Executive Pursuit



Encounter Conditions

Only during Christmas 2009; also appears if you are Etheric

Initial Text

You see a strange sight across the quad. An older man, dressed snappily and carrying a briefcase, is being chased by two students.

They're shouting about "just wanting to talk" and maybe something about "snowmen," but their shouts are coming out as strangled wheezes from years of not exercising.

Summary of Choices

  1. Listen in - ?
  2. Corner the man
    1. Ask him what's happening - ?
    2. Let them talk - Unlocks Dreaming of a White Christmas choice encounter
    3. Scare them off - Unlocks Hassle Free Executive choice encounter
    4. Turn on them - Unlocks Hassle Free Executive choice encounter
  3. Block the students - Unlocks Hassle Free Executive choice encounter
  4. Attack them - Unlocks Hassle Free Executive choice encounter
  5. Leave it be - Walk away?

Choice Text and Results

Listen in

The man's stamina seems to run out first, letting the students catch up. They don't stop shouting, though so you can easily hear them from a safe distance. The students are demanding an explanation for why their event was cancelled.

The man leans against the nearest wall and shouts back. "You want to hold a scary snowman competition this close after what happened on Halloween? You're almost as dumb as you're disrespectful!"

The students stop for a second, apparently shocked that he would insult them. He just keeps rolling however. "And it doesn't matter anyway! Where are you going to get the snow? Maybe you'll roll up the ashes of the people your friends killed?"

The man stops, apparently just realizing what he said, and makes his way towards the edge of campus. The students stand motionless, although one looks like he might be fighting back tears.

Corner the man

With the help of the students, you easily trap him against the long wall of the dorm. He looks more afraid of you than the students, but it's hard to fault him for that.

Even they seem a little off guard from your help. Out of the four people here, you clearly have control of the situation.

Ask him what's happening (after Cornering)

You start peppering him with questions about why he's being chased around. Apparently, some students organized a "Abominable Snowman" contest last year and they're asking for permission to do it again.

The administration thinks it's a terrible idea, but nothing's come to a head yet because it hasn't snowed. Mother Nature seems to have let them off the hook so far.

By the time he's finished explaining, the students have left in a huff. So, if nothing else, at least you found a peaceful solution.

Let them talk (after Cornering)

The two of them grin at you, then turn to start shouting questions at the administrator. It's a little surreal, even after what you've been through, to see people get so worked up about stuff like this.

From what you can tell, the students want to have some sort of scary snowman contest. But the administration isn't letting them because of the issues at Halloween… nobody actually says deaths.

Eventually he shuts them down with the rather obvious argument that it doesn't matter because it hasn't snowed yet. With a few more shouted questions for good measure, they let him leave.

They walk away slumped, but one of them gives you a half-hearted smile. "Thanks for the help, you're a life saver."

Scare them off (after Cornering)

You charge the students. They run in opposite directions, leaving the administrator to his business.

He sighs in relief, then pauses to catch his breath. "These kids… they're insisting on dredging up wounds from Halloween… haven't even healed yet. Ah well, they'll grow up eventually."

He pauses to shake your hand before he leaves. "Thanks, I owe you one."

Turn on them (after Cornering)

You charge at the pair of students. They try to flee, but you rapidly close the distance.

You can hear the man, now far behind you, say "y'know, technically I should probably stop this, but I think you boys need to learn an important lesson."

He pauses, then adds in a totally different tone. "Thanks."

(Fight 2 Hipsters)

Block the students

You move to block the students, who shout a wide range of profanity at you, but don't seem intent on becoming violent. The man they were pursuing with questions looks tremendously grateful as he slips away.

As he escapes, the students plead with you that the administration is preventing them from holding their "Abominable Snowman" contest. You're not entirely sure how they plan to do that without snow, but they seem intent on harrying school officials in the mean time.

Either way, their target is long gone.

(Unlocks Hassle Free Executive)

Attack them

You charge at the pair of students. They try to flee, but you rapidly close the distance.

You can hear the man, now far behind you, say "y'know, technically I should probably stop this, but I think you boys need to learn an important lesson."

He pauses, then adds in a totally different tone. "Thanks."

(Fight two hipsters)

Leave it be

Something happens, but mostly it's just

See Walk Away


This seems to only appear once per day.

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