Equipment (Detailed)

The following is a detailed list of your equipment and other related items.

Limited items Quest items
Unearthly items No trade items
Derivative unearthly Normal items

**NOTE: the following items were not listed on the pages when I copied these over and a lot need to be added to the following tables (some are non-equipment so can be removed from this list)
achromatic slacks
achromatic vest
art museum bowl
bait bluegill
blazing feather
blue punch bowl
Book of Common Dreams
brick slime
carnivorous beetle
cave salamander
charred wooden souvenir
corroded digging arm
cured shark hide
damaged drone antenna
decompiling integrator
decorative webbing
delicate butterfly
designer vines
digging arm
Emerald Gift bowl
emerald tear
empty vase
F paper
failed cyberarm
festive head ornament
festive tree sweater
fire axe
foil tree topper
fractal commander
fractal crash script
fractal defender
fractal indexer
fractal interface
fractal templates
glazed cybereyes
green explosion ornament
gunman hologram
gunshot cloth
handheld core
heavy containment pants
heavy containment top
helidrone antenna
holiday hot cocoa
holosight rifle
inartistic crowbar
mold culture
mold heart
museum STAFF shirt
novelty axe
painted dress
personal ointment
personal serum
red explosion ornament
resonant emerald crystal
rider's sword
ripped containment pants
ripped containment top
sapphire Halloween punch
sargasso vine
sea vine
secure command script
secured filter
secured indexer
secured transmission functions
serum powder
shattered sidearm
slithering present
sloshing vase
snowman head
snowman head ornament
soaked vine fungus
solid gunman hologram
solid mummy hologram
solid Rag Man hologram
solid shark hologram
solid skull hologram
solid spider hologram
solid writhing hologram
spare tooth
spectrum command script
spectrum crash script
spectrum downloader
spider decal kit
sprouting slime
Stories at an Exhibition
thermos charge
unreal drip
vine fungus
vine spear
vine sprout
vitalized fungus
white explosion ornament


Equipment Reqs. Stats Special(Details on item page)
achromatic mask +4 Etheric Power, +4 Etheric Defense, +1 Mysterious Light
Black Ops HUD +1 PvP Chance, +1 Combat Chance
black silver visor 6 Will +3 Etheric Power, -6 Perception
black strands 8 Perception +4 Stealth Power, -4 Ranged Power, -4 Perception
blast visor +2 Melee Defense, +2 Fire Defense, -10 Perception
blindshot visor +2 Melee Defense, +2 Fire Defense, +2 Ranged Power, -6 Perception
bone mask +4 Etheric Power Teaches and allows use of death mask technique
buried crown 8 Will +2 Etheric Power, +2 Will, +2 Combat Chance Sellable
charred pimp hat +2 Eclipse Duration, +1 Morale
cracked containment helmet
containment helmet air filter, containment suit part
crude skull mask +2 Etheric Power, +1 Melee Defense
cute eyepatch -1 Ranged Power,+2 Morale
dashing hat +2 Melee Defense, +4 Will
distorted wolfman mask +4 Etheric Power, +1 Unopposed Power Improves ghoul bite
Emerald Gift party hat +2 Noncombat chance
emerald pimp hat +2 Morale
entertainment visor +2 etheric Defense, +4 Will, -2 Perception, Neural Link (10 Energy)
examination glasses 8 Perception +1 Code Finesse, +1 First Aid +2 Perception
fake skull mask +1 Etheric Power, +3 Perception
festive knit hat +3 Etheric Defense, +3 Will gives winter spirits after resting
filtered HUD +2 PvP Chance, +2 Combat Chance
fireworks shades +2 Will, +2 Fire Defense +2 Noncombat Chance Gives Will XP 1/day when watching fireworks
frigid scarf +4 Fire Defense, -4 Strength Air filter, sometimes spawns unmelting snowflakes
frosty top hat +4 Etheric Power, +4 Etheric Defense, +4 Fire Defense sometimes spawns unmelting snowflakes
gallery visor No Trade, records fights for target gallery
gas mask air filter
ghoulish crown 8 Will +4 Etheric Power, +4 Will, +2 Combat Chance Disassembled when used
giant paper mache head +1 Melee Defense, -4 Perception
glimmering HUD +2 Etheric Chance, +2 Combat Chance
gold framed spectacles 6 Will +2 Perception, +2 Ranged Power
guard helm 8 Will +3 Melee Defense, +3 Etheric Defense, -6 Perception
HKGames helmet +2 Etheric Power, +4 Will Gives special encounters
hungry ooze caul +3 Etheric Defense, +10% Will hungry ooze
heavy containment helmet +3 Etheric Defense, +1 Ranged Defense air filter, containment suit part
immersive visor +2 Melee Defense, +2 Fire Defense, -10 Perception, Neural Link (15 Energy
infested containment helmet +2 Etheric Power
investigator's hat +1 Eclipse Duration, +1 Choice Chance
improved visor +3 Perception, +1 Ranged Power
knit cap +1 Melee Defense
lab visor +1 Noncombat Chance
lieutenant's shades +2 Etheric Power, +2 Etheric Defense
lucky cap +1 Melee Defense, +1 Etheric Defense, +1 Noncombat Chance
Midgard cap +1 Perception
mummy mask +3 Etheric Power
navigator's glasses 6 Perception +1 Choice Chance, -2 Perception
nice shades +2 Perception
noir retro hat +3 Will
nurse cap +2 Noncombat Chance
old spectacles +1 Etheric Defense, +3 Will, -2 Perception
optical HUD +1 Sight Link, +1 Combat Chance, +1 PvP Chance
optical visor +1 Sight Link, +4 Perception
ordinary scarf +2 Etheric Defense, +4 Will
owl's mask +3 Evasion Power, +3 Perception bird suit part
paper mask +1 Etheric Power
paramedic eyepiece +2 Stealth Power, +1 First Aid, +1 Sight Link
party mask +4 Will, +1 Combat Chance
passthrough visor 6 Perception +2 Melee Defense, +2 Fire Defense, +1 Sight Link
pimp hat +6 Will
pledge hat +2 Noncombat Chance
polysteel mask +1 Etheric Power, +1 Melee Defense
ratty top hat +2 Etheric Power ratty suit part
reactive mask +1 Reactive Defense
rebreather mask 8 Perception air filter, air recycler
red-lensed goggles +2 Fire Power, +2 Etheric Power, +4 Perception gives red lenses and bonus techniques for using certain techniques
regal crown 6 Will +4 Will Sellable
reinforced surgical mask +1 First Aid air filter
sailing cap sailing suit part
sea lord's crown +6 Will, +3 Etheric Power Grants monarch s call when used, increases energy gains from eager fish foods
security visor +2 Perception
scarred silver mask +3 Etheric Defense, +3 Will
scuffed mining helmet +2 Stealth Defense, +2 Etheric Defense Unlocks various special encounters while underground
shining glasses +3 Stealth Power, +3 Etheric Power
shining mask 6 Will +4 Etheric Defense, +2 Will
silk top hat +2 Eclipse Duration, +4 Will During christmas, unlocks special combats when used
silver mask +3 Etheric Defense
slick shades +2 Will, -2 Perception, +1 PvP Chance third eye suit part
smoky glass visor +1 Etheric Chance, -5 Perception
snowy santa cap +1 Morale, +2 Fire Defense
steel mask +2 Melee Defense, +1 Etheric Power
surgeon's mask +1 Will, -1 Strength air filter
the best helmet +4 Evasion Power with Eclipse
twisted glasses -4 Etheric Defense, +1 Etheric Encounter Chance
twitch visor 6 Reflexes +2 Ranged Defense, +2 Fire Defense, +3 Code Finesse, -10 Perception
unlucky cap +1 Melee Defense, +1 Etheric Defense, +1 Combat Chance
Vigilante's mask +2 Ranged Defense, +1 Stealth Defense part of Vigilante Quest, can teach vigilance technique
wolfman mask +4 Etheric Power, +2 Combat Chance Improves Ghoul Bite
wreath of laurels +2 Morale


