"Spading", for those of you who don't know the term, means trying to discover new information about the game. That could include collecting data to try to find the game's hidden formulas, adding information like encounter text and salvage results to the wiki, or simply trying out ideas that you think might lead to new items, dialogue, or even entire quests. Metroplexity has an unusual amount of hidden content, so there are always many things to discover.
I made this page because every once in a while someone asks how they can help with this kind of thing. Or maybe you want to find your way through the game without using outright spoilers. If you're in either boat, here are some suggestions and links to get you started:
I'd like to find new content
There's so much hidden content in this game, and often not even a hint to lead you there, that a fair number of discoveries are made by accident. That said, here are some tips for making those accidents more likely, as well as some possible hints to look out for:
- Always remember, Etheric (and similar effects) can change anything: enemies, entire areas, even how tasty certain foods are. If you're ever stuck, try doing everything both with and without Etheric. Ocean Sight and Fae Sight frequently unlock different content as well, although you can't try both of them out in one playthrough.
- (If you're one of those people who don't like taking drugs, don't despair! The game is perfectly playable without drugs, and if you really want to try out the etheric content, you can get Slags Poisoning instead.)
- Even the most mundane item could be hiding something, from the jumbo hot dog (tastier if you read a sports blog!) to the lined coat (secretly one of the only sources of hardened plastic). Sometimes equipping a crazy item or taking a random combination of drugs will lead to something new, but there are some ways to maximize your chances:
- Do you have an item that's seems terrible or useless? Don't dismiss the useless (preserved cell culture) or the harmful (RAGE bar) - there's almost always something you can do with it. The same goes for something that seems "okay" but not worth the effort you put into it. Undead Scourge has a lot more going for it than meets the eye, for instance.
- Think thematically. If you're fighting a snowman, use fire. If you're inhaling toxic substances, figure out how to cover your mouth.
- Think outside the box. If you're fighting a snowman, try freezing it. If you're inhaling toxic substances, wonder whether that might come in handy somewhere.
That's too broad! Give me specific goals
- Do you like gang warfare (PvP)? Maybe you could be the first to discover a new Avatar to schnazz out your profile.
- Do you like crafting? Dozens if not hundreds of items can only be found through crafting. Almost every combination has been tested by someone, but it's fun to play around with and if you do discover a new item, it can often lead to 3 or 4 more.
- Do you like wiki editing? (If so, we love you.) Check out How to Edit Pages for a list of information we're missing (like missing combat messages or multi-use messages).
- Do you like figuring out the mechanical inner-workings of things? Take a shot at spading opponents stats or a website's alert level.
- Have an obscure skill or technique? Check if it needs adding to the Mass Testing pages.
Finally, you can find debate, bepuzzlement, and bewildermadness all over the wiki. Recent Posts (or in-game chat) is not a bad place to start asking questions and seeing what other people are trying to find out. Also see: