PDA equipped with Juryrigged Antenna active
Initial Text
You make your way along a ledge, exposed to the elements but wide enough that your footing isn't suspect. In the distance, you hear the flapping wings of some massive bird… or bat.
As it grows louder, you have two simultaneous realizations: they seem to know exactly where you are and they'll never have to get close to you if you fight them from this ledge.
The winged creatures, more nightmare than bat or bird, emerge from around the building's corner. Concrete near you crackles with green fire, its dusty remains trailing off into the winds.
Summary of Choices
- Shoot them down -
- Make your stand inside -
- Just run -
Choice Text and Results
Shoot them down
You stand your ground and prepare to take the flying abominations out of the sky. They swoop close enough to the ledge you might be able to catch them by lunging with a long weapon… but even in your addled state, lunging out of a fifth floor window doesn't seem like the best idea.
You've gained 1 duration of On the Edge.
(Fight 2 Flying Eyes)
Make your stand inside
The flying creatures maneuver into the building with surprising grace, always right around the next corner no matter how fast you maneuver. Eventually they trap you, each coming from a different direction… at least they'll be close enough to hit this way.
You've gained 1 duration of Cornered
(Fight 2 Flying Eyes)
Or, with higher stats:
You lead the eyes into the building, setting yourself up in a much better position to fight them.
(Fight 2 Flying Eyes)
Just run
The flying creatures maneuver into the building with surprising grace, always right around the next corner no matter how fast you maneuver. Eventually they trap you, each coming from a different direction… at least they'll be close enough to hit this way.
You've gained 1 duration of Cornered
(Fight 2 Flying Eyes)
Or, (with high enough stats?):
You push off against the rocks, making it far enough into the building in one leap that you get the headstart you needed to lose them.
You've earned 2 XP in Reflexes
You've earned 2 XP in Strength