Equipment Reqs. Stats Special(Details on item page)
achromatic blade n/a +10 Melee Power, Glows with a Mysterious Light n/a
achromatic rifle n/a +10 Ranged Power, Glows with a Mysterious Light n/a
anchor chain n/a +6 Melee Power chain weapon
anarchist crowbar n/a +6 Melee Power, +6 Unopposed Power, +1 Combat Chance crowbar weapon
ancient rifle n/a +6 Ranged Power, +2 Etheric Power, +2 Stealth Power n/a
ancient saber n/a +7 Melee Power, +2 Evasion Power n/a
antique dueling pistol n/a +5 Ranged Power, +3 Stealth Power n/a
antique hand mirror n/a n/a Teaches Catch Reflection technique
antique needler 8 Base Perception +7 Ranged Power, +3 Stealth Power needlers
assisted pistol 6 Base Perception +6 Ranged Power, +3 Perception n/a
autolock sidearm n/a +9 Ranged Power, +6 Stealth Power n/a
autotargeting sidearm n/a +8 Ranged Power n/a
Barsukov sidearm n/a +7 Stealth Power, +5 Ranged Power, +2 Morale n/a
battered crowbar n/a +6 Melee Power crowbar weapon
battered hammer n/a +4 Melee Power n/a
black bayonet rifle 6 Base Perception +6 Ranged Power, +4 Melee Power, +4 Stealth Power silver weapon
black gemstone 16 Base Will +8 Stealth Power, +8 Etheric Power, +1 PvP Chance n/a
black sketchbook n/a +8 Etheric Power Leads to the Black Book when used
black stone knuckles n/a +7 Melee Power n/a
black switchblade 6 Base Reflexes +7 Stealth Power silver weapon
black silver blade 6 Base Reflexes +6 Melee Power, +3 Stealth Power, +3 Melee Defense silver weapon
black silver chain 8 Base Will +6 Melee Power, +6 Etheric Power, +4 Unopposed Power silver weapon, chain weapon
bloodied knife n/a +4 Etheric Power, +2 Stealth Power, +2 Melee Power n/a
bloodied rifle 16 Base Will +8 Ranged Power, +8 Etheric Power, +1 PvP Chance n/a
bloody icicle n/a +6 Etheric Power, +6 Stealth Power n/a
bloody switchblade n/a +7 Etheric Power, +5 Stealth Power, +1 PvP Chance n/a
bone club n/a +3 Melee Power, +2 Etheric Power Gives strength XP and bone flakes when used
bone edged chain 8 Base Reflexes +6 Etheric Power, +4 Melee Power, +3 Unopposed Power n/a
brass knuckles n/a +3 Melee Power, +1 Stealth Power n/a
brick knuckles n/a +3 Melee Power, +3 Melee Power with Eclipse teaches brick punch technique
broken bottle n/a +5 Melee Power, Jagged Wounds eventually breaks
buzzing TZR n/a +4 Melee Power, +4 Stealth Power, +4 Melee Defense n/a
cavalry saber n/a +7 Melee Power, +2 Melee Defense, +4 Reflexes n/a
carved crystal orb 16 Base Will +8 Stealth Power, +4 Fire Power, +1 PvP Chance n/a
charred head 16 Base Will +8 Etheric Power, +4 Fire Power, +1 PvP Chance n/a
cheap pistol n/a +2 Ranged Power n/a
chip junkie sidearm n/a +6 Ranged Power, Neural Link n/a
classic handgun n/a +6 Ranged Power, +3 Stealth Power, +2 Will n/a
classic switchblade n/a +4 Melee Power, +4 Stealth Power n/a
close combat needler 16 Base Will +8 Melee Power, +8 Ranged Power, +1 PvP Chance needlers
cold rib n/a +4 Melee Power, +4 Etheric Defense, +4 Fire Defense, +1 Etheric Chance n/a
cracked baseball bat n/a +4 Melee Power n/a
crackling branch n/a +8 Etheric Power, +8 Etheric Defense n/a
crystal hound's tooth 8 Base Reflexes +6 Etheric Defense, +6 Will n/a
crystal spike n/a +6 Etheric Power n/a
crystalline flame n/a +4 Etheric Power, +2 Melee Power n/a
cursed head n/a +2 Combat Chance n/a
cycle chain n/a +5 Melee Power, +1 PvP chance chain weapon
dancing blade 8 Base Reflexes +8 Melee Power, +6 Evasion Power, +6 Reflexes silver weapon, teaches dancing blade technique
decaying rib n/a +5 Etheric Power, +1 Etheric Chance n/a
drowning flame n/a +9 Etheric Power, +5 Melee Power, +1 Eclipse Duration teaches voice of wrath technique
dueling knife n/a +5 Stealth Power, +5 Melee Power Restores energy after combat 5/day, teaches ruthlessness skill
entertainment sidearm n/a +6 Ranged Power, +6 Will, Neural Link n/a
eternal sparkler n/a +4 Fire Power, +4 Perception Flavor text when used
Eurasian handcannon n/a +9 Ranged Power, +4 Melee Power n/a
executive sidearm n/a +5 Ranged Power n/a
filthy baseball bat n/a +6 Melee Power, -3 Reflexes n/a
filthy pistol n/a +3 Ranged Power, +1 Stealth Power n/a
fire etched sword 16 Base Will +8 Melee Power, +4 Fire Power, +1 PvP Chance n/a
focused needler 6 Base Perception +8 Ranged Power, +6 Stealth Power needlers
fragile antique blade n/a +7 Melee Power n/a
frosty claw n/a +4 Melee Power, +4 Etheric Power, +4 Fire Defense teaches gnarled claw technique
fungus spear n/a +4 Melee Power, +4 Reflexes n/a
fused blade n/a +6 Melee Power, +3 Strength n/a
fused pistol n/a +6 Ranged Power, +3 Perception n/a
gauzy parasol n/a +4 Etheric Defense, +4 Evasion Power n/a
gel baton n/a +4 Melee Power, +2 Reactive Defense n/a
ghoul maw n/a +6 Melee Power, +4 Etheric Power Interacts with certain foods
giant gnarled branch 16 Base Strength +10 Melee Power, +5 Etheric Power, +5 Strength n/a
glimmering flame n/a +5 Etheric Power, +3 Melee Power Gives various stat buffs
gnarled branch n/a +4 Melee Power n/a
gold knuckles 6 Base Will +3 Melee Power, +3 Will, +1 Combat Chance n/a
grappler gauntlets n/a +3 Melee Power, +Melee Power at Short Distance Teaches and enhances various grappler techniques
green treat bucket n/a n/a buckets
handcrafted blade n/a +9 Melee Power, +6 Reflexes n/a
handmade pistol n/a +3 Ranged Power, +3 Stealth Power n/a
handmade rifle n/a +6 Ranged Power, +2 Reflexes n/a
hardened blade n/a +8 Melee Power, +4 Melee Defense n/a
hardened switchblade n/a +6 Stealth Power, +2 Melee Power, +2 Reflexes n/a
haunted bat 8 Base Strength +8 Melee Power, +5 Reflexes, +1 XP per combat n/a
heavy baton n/a +9 Melee Power, +4 Etheric Defense, -2 Reflexes n/a
heavy fishing pole 6 Base Strength +3 Melee Power, +1 Fishing fishing pole
heavy pistol n/a +4 Ranged Power n/a
hooked chain n/a +4 Melee Power, +2 Etheric Power chain weapon
hungry ooze lash n/a +4 Reflexes teaches toxic lash technique
hunter sidearm n/a +5 Ranged Power, +5 Stealth Power third eye suit part
hunting spear 8 Base Reflexes +9 Melee Power Can teach spear hunting technique
hustler's cue n/a +3 Melee Power, +2 Stealth Power n/a
icicle fang n/a +4 Melee Power, -4 Reflexes n/a
imaginary spear n/a +2 XP per combat May affect channel inspiration technique
improbable gun 8 Base Will +9 Ranged Power, +4 Etheric Power, +4 Stealth Power, -6 Etheric Defense Can teach conservative fire technique
inlaid saber n/a +7 Melee Power, +2 Etheric Defense, +2 Will n/a
jagged baton n/a +6 Melee Power, Jagged Wounds n/a
jagged hawk talon n/a +5 Melee Power, +5 Perception bird suit part
jagged knuckles n/a +4 Melee Power, +2 Stealth Power, Jagged Wounds n/a
kingly blade 8 Base Reflexes +5 Stealth Power, +3 Melee Power, Jagged Wounds n/a
knockoff katana n/a +6 Melee Power n/a
KZR needler n/a +7 Ranged Power, +2 PvP Chance needlers
lakebottom rock n/a +4 Melee Power, +2 Strength n/a
lead pipe n/a +4 Melee Power, +1 Strength n/a
live cable n/a +8 Melee Power n/a
living sketchbook n/a +5 Etheric Power n/a
magnetic sidearm n/a +10 Ranged Power, -5 Reflexes n/a
manhole cover n/a +5 Melee Power, -5 Reflexes n/a
massive beak 8 Base Reflexes +7 Stealth Power, +4 Melee Power, +3 Etheric Power can teach unexpected grab technique
massive hunting knife n/a +4 Melee Power, -4 Reflexes, +1 PvP Chance n/a
massive snowflake fragment n/a +5 Melee Power, +5 Etheric Power, +5 Stealth Power n/a
massive stone talon 12 Base Will +8 Melee Power, +8 Etheric Defense n/a
memory sidearm n/a +6 Ranged Power, +2 Memory, +1 XP per Combat n/a
Metroplex slugger n/a +7 Melee Power, +2 PvP Chance n/a
Midgard MK9 n/a +6 Ranged Power n/a
Midgard MK11a n/a +7 Ranged Power, +2 Etheric Power n/a
mining pick n/a n/a Can mine in the special scuffed mining helmet encounters
mirror-handled pistol n/a +7 Ranged Power, Reflection of Path before you Can teach mirror shot technique
mislit mask n/a +4 Stealth Power, +4 Etheric Power, +1 Noncombat Chance Can teach behind the mask technique
mislit rusted sword n/a +2 Melee Power, +4 Morale Can teach and improve clashing blow technique
mislit torch n/a +4 Fire Power, +2 Etheric Chance Can teach and improve mislit torch technique
modern assault rifle 6 Base Perception +10 Ranged Power n/a
modernized rifle n/a +7 Ranged Power, +3 Melee Power, +3 Melee Defense n/a
mushroom spade 8 Base Perception +4 Melee Power, +4 Stealth Power Can teach spade strike technique
navigator's penknife 6 Base Reflexes +7 Stealth Power n/a
needler rifle n/a +7 Ranged Power, +3 Stealth Power needlers
new fishing pole n/a +2 Fishing fishing pole
novelty switchblade n/a -2 Melee Power, +1 PvP Chance "improves" switchblade technique
oily spear 8 Base Strength +7 Melee Power, +3 Etheric Power, -3 Etheric Defense n/a
old composite rod n/a +1 Fishing fishing pole
old fishing pole n/a n/a fishing pole
old pipe n/a +6 Melee Power, -3 Perception n/a
old switchblade n/a +1 Stealth Power, +1 Melee Power n/a
optical needler n/a +7 Ranged Power, +3 Stealth Power, +1 Sight Link needlers
optical sidearm n/a +7 Ranged Power, +5 Perception, + Sight Link n/a
ornate letter opener n/a +1 Melee Power silver weapon
ostentatious blade 6 Base Will +5 Melee Power, +5 Will, +1 Combat Chance Sellable
painted parasol n/a +2 Melee Power, +2 Stealth Power Can teach open parasol technique
palace spear 8 Base Strength +8 Melee Power, +5 Melee Defense n/a
personal sniper rifle 16 Base Will +8 Ranged Power, +8 Stealth Power, +1 PvP Chance n/a
pitted chain 8 Base Reflexes +4 Melee Power, +4 Etheric Power, +2 Unopposed Power chain weapon
polar cable 8 Base Reflexes +9 Melee Power, +5 Etheric Power n/a
polysteel support n/a +6 Melee Power n/a
postapocalyptic spear n/a +7 Melee Power, Reflection of Path Before You n/a
protest sign n/a n/a Tearable
psychopath's knife n/a +4 Stealth Power, +4 Unopposed Power n/a
pumpkin bucket n/a n/a buckets
quivering needler 8 Base Perception +10 Ranged Power, +4 Etheric Power, +4 Unopposed Power needlers
quivering rifle 8 Base Perception +10 Ranged Power, +5 Stealth Power, +5 Reflexes n/a
quivering switchblade 8 Base Reflexes +8 Stealth Power, +5 Melee Power, +5 Reflexes n/a
quivering sword 8 Base Reflexes +10 Melee Power, +5 Evasion Power, +5 Reflexes n/a
razor knuckles n/a +6 Melee Power n/a
red hot pipe n/a +6 Melee Power, +2 Fire Power n/a
refitted switchblade n/a +3 Stealth Power, +2 Melee Power n/a
reflective baton n/a +7 Melee Power, +2 Etheric Power silver weapon
reforged pistol 6 Base Perception +6 Ranged Power, +3 Melee Power n/a
refurbished baseball bat n/a +6 Melee Power, +3 Reflexes n/a
reinforced chain 8 Base Strength +7 Melee Power, +4 Melee Defense, +4 Unopposed Power chain weapon
repaired Vigilante pistol n/a +8 Ranged Power, +4 Will, +1 PvP Chance can teach judgement technique
replica katana n/a +7 Melee Power, +3 Melee Defense n/a
replica sword n/a +5 Melee Power, +2 Melee Defense n/a
restored pistol n/a +5 Ranged Power n/a
retooled rifle 6 Base Strength +8 Ranged Power n/a
retro assault rifle 6 Base Perception +9 Ranged Power n/a
retrofitted needler 8 Base Perception +10 Rangd Power, +5 Stealth Power needlers
ringing flame n/a +5 Etheric Power, +3 Melee Power, +3 Evasion Power Gives various stat buffs
riot baton n/a +4 Melee Power n/a
roomsweeper n/a +5 Melee Power, +1 PvP Chance shotgun weapon
rusted gun 8 Base Will +4 Melee Power, +4 Stealth Power, +4 Etheric Power n/a
salvaged pipe 8 Base Strength +8 Melee Power, -6 Reflexes, +1 Combat Chance n/a
sashimi knife n/a +4 Melee Power Unlocks sushi crafting
scarred crowbar n/a +6 Melee Power, +3 Strength, +3 Unopposed Power crowbar weapon
scarred fishing pole n/a +4 Will fishing Pole
scraped bone 8 Base Will +6 Melee Power, +3 Etheric Power, +1 Etheric Chance Eventually breaks
serene crystal n/a +5 Etheric Power, +5 Melee Power, +5 Evasion Power, +1 Eclipse Duration crystalline flame
serpent knuckles n/a +8 Melee Power, +4 Stealth Power, +4 Etheric Power n/a
shark hide baton 8 Base Reflexes +10 Melee Power, +4 Melee Defense, +4 Will n/a
shark tooth blade 10 Base Reflexes +10 Melee Power, -10 Reflexes, Jagged Wounds n/a
sharp stick n/a +3 Melee Power, +3 Stealth Power n/a
shining blade 6 Base Reflexes +6 Melee Power, +6 Reflexes, +4 Melee Defense silver weapon
shining knuckles 6 Base Strenth +7 Melee Power, +3 Strength silver weapon
shivering cable 8 Base Will +7 Etheric Power, +5 Melee Power n/a
shiny butcher knife n/a +4 Melee Power, +2 Etheric Power, +2 Stealth Power n/a
silver baton n/a +5 Melee Power silver weapon
silver blade n/a +5 Melee Power, +2 Will silver weapon, sellable
silver knuckles n/a +2 Melee Power, +2 Will silver weapon
silver switchblade n/a +2 Stealth Power, +1 Melee Power silver weapon
slammer bottle n/a +4 Melee Power, +4 Stealth Power, +1 PvP Chance, Jagged Wounds eventually breaks
slick holdout n/a +2 Ranged Power, +4 Stealth power n/a
smoldering coal n/a +25% Etheric Power, +25% Fire Power, +1 XP per Combat n/a
sniper rifle n/a +6 Ranged Power, +6 Stealth Power n/a
Southside beatstick n/a +7 Melee Power, -3 Reflexes, +1 PvP Chance n/a
smoking talons n/a +4 Melee Power, +4 Etheric Power n/a
speargun 8 Base Perception +4 Ranged Power, +4 Stealth Power Can teach speargun technique
spider drone leg n/a +6 Melee Power, +2 Melee Defense na
spring knuckles 16 Base Will +8 Melee Power, +8 Stealth Power, +1 PvP Chance n/a
stalker's knife n/a +4 Stealth Power, +2 Melee Power, +2 Etheric Power n/a
staring eyeball 8 Base Will +8 Etheric Power, -8 Etheric Defense, +1 Etheric Chance Really creepy
steady sidearm n/a +6 Ranged Power, +3 Stealth Power n/a
steel baton n/a +5 Melee Power, +4 Melee Defense n/a
steel clad bat 6 Base Strength +9 Melee Power n/a
steel knuckles n/a +6 Melee Power, +2 Melee Defense n/a
steel length n/a +8 Melee Power n/a
steel switchblade n/a +5 Stealth Power, +2 Melee Power n/a
stone horn 8 Base Will +5 Melee Power, +3 Fire Power, +3 Fire Defense n/a
stone spider leg n/a +6 Melee Power, +2 Etheric Power n/a
Stone's beatstick n/a +3 Melee Power, +3 Etheric Power, +1 PvP Chance n/a
Stone's pistol n/a +3 Melee Power, +3 Ranged Power, +1 PvP Chance n/a
suspicious rifle n/a +4 Ranged Power, +2 Melee Power n/a
the bone scepter n/a +3 Melee Power, +3 Ranged Power, +3 Will teaches ghoultouched skill
the Hammer's sledge n/a +5 Melee Power, +3 Strength, -3 Stealth Power n/a
the Intimidator n/a +7 Ranged Power, -3 Reflexes, +1 PvP Chance n/a
thick baton n/a +5 Melee Power, +1 Melee Defense n/a
thick cabling n/a +4 Melee Power n/a
thin shiv 6 Base Reflexes +4 Stealth Power, +4 Reflexes n/a
tinker's pistol 8 Base Perception +7 Ranged Power, +3 Perception, +3 Will n/a
toxic spear n/a +5 Melee Power, +5 Etheric Power n/a
treasured musket n/a +6 Ranged Power, +1 XP per Combat n/a
trick sidearm 6 Base Reflexes +8 Ranged Power, +4 Stealth Power, +4 Reflexes n/a
twisted spider limb 8 Base Reflexes +7 Melee Power, +7 Etheric Power, +1 Etheric Chance n/a
twisting silver blade 10 Base Reflexes +10 Melee Power, +4 Etheric Power, +4 Melee Defense silver weapon
unending chain 8 Base Reflexes +7 Melee Power, +7 Etheric Power, -7 Reflexes chain weapon
unscathed sketchbook n/a +5 Fire Defense n/a
uplinked sidearm n/a +6 Ranged Power, +2 Perception n/a
Valentine's knife 16 Base Will +8 Melee Power, +8 Etheric Power, +1 PvP Chance n/a
vicious chain 8 Base Reflexes +6 Melee Power, +6 Etheric Power, +2 Unopposed Power, Jagged Wounds chain weapon
vicious holdout 6 Base Reflexes +6 Ranged Power, +6 Stealth Power n/a
waterlogged handcannon 8 Base Strength +7 Ranged Power, +4 Etheric Power, -4 Stealth Power n/a
whispering flame n/a +7 Etheric Power, +3 Melee Power crystalline flame
wicked knife n/a +5 Stealth Power, +1 PvP Chance n/a
wired sidearm n/a +8 Ranged Power, +4 Stealth Defense, +4 Perception n/a
writhing cable 8 Base Will +8 Melee Power, +8 Etheric Power, -8 Etheric Defense n/a
writhing spear 8 Base Reflexes +10 Melee Power, +10 Reflexes n/a
Zaibatsu mister 16 Base Will +8 Ranged Power, +4 Fire Power, +1 PvP Chance n/a
Zalian defense tool n/a +3 Stealth Power, Add 1/3 Stealth Power to Ranged Power n/a
Zalian defense system n/a +5 Stealth Power, Add 1/3 Stealth Power to Ranged Power Can teach zalian blade technique
Zalian multiweapon n/a +7 Stealth Power, +3 Fire Power, Add 1/3 Stealth Power to Ranged Power Can teach zalian shot technique


