Fifth Floor


This is the fifth floor of the Damaged Buildings in The Slags. It can be accessed from the Fourth or Sixth Floor.

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters Eclipse.jpg Etheric only
Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters coffee.jpg Non-Etheric only
defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters fishingpole.jpg Requires Fishing pole
LeatherJacket.jpg Gang Warfare Encounters PDA.jpg Can lead to a Hacking Encounter

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters

                Opponent                 Encounter Text Notes
coffee.jpg HelicopterDrone.jpg
A helicopter drone swoops in through one of the many holes in the walls, strafing you with bullets as it goes.
Eclipse.jpg flying-eye.jpg
You hear the flutter of wings. Spaces melts around you and reforms into a monstrous winged eye.
coffee.jpg HelicopterDrone.jpgHelicopterDrone.jpg
A pair of helicopter drones move past an opening in the wall at what you'd think is a safe distance, but they turn towards you and begin firing as though they knew exactly where you are. Only with a PDA equipped and Juryrigged Antenna
Eclipse.jpg flying-eye.jpgflying-eye.jpg
A pair of misshapen forms, orbs with massive leathery wings, fly past one of the openings in the wall. You take a moment to thank your fortunes as they fly past, but find them returning before you can finish the thought… as though they'd known exactly where you are all along. Only with a PDA equipped and Juryrigged Antenna

Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters

Encounter Results Notes
PDA.jpg Strange Network Hack Piecemeal network Requires Juryrigged Antenna

defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters

PDA.jpg Two Roads - Only if you haven't passed it
  1. Take the high road - Fight three helidrones (or flying eyes if etheric) to cross floor
  2. Take the low road - Make way across floor, or fail in various ways*
  3. Check for wireless (with Juryrigged Antenna active) - hack Piecemeal network
  4. Leave both roads - Nothing

Eclipse.jpg Dr. Johnson I Presume - If you've heard of him before from the scientists on the second floor
  1. Rush him - Fight Dr. Johnson
  2. Try to talk - Fight Dr. Johnson
  3. Watch him Gain 6 XP in Perception
  4. Record his introduction - Fight Dr. Johnson
  5. Give him a hound (once only if you've picked "Watch him" and have a binding tome equipped and at least one instance of Release the Hounds) - Lose 1 instance of Release the Hounds
  6. Back off - Walk away

Fifth to Sixth Floor - Only once floor has been crossed

  1. Head up - Go to Sixth Floor
  2. Stay here - Stay on Fifth floor

PDA.jpg Great View (western stairs)
  1. Fourth Floor - Go to Fourth Floor
  2. Climb further - Gain 4 XP in Reflexes, 4 XP in Strength or Shipping Drone Net hacking
  3. Stay here - Nothing

coffee.jpg Drones On The Razor Edge From Atop The World - With PDA equipped and Juryrigged Antenna active
  1. Return fire - Fight 2 Helidrones with On the Edge
  2. Make your stand inside - Fight 2 Helidrones, sometimes with Cornered
  3. Just run - Fight 2 Helidrones or gain 2 XP in Reflexes, 2 XP in Strength

Eclipse.jpg Eyes On The Razor Edge From Atop The World - With PDA equipped and Juryrigged Antenna active
  1. Shoot them down - Fight 2 Flying Eyes with On the Edge
  2. Make your stand inside - Fight 2 Flying Eyes, sometimes with Cornered
  3. Just run - Fight 2 Flying Eyes or gain 2 XP in Reflexes, 2 XP in Strength


TO PASS THIS FLOOR: successfully complete the Two Roads encounter. Other encounters may occur at any point before or after you pass the roads.

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