This is in the Downtown area.
This area counts as indoors, hard to enter.
You can access it via the HQ Lobby: HQ Elevator with downtown executive ID equipped. On first time per day entering the executive floor, you are given a choice of the following options. If you have HQ Alarm, some of these options do not work. Further times per day, you are waved through. See HQ Elevator for details.
- Executive badge
- Visitor badge
- Halloween badge
- 500 credits
- Your fist
- Your words
- Your back
Resting here gives the message:
Midgard Security has a strong presence here and they don't seem to appreciate anyone loitering, so you end up moving around more than resting.
You regain 10 hit points!
Legend | |||
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Combat Encounters | ![]() |
Etheric only |
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Noncombat Encounters | ![]() |
Non-Etheric only |
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Choice Encounters | ![]() |
Requires Fishing pole |
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Gang Warfare Encounters | ![]() |
Can lead to a Hacking Encounter |
Combat Encounters
Opponent | Encounter Text | Lose | Win | Notes | |
A blank-faced executive wanders towards you, vines twitching and uncoiling from beneath his suit as he does. | — | — | After planting 10 seeds in the Executive Pumpkin Garden and don't have Parasitic Vine active | |
You hear someone making a radio report about an armed intruder and turn to see a guard. He flinches, opening his baton as it becomes clear he's attracted your attention. You've gained 10 duration of Executive Alarm. |
Deactivated ID, Trash* | Gain 20 Executive Alarm | With certain weapons equipped | |
Although the alarm echoing over the floor is fairly soothing, all considered, the guards still seem pretty jumpy. This one didn't even greet you before extending his baton. | ? | Gain 20 Executive Alarm. | With Executive Alarm ≥ 1 | |
The cover on this floor is sparse, with illumination reaching even its furthest corners. It's not surprising that a keen-eyed guard spots you, but the fact that he's willing to start firing a needler is a little alarming. | Gain 20 Executive Alarm | ? | With Executive Alarm ≥ 20 | |
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Although the alarm over the speakers is calming, the floor is now crawling with guards. One spots you and quickly calls over two more. | deactivated ID, Trash* | Gain 50 Executive Alarm | With Executive Alarm ≥ 50 | |
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The floor is crawling with guards. With so little cover in the open plan, you're quickly surrounded. You've gained 1 duration of Encircled. |
Trash* | Gain 50 HQ Alarm, encounter disappears for the day | With Executive Alarm ≥ 100 | |
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You see a squad sweeping the area. It's hard to miss them, really, with the flamethrowers crackling over the hard stone of the floor, burning away everything suspect and quite a few office plants besides. The heavily-armored figure in the lead points towards you, apparently indicating the next suspect thing for his colleagues to reduce to ash. (Removes Executive Pumpkin Garden encounter for the day) |
Trash* | Encounter disappears for the rest of the day | Defeating the "source of those readings" combat? | |
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Two figures in containment suits approach you, like something out of the Slags, while a flame ominously flickers at the end of one's gun. Seemingly unconcerned with upcoming property damage, you hear the other shouting into their radio. "We found the N's einherjar! Light it up!" You've gained 20 duration of Executive Alarm. |
? | ? | After Trash* second time today (resets daily) | |
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Two figures in containment suits approach you, like something out of the Slags, while a flame ominously flickers at the end of one's gun. Seemingly unconcerned with upcoming property damage, you can hear one of them reporting "think we've found the source of those readings" into their radio. You've gained 20 duration of Executive Alarm. |
? | — | High HQ Alarm and/or killing some number of AVPs? | |
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You hear a sound of breaking glass and turn to see two shapes collecting themselves from the shards of a nearby window. A strange conversation plays out nearby as the creatures lunge at you, with an executive blaming the guards for bringing drones onto the floor and the closest guard fighting back tears while explaining how those clearly are not drones. You've gained 20 duration of Executive Alarm. |
? | Drops powdered glass in addition to normal drops | Unlocked under some conditions | |
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There's a rustle behind you, reminding you of the fields that now surround you again. A shape lurks behind you, watching and waiting for the slightest twitch of weakness or distraction. | — | ? | After encountering Rippling Waves of Grain |
Noncombat Encounters
Encounter | Result | Notes | |
Calmed Alarm | First encounter of the day, if you have any alarm effect active | Removes all alarm effects | |
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Familiar Ghost | Unlocks Executive Misty Apparition | One time only |
Yakuza Distraction | With Executive Alarm ≥ 100 | Sets amount of Executive Alarm to 20. | |
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Rippling Waves of Grain | Unlocks Looming Scarecrow combat | Once per day |
Choice Encounters
- Hop in - go to various floors with various ID badges (see page for details)
- Leave it be - walk away
- Hack the computer (with a computer equipped) - Hack Executive Desktop
- Search the drawers - Gain 2-3 tailored Eclipse and 1-2 of: executive PDA, folding pistol, fresh cred chip, gold cred chip, Lattes! breakfast sandwich, whiskey flask
- Set an ambush - Fight Assistant Vice President (male), modified by hacking Personal Calendar (Executive Floor); or with 50+ Executive Alarm, nothing.