Equipment Base Stat Stats Special (details on item page)
achromatic heart Glows with a colorless light that reveals horrible truths, +2 Mysterious Light Turns into achromatic shield when used
achromatic shield Glows with a protective light, +2 Mysterious Light Turns into achromatic lamp when used
achromatic lamp Glows with a light that burns away the shadows, +2 Mysterious Light Turns into achromatic heart when used
argent heart 6 Will +4 Etheric Power, +3 Will
art museum ribbon +1 Morale, +1 Will
artificial hound crystal +3 Etheric Power
autumn coin Empowered Strength 25 May fuse with spring coin into equinox coin
bad poetry Interacts with horrible poet
ballistic shield +4 Ranged Defense, +1 Melee Defense, -2 Reflexes shields
bat paperweight +1 Morale, +1 Eclipse Duration
beating sludge heart +3 Etheric Power, +3 Fire Power Gives petrol sludge 1/day when used
black crystal orb 8 Will +4 Stealth Power, +4 Etheric Defense
black glass heart 6 Will +4 Etheric Power
bleeding wolf tooth 8 Will +6 Will, +2 Unopposed Power
bloody goblet +2 Will, +2 Etheric Defense, Use target's Etheric Power if higher Upgradable
bloody hand 6 Will +6 Etheric Power
bloody vase +4 Etheric Power, +2 Combat chance
brilliant spark +3 Fire Power, -6 Fire Defense Gives obvious presence when used
cabling nest +5 Etheric Power, +1 Etheric Duration Not fully implemented
charged golem heart 8 Will +2 Stealth Power, Slight Stun Resistance
charged sludge heart 8 Will +2 Fire Defense, Slight Stun Resistance
charred blob 8 Will +1 Etheric Power, +1 Fire Power
classy candy bowl
Coin of the Seasons Empowered All Stats 25 Teaches Coin Flip technique
cold skull +4 Etheric Power, +4 Etheric Defense, +4 Fire Defense, +1 XP per combat
commemorative bucket +1 Etheric Power, +1 Will buckets
commemorative laser +2 Etheric Power, +1 Morale
cracked pipe +1 Eclipse Duration
crafted candy bowl
crawling golem heart +2 Etheric Power, +2 Melee Power, +1 Evasion Power
crocodile shield 12 Strength +2 Melee Defense, +2 Ranged Defense, +2 Strength shields
with Ocean Sight/Fae Sight adds +2 Perception/Reflexes
crystal hand 6 Will +4 Etheric Defense
crystal hawk feather +3 Perception, +1 Chance of Perception XP
crystalline mushroom +1 XP per combat
crystallized octopus eye 8 Will +5 Etheric Defense, +5 Perception
crystal owl feather +3 Reflexes, +1 Chance of Reflexes XP
crystal raven feather +3 Will, +1 Chance of Will XP
cultured pearl +4 Etheric Power, +4 Will with Cold Depths Sellable
doused firework +2 Fire Defense, +1 Morale
dual laser +1 Morale
Eclipse sapphire +2 Eclipse Duration
Emerald Gift doll +20% Etheric Power Extends Emerald Gift or Emerald Gift Live when receiving etheric effects
empty candy bowl
empty punch bowl
equinox coin Empowered Strength 25, Empowered Reflexes 25
Expanded Handheld +2 Memory, -3 Reflexes
fanmod Idoru +2 Etheric Power, +1 Morale
fiery blob 8 Will +3 Fire Power, +1 Combat Chance
foam tombstone +5 Etheric Defense, +1 Melee Defense
fragile branch +8 Etheric Power, -4 Fire Defense, -4 Melee Defense
frostbitten hand +6 Etheric Power, +4 Fire Defense
fundraising ribbon +10% Will
garbage sticker Gives dirty rags or tattered newspaper page after combat
gel shield +2 Melee Defense, +2 Ranged Defense, +2 Strength, -4 Reflexes shields
genuine hawk feather Usable to receive guiding wind, unlocks more feathered cloak content
genuine owl feather Usable to receive soft wind, unlocks more feathered cloak content
genuine raven feather Usable to receive dark wind, unlocks more feathered cloak content
giant bat wing +2 Evasion Power, +2 Etheric Power improvised shields
gilt heart 6 Will +4 Etheric Power, +1 Combat Chance
gold pearl 6 Will +2 Will, +1 Combat Chance Sellable
goblet of bones +2 Will, Use target's Etheric Power if higher Upgradable
green punch bowl
halloween counterpetition
halloween map Helps navigate Halloween maze?
halloween museum petition
Halloween ribbon +10% Will
hand of glory 6 Will +4 Stealth Power
headless voodoo doll +4 Etheric Power
heart of the earth serpent +4 Fire Power while underground, +4 more while in caverns
heavy riot shield +3 Melee Defense, +2 Ranged Defense, -2 Reflexes shields
hidden heart 6 Will +5 Etheric Power, +3 Etheric Defense, +3 Will
homemade laser
hound crystal +2 Etheric Power, +2 Etheric Defense
horse skull +4 Etheric Power
hungry ooze +2 Etheric Power, +2 Fire Power hungry ooze
hunter's heart 8 Will +5 Etheric Power, +3 Melee Power, +3 Stealth Power
Idoru nurse +2 Melee Defense, +2 First Aid
industrial heart 6 Will +4 Etheric Power, +1 Pvp
inert cell culture +3 Etheric Defense, +3 Will
inky sapphire 6 Will +2 Fishing
inspiring horn +2 Etheric Chance
Jess's ribbon +10% Will
kraken's heart 6 Will +4 Etheric Power
kraken's pearl 8 Will +20% Etheric Defense, +20% Fire Defense
lashing golem heart +1 Etheric Power, +1 Evasion Power, +1 Melee Power
limited edition Idoru +1 Morale, +2 Perception XP Chance
Linked Handheld +1 Memory, -2 Reflexes
living sludge heart +2 Etheric Power, +2 Fire Power
manhole cover shield +2 Melee Defense, -2 Reflexes shields
massive pearl 8 Will +2 Fire Defense, +5 Will Sellable
medicine pouch +3 Etheric Power, +1 First Aid
Midgard blastshield +5 Fire Defense, +3 Ranged Defense shields
Midgard riot shield +2 Ranged Defense, +1 Melee Defense, -2 Reflexes shields
mislit hand 8 Will Negates all Chance of Encounter bonuses
museum fundraising ribbon +10% Will
My Little Idoru +1 Will
New Year's blowout +1 Morale Usable for flavor text
nostalgic jacks +4 Reflexes Usable for Nostalgic Movements
nostalgic OmniYo +4 Strength Usable for Nostalgic Certainty
nostalgic teddy bear +4 Will Usable for Nostalgic Comfort
nostalgic xylophone +4 Perception Usable for Nostalgic tones
numbing skull 8 Will +4 Etheric Power, -4 Etheric Defense, +1 Noncombat Chance
old fairy tales +2 Etheric Power
old scalpel +2 Stealth Power, +1 First Aid
overfull goblet +4 Will, +4 Etheric Defense, Use target's Etheric Power if higher "Use" heals 42? hit points and resets it to a bone goblet
museum-guidebook Adds extra text when viewing paintings in the museum
ancient mortar and pestle Can give/enhance Pestle Surprise
petrol gem +4 Fire Power
porous crystal 8 Will +5 Eclipse Duration Breaks upon first use of Eclipse Duration bonus
preserved cell culture Interacts somehow with writhing flesh
programmatic poetry +3 Will
programmatic satire +4 Will, +1 Code Finesse
pulsating eye 6 Will +2 Ranged Power, +2 Etheric Power, +4 Perception, -4 Will
putrid blob 8 Will -2 Stealth Power, +2 Combat Chance
putrid sapphire +2 Stealth Power, +2 Etheric Power
reconstructed doll +2 Will
resetter's ribbon +1 Morale, +5 Will
rolling eyeball 8 Will +3 Evasion Power
royal orb +1 Diving Ability air recycler
ruby apple +4 Ranged Power, +4 Perception Improves judgement technique
sailor's charm +2 Etheric Defense
satirical poetry +2 Will
saturated firework +2 Fire Defense, +1 Morale
scary storybook +4 Etheric Power Usable for flavor text
scientist's claw +5 Etheric Power, +1 Eclipse Duration Teaches Distant Claw technique when taking Eclipse, improves Distant Claw
sculpted glass virus +1 Morale
sea sapphire 8 Will +1 Fishing, +1 Actual Fish Chance
shadowy heart 6 Will +5 Etheric Power, +3 Stealth Power, +3 Will
shaky manhole shield +2 Melee Defense, -2 Evasion Power, -4 Reflexes shields
sheet of white plastic +2 Melee Defense, +2 Ranged Defense, -3 Perception, -6 Reflexes improvised shields
shield of scales +2 Melee Defense, adds half of Melee Defense to Etheric Defense shields, teaches sudden bash and striking shield techniques, improves said techniques
shock shield +3 Melee Defense, +2 Ranged Defense, -4 Reflexes shields, Shield Block deals damage vs. melee
show Vigilante pistol +2 Evasion Power, +2 Melee Defense, +6 Will Might teach judgement technique?
shriveled hand 6 Will +4 Etheric Power
silver Eclipse +5 Etheric Defense, +1 Noncombat Chance
silvered shield +3 Etheric Defense, +1 Melee Defense, +1 Ranged Defense, -3 Reflexes
skeletal hand +4 Etheric Power, +1 Morale
Slags medical ID Gives free access to the Slags Lab
smoking blob 8 Will +1 Fire Power, +1 Combat Chance
smoldering skull 8 Will +4 Fire Power, -4 Fire Defense, +1 Combat Chance
solstice coin Empowered Perception 25, Empowered Will 25
spider nest 6 Will gives nest keeper after using call the swarm
spring coin Empowered Reflexes 25
squirming heart 6 Will +7 Etheric Power, -7 Will
staring octopus eye 8 Will +7 Etheric Power
stone heart 8 Will +2 Unopposed Power Usable for healing and XP with both ghoultouched and undying heart
stuffed llama +1 Morale Is adorable
summer coin Empowered Perception 25
Survey of Modern Poetry +3 Will Prevents horrible poet encounter
talking doll +4 Will, -2 Stealth Power
tamed fire +6 Fire Power, -12 Fire Defense Gives obvious presence when used
tear of the earth +4 Etheric Power while Underground, +4 more while in Caverns, +1 Chance of Mining Encounters
the frozen heart +6 Etheric Power, +6 Will, -6 Fire Defense
tome of binding +2 Etheric Defense Gives certain skills and techniques vs. certain enemies, allows use of these techniques
toxic crystal +4 Etheric Power, +1 Eclipse Duration, -4 Strength
toxic octopus eye 8 Will +7 Etheric Power, -7 Strength
toy Vigilante pistol +1 Morale
trash golem heart +1 Etheric Power
trauma reference +1 First Aid Eventually teaches trauma tech skill
treated cell culture +2 Etheric Power, +5 Will
trophy talons +4 Will
twitching bat wing 8 Will +6 Etheric Power, +4 Evasion Power, +4 Reflexes
unearthly coin +3 All Stats Can buy fun things with it, go coinfishing
university funding bucket +1 Etheric Power, +1 Perception buckets
used rocket Can teach Fire Serpent technique
venomous angel +6 Etheric Power, -6 Strength
vicious poetry 9 Will +5 Will, +1 Eclipse Duration
Walk With the Blind prevents legion tract encounters
water sapphire +1 Fishing Sellable
weeping heart 6 Will +4 Etheric Power, +1 Noncombat Chance
winter coin Empowered Will 25
writhing golem heart +3 Evasion Power, +3 Melee Power, +2 Etheric Power, -4 Perception


