Faerie Target



Encounter Conditions

Only when etheric, and on Dock Song quest

Initial Text

A strange flitting creature made of green light wanders through the sewers. This must be the being you've been asked to capture.

Summary of Choices

  1. Capture it (evil) - strange jar becomes trapped faerie
  2. Show it the jar
    1. Accept the offer - strange jar becomes jar of poison
    2. Get closer and capture it (evil) - strange jar becomes trapped faerie
    3. Leave - Nothing?
  3. Dance with it - Gain 20 energy of Fae Blessing
  4. Leave - Nothing?

Choice Text and Results

Capture it (evil (2))

Taking the faerie by surprise, you scoop it up in the jar and seal the lid. The jar flashes with green light as the faerie struggles unsuccessfully to escape.

You found: trapped faerie

The coin in your hand grows cold. (With unearthly coin)

Show it the jar

You try, first without much success, to communicate with the faerie-shaped mote of light. Once you pull out the jar, however, strange whispers of a plan drift into your mind.

It seems the creature wants to fill the jar with poison and kill the being that sent you.

Accept the offer

You accept the creature's "offer". It fills the jar with a strange greenish light, looking eerily like another of the fae creatures.

You found: jar of poison

Get closer and capture it (evil (2))

Taking the faerie by surprise, you scoop it up in the jar and seal the lid. The jar flashes with green light as the faerie struggles unsuccessfully to escape.

You found: trapped faerie

Dance with it

Ignoring the jar for now, you chase and dance with the mote of light. As it leads you through the tunnels, you feel your worries growing lighter and lighter.

You've gained 20 energy of Fae Blessing.


Something happens

See Walk Away

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