- Take a rest - gain 24? HP, lose 20 Executive Alarm
- Search around - Fight Internal Security (Baton), or in Office Worker Outfit, Walk Away
Watchful Security - With Executive Alarm < 50
- Go chat - Gain 20 Executive Alarm, or in Office Worker Outfit, nothing.
- Slip 100 credits - Lose 100 credits, lose 20 duration of Executive Alarm.
- Shake him off - Walk Away, gain 10 Executive Alarm unless you have ? Stealth Power.
- Jump him - Gain 20 Executive Alarm, fight Internal Security (baton).
Executive Interrogation - With Executive Alarm < 50
- Speak vaguely - Fight Assistant Vice President (Female) and Internal Security (Baton)
- Discuss Eclipse - Gain 20 duration of Executive Alarm
- Talk drones - Gain 20 duration of Executive Alarm, or, with Drone Electronics/Drone Anatomy skill, or Drone Studies active, no alarm.
- Bring up Wojcik (if you've heard about it from the Professionally Dressed Man in the Old Cathedral) - No alarm
- Mention Alfheim (if you've heard about it from the Executive Pumpkin Garden) - Gain 20 duration of Executive Alarm, or if you have learned more about Alfheim from Secured Files (Executive Floor), no alarm, and if defeated Midgard Apparition today and sober?, gain 40 Internal Disruption
- Name Project Huginn (If you've learned about it from Medical Logs in the Midgard Laboratory) - No alarm, or in Doctor Outfit, unlock Executive Operating Theater maybe??
- Claim Yggdrasil (If you've learned about Yggdrasil from decrypting the Encrypted PDA) - No alarm
- Ask directions - Gain 20 Executive Alarm
- Jump her - Fight Assistant Vice President (Female)
- Walk away - Fight Assistant Vice President (Female)
Executive Pumpkin Garden - if you haven't successfully set them alight, or seen the double containment flamethrower combat above today
- Listen in - Gain 20 Executive Alarm, or in Office Worker Outfit, learn about Project Alfheim.
- Inspect the plants - Nothing
- Grab some produce - Fight Assistant Vice President (male)), Assistant Vice President (female), or with 6?-8? Stealth Power, get a pumpkin
- Plant a sprouting seed - Lose 1 sprouting seed; after ? seeds planted unlock Sprouted Executive combat and Blank-Faced Executive.
- Set them alight - Fight Assistant Vice President (male)), Assistant Vice President (female), or with ?-8? Fire Power, burn the vines and remove this encounter for the day
- Leave them be - Walk Away
Blank-Faced Executive - after planting 10 sprouting seeds, and have Parasitic Vine active
- Try to talk - Nothing?
- Stop him - Fight Sprouted Executive
- Lead him to guards - Find 2-3 of collapsible baton, deactivated ID, executive jacket, folding pistol, internal security ID, light armored vest, or, after leading ? guards daily, nothing?
- Let him wander - Walk Away

- Begin operating - Fight Assistant Vice President (male), or, with Doctor Outfit:, heal patient, gain downtown executive ID.
- Kill the patient - Fight Assistant Vice President (male) or, with 8? Stealth Power:, gain 1 of?: downtown executive ID, folding pistol, ??, and 2-3 tailored Eclipse.
- Shatter the glass - Gain 4 XP Strength
- Leave it be - Walk Away

- Offer a dance - Gain 10 Executive Alarm, or, with dance effect, nothing
- Offer a song - Gain 10 Executive Alarm, or, with music, nothing
- Offer violence - Fight Midgard Apparition
- Offer questions With David as chosen contact - nothing?
- Flee her presence - Gain 20 HQ Alarm, 20 Executive Alarm.
Halloween 2024 setup encounters:
Halloween 2024 party encounters:
Tossed in Trash
Some combat encounters in this area will dump you in the garbage in Maintenance Storage.
First time per day:
You come to half-buried in a pile of trash and quickly realize you're in some sort of subterranean storage area.
Second time per day:
You find yourself back in the trash, with a sharp pain in your chest. A quick examination reveals your ribcage has been sawed open and the contents emptied.
You've gained 20 duration of Ruptured Organs.
(Unlock the "We found the N's einherjar" combat for the day.)
Further times per day:
You find yourself back below ground, back in that same pile of trash. You remember childrens' eyes staring down at you curiously.
Whatever happened to you is worse than before, like someone set a fire inside your veins.
You've gained 50 duration of Ruptured Organs.
And, if Etheric:
Still… you are alive somehow and your vision feels oddly clearer, the veil of Eclipse burned away. (Lost 1 Body if you have at least 1 Body, and lose any Etheric effects either way — Slags Poisoning and Unnatural Effects are not removed).Otherwise:
Still… you are alive somehow.
For the Containment Burner combat, the first line of the above result is replaced with:
You find yourself buried in a choking layer of hot ashes. As you struggle free, your body reports pains from countless bone-deep burns.