a Signal Analysis Circuit and a Targeting Circuit for control
- Processor Chip - Cobble a chip together from four Circuit Fragments and a Polysteel base.
- Safety Loop - Set a Signal Analysis Circuit to watch the signals on a Frayed Cable
- Signal Analysis Circuit - Reconstruct four circuit fragments into a simple circuit.
- Signal Buffer - Pair a Signal Analysis Circuit with a Capacitor Array
- Targeting Circuit - Combine two optical sensors and a signal analysis circuit into a primitive targeting system.
- Thick Cabling - Twine two frayed cables into one thick functional cable.
- Twitch Controller - Rig up two Optical Sensors with a Biomonitor Circuit for lightning fast control
Non-Quest Devices
- Comm Dish - Construct a comm dish for your gang from forty Dish Segments, four Polysteel Supports, four Magnetic Coils, a Buffered PDA running Signal Finder, and a Comm Dish Core (10 Energy)
- Personal Comm Dish - Construct it from four Dish Segments, a Magnetic Coil, a Buffered PDA running Signal Finder, and a Comm Dish Core (5 Energy)
- Homemade Laser - Charge an Artificial Hound Crystal with a Capacitor Array, then reflect it between a Shining Ingot and a Black Silver Ingot backed with some Powdered Glass. Then encase the works in Polysteel. (5 Energy)
- Skeletal Cyberarm - Articulate two Artificial Bones with two Cybernetic Interfaces (2 Energy)
- Skeletal Cyberleg - Articulate two Artificial Bones with two Cybernetic Interfaces (2 Energy)
- Exposed Skull - Seal together two Artifical Bones (2 Energy)
- Recording Bone Leg - Fit a Biomonitoring Circuit and two Formatted Memory Cores into a Skeletal Cyberleg (2 Energy)
- Gesturing Bone Arm - Wire a Skeletal Cyberarm with a Twitch Controller and a Neural Bridge (2 Energy)
- Crystal Focus Skull - Attach two Artificial Hound Crystals and two natural Hound Crystals to an Exposed Skull (2 Energy)
page revision: 28, last edited: 05 Jun 2022 00:21