Equipment Base
Stats Special (details on item page)
all weather coat +1 Melee Defense, +2 Reflexes, -1 Fire Defense
armored jacket +3 Ranged Defense
ballistic gang jacket +3 Ranged Defense, +2 PvP Chance
biofeedback vest +1 Melee Defense, +1 Ranged Defense, +3 Code Finesse Adds hacking XP to strength and reflexes, take damage upon hacking defeat
blackened vest 6 Strength +3 Ranged Defense, +2 Stealth Power, -2 Perception
black stone vest +2 Melee Power, +2 Ranged Defense
bloody shirt +1 Etheric Power
bone gang jacket 2 Unopposed Power, +2 PvP Chance
bulletproof vest +4 Ranged Defense
containment suit top +2 Ranged Defense, +5 Etheric Defense, -2 Reflexes containment suit part
crocodile hide jacket 8 Strength +2 Ranged Defense, +2 Melee Defense, +2 Strength, +2 Pvp Chance with Ocean Sight/Fae Sight adds +4 Perception/Reflexes
custom flak jacket +3 Ranged Defense, +3 Fire Defense
dirty old trenchcoat +1 Stealth Power
dual armored vest +3 Melee Defense, +3 Ranged Defense
Emerald Gift STAFF shirt +2 Etheric Power, +1 Noncombat Chance,
emerald toga +6 Etheric Power, +1 Etheric Chance
feathered cloak +2 Etheric Power, +2 Evasion Power, +1 Choice Chance Unlocks special avian-themed encounters
filthy duster +1 Evasion Power, +1 PvP Chance ratty suit part
fused breastplate +2 Ranged Defense, +2 Melee Defense May give fused armor when worn with fused plates
gang jacket +2 PvP Chance
gang scuba 8 Reflexes +2 Melee Defense, +1 Diving Ability, +2 PvP Chance
gilt gang jacket 6 Will +4 Will, +2 Combat Chance, +2 Pvp Chance
hardened gang jacket 6 Strength +3 Melee Defense, +2 PvP Chance
holiday sweater +3 Melee Defense, +3 Will
holocaust coat +4 Fire Defense
hungry ooze cloak +2 Stealth Power, +10% Stealth Power hungry ooze
hustler's coat +2 Melee defense, +1 stealth power
immaculate suit coat +2 Etheric Power, +4 Will Part of Valentine Killer Outfit
infested containment top +2 Etheric Power, +1 Ranged Defense
light armored vest +2 Ranged Defense
lined coat +3 Melee Defense
mining shirt
mimetic gang jacket 6 Perception +2 Memory, +2 PvP Chance
mimetic vest 6 Perception +2 Memory, +1 Melee Defense
mirror gang jacket +3 Reflection, +2 PvP Chance
mirror heart vest +3 Etheric Defense, +3 Stealth Defense, +3 Reflection
monitoring vest +2 Ranged Defense, +1 First Aid
nightmarish gang jacket +2 Etheric Power, +1 Stealth Power
offensive shirt +2 Combat Chance
old jacket +1 Melee Defense
optical vest +2 Ranged Defense, +1 Sight Link
outlaw coat +2 Stealth Power, +2 Ranged Defense
prototype vest +4 Etheric Defense, +1 Ranged Defense
prototype coat +4 Evasion power Gives special buffs, teaches cinematic dodge technique
punk jacket +2 Melee Defense
Rag Man's Cape +3 Etheric Power, +3 Reflexes Gives special encounters
ratty suit coat +1 Stealth Power, +1 Etheric Power Ratty suit part
reactive gang jacket +3 Reactive Defense, +2 PvP Chance
reactive vest +3 Reactive Defense
reindeer sweater +3 Melee Defense, +3 Will
remains of a coat 8 Will +2 Etheric Defense, +2 Fire Defense, +2 Reflexes
sailing shirt +2 Etheric Power, +1 Evasion Power Sailing suit part
scaled gang jacket +2 Melee Defense, +2 Etheric Defense, +2 PvP Chance Serpent suit part
scaled vest 6 Strength +2 Etheric Defense, +2 Stealth Power serpent suit part
scrubs top +1 First Aid scrubs suit part
shark hide jacket 8 Strength +3 Melee Defense, +3 Stealth Defense, +2 Pvp Chance
shark hide vest 8 Strength +3 Melee Defense, +3 Stealth Defense, +1 Diving Ability
sheet toga +1 Noncombat chance
shining gang jacket +3 Etheric Defense, +2 PvP Chance
shining vest 6 Strength +3 Ranged Defense, +3 Etheric Defense
snowflake sweater +3 Melee Defense, +3 Will
snowman sweater +3 Melee Defense, +3 Etheric Defense
STAFF shirt +5 Will, +1 Noncombat Chance
stained bandages +1 First Aid, +1 Eclipse Duration ratty suit part
studded gang jacket +2 Melee Power, +2 PvP Chance
team jacket +1 PvP Chance
thick vest +2 Melee Defense, +2 Ranged Power, -2 Reflexes
Third Eye shirt +1 Strength third eye suit part
Third Eye vest +2 Ranged Defense, +2 Etheric Power, +2 Will
torn anarchy shirt +1 Combat Chance, +1 Morale
torso wrappings +1 First Aid, +1 Melee Defense
traditional armored vest +2 Ranged Defense, +2 Stealth Defense
unlined vest +1 Melee Defense
unsealed top 6 Will +2 Etheric Power, +2 Ranged Defense , -2 Fire Defense
vampire cape +2 Etheric Power, +2 Evasion Power, +2 Stealth Power
vintage suit coat +2 Will, +1 Combat Chance
waterlogged shirt +2 Fire Defense, +2 Etheric Power
wetsuit top 8 Reflexes +2 Melee Defense, +1 Diving Ability
zombie shirt +2 Etheric Defense, +2 Strength
Equipment Reqs. Stats Special (details on item page)
armored pants n/a +3 Melee Defense n/a
black stone pants n/a +2 Ranged Defense, +1 Melee Power n/a
bloody pants n/a +1 Etheric Power n/a
comfy jeans n/a n/a n/a
containment suit pants n/a +5 Etheric Defense, +2 Melee Defense, -2 Reflexes containment suit part
corduroys n/a +1 Melee Defense n/a
crocodile pants 8 Base Strength +2 Melee Defense, +2 Ranged Defense, +2 Strength with Ocean Sight/Fae Sight adds +2 Perception/Reflexes
distressed pants n/a +1 Evasion Power Can be used to produce unlined pants
drenched pants n/a +3 Etheric Power n/a
elegantly torn pants n/a +2 Reflexes, +2 Will Usable for Patching
fused plates n/a +1 Melee Defense, +1 Ranged Defense Can give Fused Armor if worn with Fused Breastplate
hungry ooze pants n/a +3 Evasion Power Hungry Ooze item
infested containment pants +2 Etheric Power, +1 Melee Defense
interlocked scales 8 Base Reflexes +3 Etheric Defense, +2 Ranged Defense n/a
lined pants n/a +3 Melee Defense n/a
mimetic pants 6 Base Perception +1 Melee Defense, -2 Reflexes, +2 Memory n/a
mining pants n/a n/a n/a
mountaineer pants n/a +1 Melee Defense, +1 Stealth Power n/a
pressed slacks n/a +2 Stealth Power, +2 Will part of Valentine Killer Outfit
punk pants n/a +1 Melee Defense, +1 Melee Power n/a
ratty suit pants n/a +1 Stealth Power, +1 Etheric Power Ratty Suit Part
reactive pants n/a +2 Reactive Defense n/a
reinforced pants n/a +1 Melee Defense, +1 Ranged Defense n/a
sailing pants n/a +2 Evasion Power, +1 Etheric Power sailing suit part
scaled pants n/a +2 Melee Defense, +2 Stealth Power serpent suit part
scrubs bottoms n/a +2 Reflexes scrubs suit part
shark hide pants 8 Base Strength +3 Melee Defense, +3 Will, +1 Diving Ability n/a
sheet of scales n/a +2 Etheric Defense, +1 Melee Defense n/a
smelly old pants n/a +1 Melee Defense n/a
spacious cargo pants n/a +2 Melee defense Enables use of Check your Pockets technique
strange pants n/a +1 Etheric Power, +1 Stealth Power n/a
unlined pants n/a +1 Melee Defense n/a
unsealed pants 6 Base Will +2 Etheric Power, +2 Melee Defense, -2 Fire Defense n/a
vintage suit pants n/a +3 Will n/a
waterlogged shorts n/a +1 Etheric Power, +1 Fire Defense n/a
wetsuit pants 8 Base Reflexes +2 Melee Defense, +1 Diving Ability n/a
wrapping pants n/a +1 Evasion Power, +2 Strength n/a
zombie pants n/a +2 Etheric Defense, +1 Melee Defense n/a

