First And Second Floor



Encounter Conditions


Initial Text

You've made it across to the western stairs. A few steps past the door, the wall is laid open. You can see out, over the wall, and to the lake.

Some giant slick of dark, shimmering oil prowls along the surface of the lake. It seems almost… predatory somehow.

Back inside the building, you can head down two stories all the way back to the ground floor.

Summary of Choices

  1. Second Floor - Go to Second Floor
  2. First Floor - Go to First Floor
  3. Watch the lake -
    1. if you've explored all the oil slick's branches on the Tainted shoreline, Gain 8 XP Perception and Experienced Observer
    2. If you already have Experienced Observer, gain 8 XP Perception.
    3. Otherwise, Gain 6 XP Perception
  4. Stay here - Please add text

Choice Text and Results

Second Floor

You crack open an ancient security door on the second floor. It seems fairly clean compared to the first floor and possibly even patrolled.

You'll have to be careful getting to the eastern stairs.

First Floor

You make your way back down the western stairs to the ground floor. Seems to be much the way you left it.

Watch the lake

If you've explored all the oil slick's branches on the Tainted shoreline,

You stare out at the lake and the oil slick. Something finally clicks, seeing the area you've explored so thoroughly outlined below you.

Makes you think a little differently about the world. Possibly even a little more deeply.

You've learned a new Skill: Experienced Observer

You've earned 8 XP in Perception

If you already have Experienced Observer,

You stare out at the lake and the oil slick. Something finally clicks, seeing the area you've explored so thoroughly outlined below you.

Makes you think a little differently about the world. Possibly even a little more deeply.

You've earned 8 XP in Perception


You stare down at the constantly moving sludge. Looking carefully, you can see parts that seem to move of their own volition. And some of the winged shapes flying above it certainly aren't sea gulls.

Periodically the slime shifts just right and you can see what looks like ruins under the sludge.

You've gained 6 XP Perception

Stay here

You turn back away from the stairs and head back into the abandoned offices.

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