Fang Boss



Encounter Conditions

After passing the guards in the Security Hole encounter once you're among the Fangs' buildings (?)

Initial Text

If you've snuck in(??) - differences underlined

You've made your way clear to the edge of the lake where a heavyset man with a cybernetic eye is watching over a large pile of crates. He doesn't seem to have noticed you, instead tapping away at his PDA.

It looks rather nice, certainly better than anyone in Southside could afford, even the Fangs there. Between that and the way everyone else seems to avoid him, you'd say it's fairly certain he's in a position of authority.

Or, if you made your way in doing the docks debt collection quest, (using the cracked baseball bat or Carlos to enter)?:

You've made your way clear to the edge of the lake where a heavyset man with a cybernetic eye is watching over a large pile of crates. He seems intent on ignoring you, instead tapping away at his PDA.

It looks rather nice, certainly better than anyone in Southside could afford, even the Fangs there. Between that and the disdainful way he ignores you, you'd say it's fairly certain he's in a position of authority.

Summary of Choices

  1. Confront him - Fight Gang Boss (Good)
  2. Stop to chat - nothing?
  3. Go for sabotage (If you snuck in?) - Gain encrypted PDA (Good)
  4. Try some sabotage (If you used Carlos or a baseball bat to gain the Fangs' trust) - Gain encrypted PDA (Good)
  5. Leave him be - Walk away

Choice Text and Results

Confront him (Good (2))

You step out to challenge him, demanding he stop distributing Eclipse. He pauses for a moment, as though wondering if you'll yell "gotcha!" and start laughing, but eventually draws his gun.

He gives you a predatory grin. "It's your grave."
He gives you a predatory grin. "Say 'hi' to Carlos for me in hell."

(Fight Gang Boss)

†seems like the first line might be misplaced from when you're not a member of the Fangs?

Stop to chat

(If Carlos put in a good word for you and you entered by collecting fang debts.)

He looks you over. "So you're the new recruit Carlos sent? Welcome aboard."

Then he glares at you until you leave. Well, that could have gone worse.

(If you got the collecting Fang debts mini-quest by way of cracked baseball bat and entered peacefully that way)

He looks you over. "Ah, you're the one who cleaned up after us in Southside. Welcome aboard."

Then he glares at you until you leave. Well, that could have gone worse.

Go for sabotage (Good (4))

You carefully make your way to the far side of the crates and light a fire. Eventually the gang leader notices, shouting "Wait, what the hell?" but by then it's too late.

Between the Eclipse-laden fumes and panicking guards, you're able to snag his PDA and make it back to the sewers without suffering any further questions.

You found: encrypted PDA

Leave him be

See Walk Away

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