Gadgets (non-computer)

Equipment Reqs. Stats Special (details on item page)
actual antique watch   +4 Will, +1 Combat Chance Sellable
advanced rangefinder   +2 Ranged Power, +2 Fire Power  
ancient focus   +3 Etheric Defense  
ancient timepiece   +2 Etheric Power, +2 Etheric Defense, +2 Eclipse Duration Heals you after being beaten up, Teaches watch winding tech
antique scope   +2 Ranged Power, +2 Perception  
ancient sextant     Quest item for ship of the damned
antiquey watch     Unlocks purchases in Bum Selling Stuff
aquatic jumpjet 8ᅠReflexes +2 Evasion Power, +2 Diving Ability  
arrayed scope   +1 Ranged Power, +1 Stealth Power, +3 Perception  
Autodoc   +3 First Aid  
basic scope   +1 Ranged Power  
biomonitor kit   +2 First Aid Usable for healing
black market chipdeck   Neural Link (5 Energy)  
black rose 8ᅠWill +5 Etheric Power, +2 Eclipse Duration  
black rose bloom 8ᅠWill +3 Etheric Power, +1 Eclipse Duration  
black rose bud 8ᅠWill +1 Etheric Power, +1 Eclipse Duration  
blown glass trinket   +1 Etheric Defense, +4 Will No Trade
caffeine IV 6ᅠStrength   Gradually exchanges Body for Energy
classic watch   +2 Will  
coder's watch   +3 Will Sellable
crystal spine   +2 Perception, +2 Reflexes, +2 Strength, +2 Will Usable
crystal spinal rifle   +2 Power to Techniques using Perception, +2 Perception Usable
crystal spine blade   +2 Power to Techniques using Reflexes, +2 Reflexes Usable
crystal spinal rod   +2 Power to Techniques using Strength, +2 Strength Usable
crystal spine loop   +2 Power to Techniques using Will, +2 Will Usable
dancing hut figure   +2 Evasion Power, +2 Will Various - see page
deputy badge   +4 Etheric Defense, -4 Etheric Power  
disgusting slug 6ᅠWill +3 Strength, +3 Reflexes, -3 Perception, -3 Will  
dragon twin statuette   +2 Etheric Power, +2 Fire Power, +2 Etheric Defense, +2 Fire Defense  
electrical kit     Unlocks Electronics crafting, extracts special drops from robotic/cyborg enemies
etheric focus   +1 Etheric Power, +1 Eclipse Duration  
Extreme Tackle Box   +1 Fishing, +1 Noncombat Chance Gives fishing lures/lines
faux aid kit     Gives Eclipse or Sugar Pills after combat
fine gold monocle   +3 Power Unopposed, +3 Perception, -3 Will  
first aid kit   +1 First Aid Usable for healing
glass bauble     Quest item for the lost son
glowing bauble   +3 Etheric Power Quest item for the lost son
Halloween security badge   +2 Combat Chance, -100% Stealth power  
hungry ooze egg   +2 Etheric Chance Part of Hungry Ooze
hunter focus   +4 Perception, +1 Eclipse Duration Third eye suit part
jade amulet 8ᅠWill +4 Etheric Defense, -4 Etheric Power Causes winged hunter combat
kid's flippers   -2 Reflexes, +1 Diving Ability  
knuckle charm   +1 Etheric Power, +1 Perception  
knuckle necklace   +2 Etheric Power, +2 Perception  
knuckle strands   +3 Etheric Power, +3 Perception  
long range scanner     Gives information about gang warfare?
mad surgeon's kit 8ᅠPerception +3 Etheric Power, +1 First Aid  
Midgard Player     Plays Music
misty gem   +2 Evasion Power, +2 Etheric Power, +1 Eclipse Duration  
Myers sampling kit     Extracts special drops from "monstery" opponents
mysterious puzzle box   +2 Evasion Power, +2 Chance of Reflexes XP  
mysterious puzzle pyramid   +2 Ranged Power, +2 Chance of Perception XP  
mysterious puzzle rod   +2 Melee Power, +2 Chance of Strength XP  
mysterious puzzle tablet   +2 Etheric Power, +2 Chance of Will XP  
numbing IV   +1 Melee Defense, +1 Ranged Defense  
OmniWatch   +1 Perception  
optical bracelet   +2 Stealth Power, +2 Ranged Power  
optical rangefinder   +2 Stealth Power, +2 Ranged Power, -2 Perception  
personal focus   +3 Etheric Power, +2 Eclipse Duration  
police scanner     Gives random PvP zone information
quick draw holster   +1 Stealth Power, +1 Ranged Power Teaches quick shot tech
rangefinder   +1 Ranged Power, +1 Fire Power, -1 Perception  
rangefinder bracelet   +1 Ranged Power, +1 Fire Power  
raven's eyes   +3 Etheric Power, +3 Perception bird suit part
reflexive jumpjet   +3 Evasion Power, +1 Reflexes  
resonating crystal spine   +4 Perception, +4 Reflexes, +4 Strength, +4 Will Usable
resonating spinal rifle   +4 Power to Techniques using Perception, +4 Perception Usable
resonating spinal blade   +4 Power to Techniques using Reflexes, +4 Reflexes Usable
resonating spinal rod   +4 Power to Techniques using Strength, +4 Strength Usable
resonating spinal loop   +4 Power to Techniques using Will, +4 Will Usable
retrofitted scanner     Gives PvP zone information
retromodern scope   +3 Ranged Power, +3 Perception  
salvaging tools     Enables Salvaging, extracts special drops from robotic/cyborg enemies
scorched watch 8ᅠWill +2 Etheric Defense, +1 Etheric Chance  
shielded jumpjet   +2 Evasion Power  
Slags IV   +2 Etheric Defense May cure Slags Poisoning after combat
stopped watch   +2 Etheric Power  
strange watch     Gives up to 5 Energy/day after combat when etheric, part of Valentine Killer Outfit
super holowatch   +5 Will  
targeting bracelet   +2 Ranged Power, +2 Fire Power  
targeted jumpjet   +2 Fire Power, +1 Evasion Power  
targeting scope   +2 Ranged Power  
unshielded jumpjet   +2 Evasion Power, -4 Fire Defense  
updated scanner     Gives PvP Zone information
watch of tomorrow   +2 Will Sellable
waterlogged PDA   +1 Will  
wolfskin belt   +2 Strength, +2 Unopposed Power Special Techniques when etheric

Gadgets (computer)

Equipment Reqs. P M Other stats Special (details on item page)
Biotech PDA   1 3   Midgard PDA
blazing PDA 6ᅠPerception 6 2    
buffered learntop 6ᅠPerception 3 1 +10 Hardening  
Buffered PDA 6ᅠPerception 4 2 +10 Hardening  
buffered TZR 6ᅠPerception 2 3 +15 Hardening  
dual learntop   3 1    
expanded learntop   1 3    
expanded gold learntop 6ᅠPerception 3 3    
expanded PDA   2 4    
Fang PDA   3 3   Midgard PDA
fast PDA   4 2    
functioning PDA   3 2    
gold dual learntop 6ᅠPerception 5 1    
gold learntop 6ᅠPerception 3 1    
gold Midgard Player   4 4 -4 Code Finesse, +1 Morale Music Player
gold TZR 6ᅠPerception 4 2 +3 Melee Power  
handcrafted PDA 6ᅠPerception 4 5    
hardened PDA   3 2 +5 Hardening  
highmem TZR 6ᅠPerception 2 7 +3 Melee Power  
mock Y5 8ᅠPerception 3 5 -3 Code Finesse May be Midgard PDA?
monitored Midgard Player   2 4 +1 Morale, -2 Code Finesse Music Player
old PDA   3 2    
OmniTech learntop   1 1    
rebuilt learntop 6ᅠPerception 3 5    
refitted Y4 8ᅠReflexes 3 3 +4 Code Finesse Midgard PDA
retro PDA 6ᅠPerception 4 2    
safety learntop   1 1 +5 Hardening  
student PDA   2 2    
twitch learntop 6ᅠPerception 3 1 +4 Code Finesse  
twitch PDA 6ᅠPerception 4 2 +4 Code Finesse  
TZR chipdeck   2 4 +3 Melee Power, Neural Link (10 Energy)  
unlocked Midgard Player   2 4 -5 Code Finesse Music Player
unused Y4 8ᅠPerception 3 3 -3 Code Finesse Midgard pda
Zaibatsu TZR   2 3 +3 Melee Power  


Hacking Programs
Name Processor Tools Effects Source
Blackthorn Alpha 3 Password Guesser, Corrupt Datastream, Firewall, Security Update, Inject Code, Rapid Testing, Blackthorn +10 Hardening, +4 Code Finesse Updating Firewall + Blackthorn v6
Blackthorn v5 2 Password Guesser, Corrupt Datastream, Blackthorn +3 Code Finesse Browse Secure Files in a software company
Blackthorn v6 2 Password Guesser, Corrupt Datastream, Inject Code, Rapid Testing, Blackthorn +4 Code Finesse Security Updater + Blackthorn v5
chaotic firewall 1 Watch Ports, Burst of Static, Firewall, Fractal Expansion +7 Hardening, +1 Code Finesse Software Firewall + Fractal Code
chaotic tester 1 Burst of Static, False Intrusions, Probe Defenses, Exploit, Fractal Expansion, Formatting Strike +1 Code Finesse Vulnerability Tester + Fractal Code
code injector 1 Corrupt Datastream, Inject Code, Junk Data, False Intrusions Vulnerability Database + File Interface
crystal Blackthorn 2 Password Guesser, Corrupt Datastream, Inject Code, Junk Data, Rapid Testing, Prism Spike, Blackthorn +4 Code Finesse crystal tester + Blackthorn v6
crystal tester 1 Junk Data, False Intrusions, Prism Spike +5 Hardening Vulnerability Tester + Orderly Code
daily tester 1 Password Guesser, Probe Defenses, Exploit, Sands of Time, Rapid Testing +2 Code Finesse, +2 Incognito Vulnerability Tester + Security Updater (requires Advanced Interpreter)
data scrubber 2 Extract Code, Junk Data, Kill Command Browse hidden files, Trash systems Code Injector + Quick Scan + Deep File Scan (Learn recipe from browsing hidden files in a software company)
defensive jammer 1 Watch Ports, Burst of Static, Network Silence, Firewall, Junk Data, Processor Cap, Gatekeeper +5 Hardening, +1 Incognito Network Jammer + Updating Firewall (requires Advanced Interpreter)
depth charge 1 Burst of Static, Corrupt Datastream, Inject Code, Junk Data, False Intrusions, Time Bomb, Trigger Signal, Kill Command Code Injector + Deep File Scan (requires Advanced Interpreter)
eavesdropping tools 1 Watch Ports, Intercept Data, Probe Defenses +3 Code Finesse Network Interpreter + Vulnerability Database
fractal tester 1 Burst of Static, Corrupt Datastream, False Intrusions, Probe Defenses, Exploit, Fractal Expansion, Formatting Strike, Fractal Pulse +1 Code Finesse Chaotic Tester + Fractal Loop
integrated injector 2 Corrupt Datastream, Inject Code, Junk Data, False Intrusions, Inject Relay, Focus Signal Unstable Integrator + Viral Injector
intrusive jammer 1 Burst of Static, Network Silence, Corrupt Datastream, Inject Code, Junk Data, False Intrusions +2 Incognito Network Jammer + Code Injector (requires Advanced Interpreter)
Midgard Blackthorn 2 Corrupt Datastream, Inject Code, Rapid Testing, Blackthorn, Warped Barrier, Warped Projectile +5 Code Finesse Blackthorn v6 + Midgard internal code
Midgard Protection Suite 1 Midgard Shield, Defender Orb +5 Hardening Buy from the University Bookstore for 100 credits
Midgard protector 1 Midgard Shield, Defender Orb, Sword Daemon +10 Hardening Midgard Protection Suite + Midgard internal code
Midgard shrieker 1 Burst of Static, Network Silence, Junk Data, Data Scream, Warped Barrier Network jammer + Midgard internal code
Midgard tester 1 Password Guesser, Probe Defenses, Exploit, Warped Projectile Midgard internal code + vulnerability tester
network interpreter 1 Watch Ports, Probe Defenses +2 Code Finesse, can monitor and cancel alerts Browse Secure Files at an open workstation or software company site
network jammer 1 Burst of Static, Network Silence, Junk Data +1 Incognito Network Interpreter + Software Firewall
network scan 1 Watch Ports, Intercept Data, Profile Data, Extract Code, Probe Defenses, Tap Security +5 Code Finesse, +3 Will Eavesdropping Tools + Quick Scan (requires Advanced Interpreter)
protein hijacker 1 Corrupt Datastream, Inject Code, Junk Data, Protein Code, Digital Serpent protein reader + code injector
quick scan 1 Profile Data, Extract Code Search files (more subtle than file scan) File Scan + Optimizing Code
shining barrier 1 Firewall, Barrier +10 Hardening Orderly Code + Software Firewall
signal triangulator 2 Watch Ports, Probe Defenses, Triangulate Signal +4 Code Finesse network interpreter + recursive integrator
software firewall 1 Watch Ports, Firewall +5 Hardening Security Patches + Networking Code
The Tar Pit 1 Crash Function, Burst of Static, Firewall +5 Hardening Software Firewall + Vulnerability Database (Learn recipe from browsing hidden files in a software company)
updating firewall 1 Watch Ports, Firewall, Security Update +10 Hardening Software Firewall + Security Updater
viral formatter 3 Crash Function, Corrupt Datastream, Junk Data, False Intrusions, Viral Reformatting Viral Injector + Viral Mass
viral injector 1 Corrupt Datastream, Junk Data, False Intrusions, Viral Reformatting viral code + code injector
virtual pet bass 1 Bass Games, Bass Treatment +1 Will XP from Net Combat Winning or being runner-up in a monthly Extreme Fishing contest
vulnerability tester 1 Password Guesser, False Intrusions, Probe Defenses, Exploit Vulnerability Database + Networking Code
Other Programs
Name Processor Effects Source Notes
ad spider 3 Slightly Increases Chance of Choice Encounters Browse Hidden Files at an advertising agency (high-security) Can also be sold for credits
deep file scan 1 Browse hidden files File Scan + Vulnerability Database
deputy tracker 1 Track patching progress 05Cleaner
Extreme Bass Player 1 +2 Fishing Achieving the highest score in the fishing game in the open workstation No longer available
Extreme Bass XIII Player 1 +2 Fishing, +2 Will Winning a monthly Extreme Fishing contest
EyesAround 2 Grants Stealth Defense based on Sight Link, Grants Perception based on Sight Link Purchase at The Golden Chip for 20 golden tickets Adds one point of each effect per level of Sight Link
file scan 1 Search files File Interface + Automation Routine
fractal cheat 2 +3 Memory Optimizing Code + Fractal Code
fractal loop 1 +1 Etheric Defense, -1 Perception Fractal Code + Automation Routine Requires a Neural Link
GangFinder 4 Increases Chance of PvP Encounters based on Sight Link Purchase in Little Eddie's back room for 1000 credits Adds one level of bonus per level of Sight Link
HUD manager 1 +2 Code Finesse, Grants Perception based on Sight Link Hacking, details unknown Adds one level of bonus per level of Sight Link
integrated GangFinder 4 Unstable Integrator + GangFinder Gives PvP messages
integrated file scan 2 Extra deep file scan deep file scan + recursive integrator
network integrator 1 - Get from Subversion Testing Creates site hubs
optimized targeter 3 Grants Stealth Power based on Sight Link targeting algorithm + optimizing code Adds one point per level of Sight Link
pep program 1 +6 Will Purchase at The Golden Chip for 20 golden tickets Requires a Neural Link
protein reader 1 Detects presence of unusual protein information? protein loop + file interface
protein seeder 1 Analyze protein database when infecting site viral code + protein loop
REM timer 1 Always gain 40 hit points from resting Purchase at The Golden Chip for 20 golden tickets Requires a Neural Link
targeting algorithm 2 Grants Ranged Power based on Sight Link Using an autoturret memory Adds one point per level of Sight Link
unsettling loop 1 +2 Etheric Power, +2 Etheric Defense, -2 Perception Fractal Loop + Fractal Code Requires a Neural Link
viral interpreter 1 +1 Code Finesse viral code + network interpreter Can use to find infected sites
white noise producer 1 +3 Etheric Defense, -3 Perception Purchase at The Golden Chip for 20 golden tickets Requires a Neural Link


Item Funishing Effect when Installed(Details on item page)
antique floor mirror Antique Mirror Gives access to lots of special content when used
antique plasma TV Antique TV Gives random common TV effect when resting in Southside
brick figure Brick Figure +1 Eclipse Duration (passive)
brick house Brick House Allows learning and using Tin artillery and tin shot techniques from other nostalgic items
charred projector Charred Projector Cannot be installed
chemistry kit Chemistry Lab Unlocks chemistry crafting
core formatter Core Formatter Converts neural recordings to formatted memory core
creepy charcoal sketch Charcoal Sketch Is super creepy
descrambled TV Descrambled TV Gives random common or descrambled TV effect when resting in Southside
fake christmas tree Christmas Tree Buffs with holiday cheer 1/day, gives special gifts around Christmas time
Glowing Trophy Cup Glowing Trophy Shows your awesomeness
Halloween skeleton Dropping Skeleton Buffs with halloween spirit 1/day
holographic projector Holographic Projector Displays unlocked holographic projections
jack o' lantern projector Holo Pumpkin Buffs with halloween spirit 1/day
laser projector Laser Projector Displays unlocked laser projections
personal comm dish Personal Comm Dish Gives random PvP zone information when resting in Southside
protein analyzer Protein Analyzer Converts certain crafting ingredients into special crafting ingredients
shorted TV Shorted TV Gives random static TV effect when resting in Southside
toad statue Smiling Toad Statue Gives various power buffs
University Jack O' Lantern Jack O' Lantern Buffs with halloween spirit 1/day
your tombstone Your Tombstone Prevents halloween spirit buff from decreasing when resting in Southside


Equipment Body Stats Special (details on item page)
analyzing cybereye 2 +4 Perception, -1 Evasion Power n/a
arrayed cybereye 2 +1 Sight Link, -2 Etheric Defense n/a
empty cybereye 2 +1 Perception n/a
eye of the earth serpent 2 +4 Etheric Power while Underground, +4 more while in Caverns, -4 instead while Aboveground n/a
glimmering crystal eye 2 +3 Etheric Power, +6 Will, -6 Perception n/a
glazed cybereyes 2 +1 Fire Defense, -1 Perception n/a
lowest bidder eyes 2 +2 Perception, -1 Fire Defense *
motionblurring eyes 2 +2 Perception, -1 Evasion Power *
shivering cybereye 2 +2 Etheric Power, -2 Etheric Defense n/a
targeting cybereye 2 +2 Ranged Power, -2 Melee Power n/a
tracer eye 2 +1 Ranged Power, -1 Stealth Defense n/a


Equipment Body Stats Special (details on item page)
integrated cybergun 4 +4 Ranged Power, -4 Strength Teaches cybergun technique
living hand 0
mover arms 4 +4 Strength, -2 Stealth Power Enhances grappler gauntlets techniques, *
recalled cyberarms 4 +4 Strength, -2 Melee Defense Enhance grappler gauntlets techniques, *
The Claw 4 +4 Melee Power, +2 Strength, -2 Reflexes Enhance grappler gauntlets techniques


Equipment Body Stats Special (details on item page)
bulky cyberlegs 4 +2 Evasion Power, -2 Stealth Power *
hooked cyberlegs 4 +3 Evasion Power, +3 Reflexes, -3 Ranged Defense Enhances Parry
recalled cyberlegs 4 +2 Evasion Power, -2 Stealth Defense *


Equipment Body Stats Special (details on item page)
bridging mesh 6 Neural Link (20 Energy), -8 Perception, -8 Reflexes n/a
inhibited wires 6 +6 Reflexes, -3 Melee Power *
memory mesh 6 +2 Memory, -4 Perception, -4 Will n/a
Midgard neural expander 6 +2 Memory, +2 Processor, +2 Code Finesse with Midgard PDA, -6 Will n/a
neural mesh 6 +2 Code Finesse, -4 Perception, -4 Will n/a
selective mesh 6 +2 Code Finesse, -2 Perception, -2 Will n/a
shaky wires 6 +6 Reflexes, -3 Ranged Power *
twitch mesh 6 +4 Code Finesse, -4 Perception, -4 Will n/a


Equipment Body Stats Special (details on item page)
chameleon glands 8 +4 Stealth Power, -4 Fire Defense n/a


Equipment Body Stats Special (details on item page)
adrenal pump 8 +8 Strength, +8 Will, -8 Perception Gives pumping adrenaline after some PvP fights


Art Appreciation +3 Will with Eclipse or Perception without
Blessed of the Seas +2 Etheric Defense while on the shore, +2 more while underwater
Body and Spirit Grants Strength XP with Will XP gains and vice versa
Born of Sorrow Gain HP from Evil choices
Chess Lets you play chess
Dreamslayer While etheric, Melee and Etheric Techniques use the higher Power of the two
Driven Healer Improves your First Aid effects after serious injuries
Eclipse Conduit +2 Eclipse Duration
Engineer Explosives Improves handmade Fire Techniques
Efficient Hacking Increases the number of tools you see available in Net Combat
Emerald Meditation Consumes Eclipse in exchange for various summons
Etheric Seed Exact retribution in kind for Etheric attacks
Experienced Observer +3 Perception
Experimental Chemistry Allows chemistry experimentation
Expert Salvager 50% chance to salvage additional components out of a given item
Fae Eyes Gain Fae Sight instead of Etheric
Fae Step +4 Reflexes
Firetamer +4 Fire Power, +4 Fire Defense
Fishing Moderately Increased Fishing Yield
Focused Mind +2 Etheric Defense
Forked Path Use for Moderately Increased Chance of Choice Encounters
Ghoultouched Gain energy from using Ghoul Bite
Gunslinger +2 Ranged Power
Haunting Cries When beaten up: +4 Melee Power, +4 Fire Power
Healing Factor Restores full health after being beaten up once per day
Kingly Favor Use to gain various effects
Legion's Eyes Increases Muffled Sight's effects by your Fire Power
Long Lost Nostalgia Consumes Eclipse in exchange for various summons
Lord of Nightmares Increases you Etheric Defense when your Will is at its highest
Lotus Map Use to gain Ardent Investigator or Lotus Map
Mercy Killer +4 Etheric Defense with silver weapons
Mirror Gazing Trap opponents' reflections for XP or other bonuses
Monarch's Call Use to summon fish
Ocean Eyes Gain Ocean Sight instead of Etheric
Ocean's Touch +2 Melee Defense
On the Prowl Use for Moderately Increased Chance of PvP Encounters
Path of Peace Use for Moderately Increased Chance of Noncombat Encounters
Path of War Use for Moderately Increased Chance of Combat Encounters
Poltergeist Spark Currently unknown
Programmed Terror +2 Perception
Pugilism +2 Melee Power
Pyro +2 Fire Power
Quantum Mechanics +3 Will
Ruthlessness +2 Power when unopposed
Servant of the Mask Use to summon a bone mask
Shadowy Presence +2 Stealth Defense
Simple Coding Allows coding experimentation
Secrets of the Cube +3 to the Mysterious Puzzle's Power bonus
Slags Eater Absorbs slags radiation to heal
Slave to Nightmares Increases your Etheric power when your Will is weakest
Sniper Your Ranged Openers use the higher of the Ranged Power and Stealth Power
Stolen Artistry Use to summon various items
Subterranean Rhythm +3 Evasion Power while Underground, +3 more while in Caverns
Sushi Chef 50% chance to craft 2 items making sushi
Third Eye Technique +2 Etheric Power
Trauma Tech First Aid: 2
Twisting Chains Makes chain weapon attacks difficult to evade
Undead Scourge +4 Power with Silver Weapons
Undying Heart +4 Strength
Urban Lore Consumes Eclipse in exchange for various summons
Vassal of the Seas +2 Morale while on the shore, +2 more while underwater
Warrior of the Seas +2 Etheric Power while on the shore, +2 more while underwater
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